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SPresented by:
B.Tech ¾,FOOD
Snack foods are foods which can be eaten in place of, or in between,
meals. They are convenient because they are quick and easy to eat.
The term 'snack food' does not only apply to some of the newer
products such as potato crisps, but it also includes many traditional
food items.
Most snack foods are intended for immediate consumption and have
a shelf-life of only 1-2 days. Such food products may be sold loose
without packaging, or in small polythene or paper packages which
contain a portion for sale. If required, the shelf-life may be extended
considerably through the use of adequate packaging.
In most countries people from nearly all income groups consume
snack food products. For example, a recent study in Indonesia
revealed that the largest consumer groups in the urban areas were
workers and schoolchildren.
Snack foods add variety to the diet which partially explains their
popularity. They may also play a cultural role on special occasions or
when offered to visitors.
 Each snack processor may use a specific unit
operation and somewhat a different technologies to
produce unique snacks.
 Classification of snacks: Manufacturers use 3 main
terms to identify snacks
 I GENERATION SNACKS: Simply extruded snacks
All the natural products are used for
snacking,nuts,potato chips and popped popcorn are
also included.
 II GENERATION SNACKS: Expanded snacks
Majority of snacks fall in this category
All the single ingredient snacks,simple shaped
products like corn tortilla chips,puffed corn curls and
all directly expanded snacks are included here.

Extrusion is a process which combines several unit
operations including
mixing,cooking,kneading,shearing,shaping and forming.
Extrusion cooking(HTST) is a popular means of
preparing snacks and ready to eat foods.
(i)Energy efficient
(ii)Lack of process effluents and versatility with
respect to ingredient selection and the shapes and
textures of the products that can be produced.
Extrusion cooking is an important food processing
technique for preparation of nutritious food.
This category has the greatest potential for growth among
snack foods.These snacks can be made to produce
innovation which captures consumer imagination.
Some examples are 3-D snacks,a variety of animals,cartoon
and alphabet shapes etc.
Raw material costs play an important role in the finished
product’s selling price.Therefore it is advantagoeus to
use least cost raw material to produce a successful snack.
Also referred as collet or 2nd generation snacks.
Made on high shear extruders.
These are high fibre,high protein and low calorie snacks.
Eg:Corn curls,onion rings,3-D snacks and potato sticks.
These type of snacks can be seasoned with a variety of
different flavours,oils,salt,sugars,etc.
The quality of expansion cooked product depends upon
conditions of operation of extruder and the main raw
material used in the formulation.

These are the most familiar extruded snacks in the market.
A special die arrangement gives the product a twisted,puffed shape.
These collets are made on collet extruders.
The product is then fried in vegetable oil,coated with cheese and some other
During frying,the moisture content in the product reduces from 8% to 1-2%.
The most common material used for fried collet is corn meal.Some other cereal
grains can also be used for this type of product.

They include products such as baked corn curls,onion rings and potato sticks.
They can be made with different cereal grains and tuber flours.
Protein,fibre,cellulose and bran can be blended with cereal grain upto 20% to make
healthy snacks.
Potato sticks are usually made by mixing potato flour with corn or rice flour.
 These are extrusion cooked and formed at low pressure to prevent
expansion and then dried to a final moisture content of about 10%
to form a glassy pellet.
 To create pelletised products,a moisture dough is used at a lower
 When the extrudate is forced through the forming die,the product
takes the shape of the die instead of expanding.
 The result is a dense intricately shaped pellet.
 It is a process that combines two different extruded streams to
obtain 2 component products characterised by dual texture or color.
 The 2 materials can come from extruders or one from extruder and
the other from a pump.
 This process can produce a snack with 2 different flavours or
textures or colors.
 Eg:Cereal based tubes with cereal based fillings/fat based
fillings/water based fillings.
Fats and oils play an important role in
frying,coating and filling of the
extruded snack foods.
Coating with oil and seasonings is the
final processing step in the production
of snack foods.
The seasonings allow the manufacturer
to create a variety of flavours.
Oil is the carrier of seasonings and
gives the extrudate a better mouth
feel.The oil and seasoning coating
usually makes upto 35% of the finished
 The amount of moisture in feed material , dough residence time in
the extruder barrel and cereal particle size.
 To manufacture expanded products.pressure and temperature are
increased while the moisture level is accurately controlled.
 When the product exerts the extruder through the forming die,the
change in atmospheric pressure causes the internal moisture to turn
to steam.This puffs the fully cooked dough into an expanded product.
 Temperature is an important factor for extrudate expansion.Products
don’t expand if temperature doesn’t reach 100 degrees celsius.
 RAW MATERIALS:Most commonly used in extrusion process are starch
and protein based materials.
 In general, chemical or physicochemical changes in biopolymers that
can occur during extrusion cooking include binding,cleavage,loss of
native conformation,fragment recombination and thermal
 Thermally liable compounds such as vitamins and flavours may be
injected immediately before the die to minimise exposure to heat and

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