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Product Knowledge and

Investment Opportunity
A non-nutritive sweetener is one that contains little to no calories. Stevia is used as a
healthful alternative to added sugar in many meals and beverages .


 Stevia is primarily grown in Brazil, Paraguay, Japan, and China.
 The natural sweetener tastes 200 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar.
 Stevia can be classified as "zero-calorie," because the calories per serving are so low.
 It has shown potential health benefits as a healthful sugar alternative for people with diabetic
 Stevia and erythritol (form of Sugar alcohol) that have been approved by the FDA since 2008 for use
in the United States (U.S.) and do not appear to pose any health risks when used in moderation.

Possible health benefits

1) Diabetic
Research has shown that stevia sweeteners do not contribute calories or carbohydrates to the
diet. They have also demonstrated no effect on blood glucose or insulin response. This allows
people with diabetic to eat a wider variety of foods and comply with a healthful meal plan.

Diabetic Facts
in Indonesia
Possible health benefits
2) Weight control
There are many causes of overweight and obesity, such as physical inactivity and increased
intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat and added sugars.
3) Pancreatic cancer
Stevia contains many sterols and antioxidant compounds, including kaempferol.
Studies have found that kaempferol can reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 23 percent.
4) Blood pressure
Certain glycosides in stevia extract have been found to dilate blood vessels. They can also
increase sodium excretion and urine output.
5) Children's diets
Foods and beverages containing stevia can play an important role in decreasing calories from
unwanted sweeteners in the diets of children.
6) Allergies
In 2010, the European Food Safety Committee (EFSA) reviewed existing literature to determine
if there was any cause for concern regarding the potential for allergic reactions to stevia.

Side effects of stevia

Safety studies have marked stevia extract as free of side effects.

How is stevia used?

In the U.S., stevia sweeteners are primarily found in table sugar products and reduced calorie
beverages as sugar substitutes.
Worldwide, more than 5,000 food and beverage products currently use stevia as an ingredient.
Stevia sweeteners are used as an ingredient in products throughout Asia and South America.
 Stevia will grow well at an altitude of 800-2000 mtr above sea level with a temperature of 20-30C,
So far, stevia plantations have been developed in the highlands of West Java, Central Java and East
 The ideal location for stevia to grow with soil pH of 5-7
 Stevia breeds with seeds, cuttings and tissue culture
 Stevia is generally planted in the highlands which in Indonesia is often in the form of hills so that it
needs to be made terracing at first
 The spacing commonly used is 25 cm x 25 cm with a population of around 90,000 plants per hectare
 Stevia harvesting period is every 2 months
 1 (one) Hectare produces approximately 10 tons raw material (stems & leaves)
 Drying process produces 2 tons of dried stems and leaves (10% water content)
 Drying process still with sun drying method with placing on screen or net
 Normally mostly in dry season in Indonesia just need 1 (one) day sun drying
 From 2 tons will separated into 50% dried leaves and 50% dried stems
 From 1 ton dried leaves will produces 7% - 10% end product

Stevia Harvesting, Sun Drying and Solar Tunnel Drying for Medium Scale Production
From leaves to finished goods
Stevia Drying Facilities for Industrial Scale : Microwave Drier, Tray Drier
& Belt Mesh Drier
Stevia processing to finished goods :

 Extraction process
The extraction of steviol glycosides from Stevia leaves and its purification involves several steps. The
major steps are (1) Primary extraction with water or solvent, (2) Purification of the liquid extract, (3)
Separation of solid glycosides from purified liquid extract, (4) Solvent recovery and (5) Further
purification of the solid glycosides
 Decolorization process
The organic solvent phase is then heated and passed through activated carbon column to remove
pigments and impurities
 Crystalization process
The crystallized steviol glycoside is then separated from the mother liquor by centrifugation and dried in
vacuum dryers.
STEVIA Extraction, Decoluorization and Crystallization Process

Steviol Glycoside Extraction

Ion Absorption & Vacuum Facility

Sugar Import
FACT from
Biro Pusat
Current Buyer :
 PT. Sido Muncul (herbal)
 Nippon Paper Group

Major Stevia manufacturer:

 PureCircle Ltd
 Stevia Corporation
 GLC Life Tech Corp.
 Evolva Holding SA.
 Cargill Inc.
 Ingredion Inc.

Any Famous products that using STEVIA :

To Increase Awareness of using healthy sweetener (Stevia ) is
Campaign :
 Collaboration with IDI (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia) in terms of
reducing Diabetic statistic
 Any FMCG Manufacture

References :

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