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Financial Mathemati cs

Interest Rates and

Discount Rates
Ghulam Nabi

1a. Basic Concepts
1a(i) Accumulation Function and Effective Rate
of Interest
• The function a(t) is defined as the
accumulated value (AV) of the fund at time t
of an initial investment of $1.00 at time 0.
0 t

• a(t) is called the “accumulation function.”

• We can say that accumulation is the future
• This is the accumulation function for money put in a
bank in current account or under the mattress.
• It might also represent “a friendly loan from my
father-in-law” or a checking account where you get
no interest.
This is so-called “simple interest,”
where the accumulation function is
linear. But we will see that “simple
interest” isn’t so simple at all.

This accumulation function is an
exponential. As we shall see, this is
referred to as “compound interest,”
where the fund earns interest on the
interest at a constant rate.
• This is the accumulation function
for an account where you are
credited with interest only at the
end of each interest period.

• This is an accumulation function for a
fund that grows at a varying rate. An
investment in stocks is often given as
an example.
• This is the stock you bought last

properties of an accumulation
By definition, a(0) ≡ 1. Other than
that, anything goes. But the
accumulation functions that we will
generally deal with in this course will
also have the properties of being
• Continuous
• increasing.

Effective rate of interest
• Suppose we want to measure the
rate of growth of a fund in, say, the t th

• Let’s say that the accumulation
function looks like the following
graph in the t year. (Remember that the t year
th th

runs from time (t − 1) to time t, just as the first year runs

from time 0 to time 1.)

• The amount of growth in the t year th

(i.e., the interest earned) is a(t) − a(t − 1).

• The rate of growth (based on the amount in the
fund at the beginning of the year) is:

This rate of growth is called the

“effective rate of interest” and
has the symbol i . So we have:

Amount of Function
• We will also define an “amount
• A(t), as the AV at time t of k invested
at time 0 (rather than 1 invested at time 0).
Obviously, A(t) = k a(t).
• Mathematically, we need only one of
these two functions, but having both
can be handy.
• Given the definition of A(t), the
effective rate of interest can also be
defined as: 12
• because substituting A(t) = k a(t) and A(t
− 1) = k a(t − 1), the k’s cancel and
we’re right back to the original definition.
• Using this version of the definition of it, go
ahead and solve for A(t). You should get
the following:
• As
• we make A(t) as subject
• A(t) = A(t − 1) + it A(t − 1) t-1 t

• By taking common A (t-1), we get

• A(t) = (1+ it) A(t − 1)
• The fund at the end of the tth year is equal to the fund at the
beginning of the year plus the interest earned during the year.13
• Note that the interest earned during
the year is the effective rate of
interest multiplied by the fund at the
beginning of the year. This is
consistent with the definition of the
effective rate of interest.
• You
  are given that the amount function

• . What is the accumulation function?

As we know that A(t) = ka(t), to find the
value of K , we put t=0 in the given
equation above
A(0) = 4() + 8 (0) + 4 = 4
So . A(t) = 4 a(t)
a(t) = A (t) = [4() + 8 (t) + 4] = + 2t + 1 15

• For
  the amount function in Example 1, what is
the total interest earned in the , and , years?
• Solution
• The amount function from example 1 is
• A(t) = 4 + 8t + 4.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

• Total interest = A(4) − A(1) = 100 − 16 = 84.

• A(4) is the accumulation from time 0 to time 4.
• A(1) is the accumulation from tome 0 to time 1 .
• For
  the amount function in Example 1, what is
the effective rate of interest in the year?
• Solution:
• The amount function from example 1 is A(t) = 4 + 8t + 4
• As we know that
• =

0 1 2 3 4 5

• A(5) = 4 () + 8 (5) + 4 = 144 and A(4) = 4 () + 8 (4) + 4 = 100

• So, = = 44%
• John
  invests X in a fund growing in
accordance with the accumulation
function implied by the amount function
in Example 1 A(t) = 4 + 8t + 4.
• Edna invests X in another fund growing
in accordance with the accumulation
function implied by the amount function
A(t) = 4+ 2.

When does Edna’s investment exceed

Solution Example.4

• We want to compare the two funds assuming that equal investments of
 X are made at time 0. From Example 1, John’s accumulation function is
+ 2t + 1.
• For Edna, we need to find accumulation function from amount function
i.e. A(t) = 4+ 2,
• so we first find the value of K, by putting t= 0 in the amount function.
• As , A(t) = k a(t) -----------------------1
• A(0) = k a(0)
• 4() + 2 = k [ +2 (0) + 1] by solving for ‘k’
• 2= k put in eq.1
• So Accumulation function for Edna is:
• A(t) = 2 a(t), by putting value of A(t) to get a(t)
• 4+ 2 = 2 a(t) Divided by ‘2’ on both sides
• We get a(t) = 2+ 1

Continue solution Example 4……
• To
  determine when Edna’s investment
exceeds John’s, we set:
• X(2+ 1 ) > X(+ 2t + 1) X will be
cancel from both sides
• 2+ 1 > + 2t + 1
• 2> + 2t
• 2t > 0
• t (t- 2) > 0 gives t>0 and t – 2 > 0
• That is t > 2
• Thus, Edna’s fund exceeds John’s after 2 years.

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