The Last Mile

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Every year, about 2000 students make it to the IIMs.
Each of them does different things in the last few days
before the CATǥ

Here are a few examplesǥ



1. Sanjay Chaudhary, IIM B
 ÷ake maximum 4 tests
 Objectively analyze to find out your specific problem areas
 Focus on the meansǥ the end will follow

2. Asan Dasari, IIM C

 Fine-tune strategies based on your strengths & weakness
 ÷ake care of mental as well as physical health
 Keep your ǮCA÷-kitǯ ready


u. Vamsidhar, IIM I
 Donǯt take more than u to 4 tests
 Unused tests can be used to improve sectional competencies
 Accept reality; leave things that you canǯt change

4. Saurabh S, IIM I
Ȉ Keep reminding yourself about your Dzultimate goaldz
Ȉ Relax; be calm
Ȉ ÷ake fewer tests
Ȉ Go through the CA÷ 2007 paper


[. Subrata Dey, IIM A
 Keep your reasoning cells active
 Focus on Ǯnet practiceǯ, not Ǯmatch practiceǯ
 Do not take too many tests

6. ÷ony Xavier, IIM L

 Have an open mind-set
 Stop taking tests a week before the CA÷
 ÷hrow all strategies out of the window


7. Ritesh Hemrajani, IIM B
 Donǯt predict; be mentally prepared for any
 Donǯt take too many tests
 Properly mark the ovals on the OMR sheet

8. Mahendra Kokane, IIM B

 Donǯt listen to anyone
 Listen to self


 . Arun Rao, IIM - A
 Donǯt cram at this juncture
 Donǯt invite stress

10. Kaushik R, IIM L

 Work on your weak areas
 ÷ake 2-u tests
 Donǯt do anything much the day before the CA÷



All endeavor calls for the ability to

tramp the last mile, shape the last
plan, endure the last hour·s toil.



All endeavor calls for the ability to tramp

the last mile, shape the last plan, endure
the last hour·s toil.

 Do you believe that you can tramp the last mile?

 G2    

 X2    
2  2 


 X  2   2  



 X    !!
÷o tramp the last mile.. Have a fresh outlook

 Rejuvenate
 Imagine you have just started your prep
 Imagine the last comprehensive test you took is your first
 Re-focus
 ÷he Goal : ÷he CA÷
 ÷he ÷ime : 1[ days to go
 ÷he Attitude : Everything to gain and nothing to lose




All endeavor calls for the ability to tramp

the last mile, shape the last plan, endure
the last hour·s toil.






   "    $

÷ake a few tests, say u-[

Analyse each of them thoroughly

Learn from each of them

& Apply your learning in future tests


 Before taking ANY test
 Keep your mind fresh and alert

 De-stress

 Have your CA÷-kit ready

 Set your watch to 10:u0 a.m.

 Most importantly, set yourself a ÷ARGE÷


 While taking ANY test
 As a CEO
 Keep an eye on the bigger picture

 Develop your own strategy m  

 As a Section Manager


 Prioritise, Allocate and Execute

 Mind your own business

 As a Worker
 Carefully read, define and solve the problem on hand

 After taking a test
 For every section, check
 How many more could you have scored?

 Why did you miss out?


Doǯs Donǯts
 Develop your own  Inflexible mindset
strategy based on the  DzGeometry firstdz
test at hand syndrome or DzOne-liners
 Select or reject a firstdz syndrome
question only after  DzI can conquer Russiadz
reading a question syndrome or ÷hrowing
good money after bad

1. List all areas requiring improvement

2. Rate their impact on the score & on the effort

required to improve

u. Prioritise

4. Spend ½ hr Ȃ 1hr every day and work on 2 to u

critical areas

 PS
 I keep forgetting the formulae in Geometry
 I have not touched Permutations & Combinations
 I have difficulty in defining a problem while solving

 DI
 I canǯt calculate fast
 I lose track while solving

 Verbal
 I make a lot of mistakes in inferential RC questions

 I generally falter in usage-based questions

 Comp-based Format
 I find it difficult to read passages on the computer screen
 Solving DI sets is very cumbersome


Low Impact High Impact
 Canǯt calculate fast Not touched Perm & Comb
Falter in usage based
%& Forgetting Geometry formula
Defining Problem while
Less Inferential RC question

Lose track while solving DI

Low High
Canǯt calculate fast Not touched Perm & Comb
Falter in usage based
%& Forgetting Geometry formula
Defining Problem while
Less Inferential RC question

Lose track while solving DI


 Forgetting Geometry formulae : 10 min
 Solve 2 Geometry problems everyday
 Revise formulae every day

 Defining the problem in a Math question : 20 min

 Re-look at Math questions in the previous SimCA÷s

 Inferential RC questions : 20 min

 Read an editorial everyday
 Re-visit the RCs in SimCA÷s
 Focus on comprehension
2X $# 

> ÷    







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> 2  



Ú   DȂday 20th   

Prev Click here for the

day latest movie releases
17th-1 th Bridge the Gap

26th ÷ake a test?? 16th ÷  

24th/2[th °  1uth-1[th ° 

2urd ÷ake a test 12th ÷ake a test

21st/22nd °  ÷ill 1st Take/Analyse a test


All endeavor calls for the ability to tramp

the last mile, shape the last plan, endure
the last hour·s toil.
½ %"%

 Be positive

 Have an open mind

 Avoid undue pressure

 Just donǯt give up while

taking the CA÷


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