Human Capital As A Service: Confidential Information Training Fall 2018

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Human Capital as a Service

Confidential Information Training Fall 2018


Which of These Actions Could Cause a Confidential Information (CI) Incident?

Conducting a Client Survey? if you use an unapproved tool and/or the
survey tool gets hacked

if the hidden worksheets or the
Reusing a cleansed template for a new client? “properties" contain former client
information or names

Using a Robot to automate the testing process? if the Robot captures, stores or
transmits PHI/PII without
Storing Client Information on Deloitte OneDrive if the MSA has data residency
or Teams? restrictions


Why is Protecting Confidential Information (CI) So Important?
A CI Incident can lead to a wide range of negative outcomes

Actions that can lead to incidents… Potential Consequences

• Sending emails or attachments to the wrong recipients
Negative media attention
• Losing laptops, smartphones/tablets or paper
Lost client trust
• Leaving documents or files on a printer or other public
Damage to Deloitte brand and reputation
• Posting pictures / messages with client logo/references
on social media
Potential regulatory violations
• Disclosing client information beyond those who need to
Financial or civil penalties
• Sharing a deck or deliverable that is not 100% cleansed
with a new client
Contract penalties or termination
• Posting proprietary code to a public repository

• Using a third party survey tool Negative impact on your career

Purpose of Today’s Training

• Many of our Human Capital Offerings involve access to and use of Confidential Information (CI) in delivery of services.
Understanding CI risks and protecting CI is critical to successful delivery of these services

• This training provides baseline CI standards and safeguards to address the most common data access, use, storage
and transfer scenarios

• Some engagements may require additional or different protocols based on services being delivered, client contractual
requirements etc. In such cases you should identify and follow engagement specific protocols for managing CI

• Guidelines for handling Protected Health Information (PHI) are based on HIPAA regulatory requirements and therefore
must be followed

• The appropriate safeguards corresponding to engagement methods of CI access, use and storage, and transfer should
be implemented on your engagement and all engagement team members should be educated on these CI safeguards
and requirements
What Do You Need to Know About CI?

What is Confidential Information?

How should you safeguard Confidential Information?

What should you do in the event of a Confidential Information Incident?

Where can you get help or more information?

What is Confidential Information?

Module 1: What is Confidential Information?

By the end of the module, you should be able to:

− Recognize the background and impe rative for the Epic Access Agreement

− Identify the different types of Confidential Information

− Recognize important handling requirements associated with specific types of Confidential

What is CI?
Customer Information
Information about an
organization’s customers
• Usage rates, pricing, sales
Competitive Intelligence pipeline, and marketing
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Information about an entity’s Information that directly or indirectly identifies an individual or
products, customers or competitors, that relates to an identifiable person
or any aspect of the competitive • Name, address, date of birth, personnel number; purchase
environment history, photos, or call history
• Merger and acquisition • Government identifiers (SSN), account numbers such as bank
information, products, markets, or credit card numbers
pricing, or business plans

Sensitive Confidential Information

Privileged or proprietary information that could cause serious
harm to an entity if compromised
• IPO, forensic investigation, fraud investigation,
restructuring, or bankruptcy; any information client
considers sensitive

Intellectual Property (IP)

Protected Health Information (PHI)
Creations of the mind for which
Information that is individually identifiable, health related, and
exclusive rights are recognized.
subject to HIPAA* regulations
• Methodologies, deliverables, products • Medical records, diagnosis, treatment information, health
Financial Information
and services information, and status
software Information about an entity’s
• Health insurance records or claim payment information
• May be protected using trade secrets, • PHI is PII that is health-related and maintained by or on
• Salary information or other
trademarks, copyright, and patents behalf of a medical provider (hospital, pharmacy, doctor) or
non-public financial
a health insurance plan
*Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Certain Types of CI Require Special Care

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) • Use minimum necessary

• Avoid storing on Deloitte

Protected Health Information (PHI)
laptops or infrastructure
All PII and Financial
• NEVER transmit via or Information must be
Special Handling PII (SH-PII)
store on a PERSONAL encrypted if emailed
• Includes first name/initial and last name plus: EXTERNALLY
– SSN Number
– Drivers License # or Government ID # • Watch for client
– Credit card or bank account # and
requirements which may PHI, SH-PII and
security codes Sensitive PII must be
further restrict:
– Credentials/Log-in information encrypted if emailed
Sensitive PII
• Includes PHI, as well as information about
• Storage and
racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, transmission
religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union • Offshore access
membership or sexual orientation

Financial Information
Other Types of CI Also Require Safeguards
This includes information with strategic significance to Clients, Deloitte or Third Parties

Intellectual Property
• ENCRYPTED attachments are
• Trade secrets, policies and/or procedures and RECOMMENDED for highly sensitive
technological advances information

• Do not share information heard in

Competitive Intelligence meetings with those outside the team
• Knowledge of acquisitions or divestitures
• Do not reuse engagement deliverables for
any other purpose
Customer Information
• Do not share competitor information
• Customer lists learned at a previous client or from a
former employer

Confidential Information Safeguards
Module 2: Confidential Information Safeguards

By the end of the module, you should be able to:

− Recognize the background and impe rative for the Epic Access Agreement

− Identify the CI leading practices for Data Access, File Sharing and Collaboration, Email
and Data Destruction
− Explain special requirements for Cloud Collaboration and Testing and AMS Support
− Articulate CI requirements for subcontractors
− Define other types of CI safeguards for special situations
CI Access

 Limit access to the minimum CI necessary × Do not download attachments with CI to a

smartphone / tablet
 Limit access to only key Team Members with
a business need – NOT the whole team × Do not use personal / home / spouse devices

 Limit the data elements that are viewable × Do not share system passwords or logins –
even with team members who may have
 Track access to systems CI especially if access to that system
PII/PHI is involved
× Never share, post or email login credentials
 Use only approved machines (e.g. Deloitte or passwords
or client) to access CI
× Don’t access via non-trusted connection or
 Use strong passwords (10 characters, via a browser on your phone
Upper/Lower Case and Special Characters)

CI Storage and Collaboration

 PHI must be remain on client infrastructure or Never STORE PHI or PII on:
be stored in a Secure Repository
× Deloitte laptops or portable devices
 PHI on laptops must be WinZip encrypted
× Deloitte SharePoint, ShareFile, OneDrive/Teams

× Deloitte network drives

Any CI
 Use approved Deloitte or Client sites only Never use:

 Understand potential contract restrictions × USB drives or other external drives/devices

 Limit storage to minimum necessary × Home computers or other personal devices

 Store one copy of CI centrally when possible × Third Party/Personal sites and tools

× Do NOT share CI data in Incidents/Tickets on

ticketing tool for HC as a Service engagements

Cloud Collaboration

• Understand if you have contract restrictions (data

Deloitte Tools are GENERALLY APPROVED, but… residency or cloud)

Some Accounts / Engagements have restrictions • Understand the type of data you will store - approved
use varies by type of data

• Work with your CI Industry Lead and QRM to confirm

appropriate contract language

• Obtain a formal exception for use of restricted tools

Client cloud tools are NOT automatically approved.
Some of them may be restricted and require • Implement safeguards:
additional safeguards • Client should manage access
• Segregate access to client and Deloitte
• Upload only materials related to this client
• Do not post Deloitte internal files or IP

Personal/Unapproved Third Party cloud tools are • Submit a support ticket and/or contact your local
NEVER PERMITTED Technology walkup for guidance on approved tools

Email and Encryption

PHI & most PII must be encrypted

 Avoid emailing or use client email if available × Do not transmit without encryption

 You must encrypt if Deloitte email is necessary

 WinZip encryption or SFTP is required

Other CI may require encryption as well

 Send in an attachment, rather than email body × Never email any type of CI via or to a personal
 Encrypt the attachment and send password
separately through different medium × Never forward content you haven’t reviewed

 Clear email auto-fill list to prevent sending to × Do not auto-forward emails from a client
unintended recipients account to Deloitte account

 Always check recipient lists for accuracy

Physical Safeguards

Laptop/Desktop/Other Devices

 Position laptops so that client data is not × Do NOT leave your laptop unattended
visible to unauthorized personnel
× Never leave your laptop or other devices in checked
 Use a privacy screen luggage, unless required by local security
 Lock your computer (CTRL-ALT-DELETE) × Do NOT use personal/home/spouse/public
when you walk away. Don’t change default computers to access CI
(10 min)

Work Environment

 Use conference rooms, phone rooms, or offices × Do not discuss the client in public spaces such as
coffee shops or airports
 Maintain a clean desk policy
× Do not share badges and/or entry passwords
 Remove CI and erase whiteboards after with team members

 Keep doors to restricted areas locked

Other Safeguards

• Avoid printing CI whenever possible. Use SecurePrint if printing is necessary

• Hand deliver if you need to transport
Hard Copy CI • Store hard copy CI in locked file cabinets and remove CI after meetings in conference
• Use locked shred it containers to dispose

• Verify that Privacy Data or other sensitive CI is not included

• Do NOT conduct training or a demonstration from a system housing live production
Deliverables data
Demonstrations • Do not take pictures of CI
• Do not screen share PHI/PII when presenting on a call

Publicity • Verify that the client and contract approve before sharing qualifications
Qualifications • Obtain leadership approval prior to creating any publicity related to your client

Testing and AMS Support

You may access to CI in a

number of scenarios Safeguards

• You may view PII/PHI on a Access

screen or discuss it with a • Remember that PII/PHI is still sensitive, even if just viewed, spoken or heard
• Do not share with others who are not authorized
• The Client may email you a
screenshot containing CI to Sharing and Collaboration
resolve an issue • If you need to share screenshots, sharing within the client environment is
preferred (i.e. exchange via client SharePoint)
• You may come in contact
• Do not store test information containing PII/PHI on a Deloitte SharePoint,
with sensitive data as you
ShareFile, OneDrive or Teams site
resolve a ticket
• You may need to use
real/production data to • If the client must email a screenshot client email is preferred
recreate and resolve an • PHI/PII must be encrypted
issue with a data load
• Do not forward emails and NEVER AUTO FORWARD

• Delete as soon as you are done

Requirements for Subcontractors

• Subcontractors must use Deloitte or client laptops

• If subcontractor HAS NOT been onboarded through Talent, visit the CWS page. Choose “Deloitte laptop
provided” in the Access and Setup Requirements section
Device Usage
• If subcontractor HAS already been onboarded, go to nearest Deloitte office and work with the
TSS Site Manager to provision a laptop 

• Do not access client or Deloitte email from personal mobile devices

Training • Complete Commit to Confidentiality course as required by CWS and follow CIMP

• Subcontractor profiles must be restricted to access only the minimum CI required per
Access the contractual agreement

• Meet all contractual requirements, including BAA (if access to PHI)
Data Retention and Destruction


Archive required documents in eDRMS2 Do not retain CI at the end of an engagement

 Official records × Deliverables are client property

 Information subject to a Preservation Notice (aka × Deloitte IP is Deloitte property

legal hold)
 Anything on your laptop must be cleansed Destroy

Everything else must go!

 Permanently delete files on your laptop and in
 Shred hard-copy information

CI Incidents
Module 3: Confidential Information Incidents

By the end of the module, you should be able to:

− Recognize the background and impe rative for the Epic Access Agreement

− Define examples of CI Incidents

− Articulate the difference between a Device Incident and Non-Device Incident
− Describe the steps to take in the event of a potential CI incident
What Should You Do in the Event of a CI Incident?

What Constitutes a Report POTENTIAL

Confidential Information Incident? Confidential Information Incidents ASAP

Lost, stolen or compromised:

• Call 1-800-Deloitte or submit via Online
• Laptop
Incident Reporting Tool
• Phone / PDA
Device • Tablet • 1-800-Deloitte can be used for any incident
Incidents • USB, CD/DVD, External Drive
• Online tool is for Non-Device Incidents only
• Badge or Token

Includes Deloitte, Client and Third Party Devices • Alert Engagement Leadership

Inappropriate use, access, storage or transfer: • Submit online incident report

• Misdirected email/text/call containing client
Confidential Information • Complete next steps as instructed depending on
• Wrong file attachment sent the nature of incident
• Client send us PHI/PII we do not require
Incidents • Lost/stolen work papers containing
Confidential Information
DO NOT communicate with the client or others
• Notes left in a taxi cab
• System errors that lead to inadvertent
who do not need to know
disclosure of Confidential Information
Tips and Reminders to Avoid CI Incidents

Email is a leading source of incidents

• Use encrypted attachments for anything that would wreak havoc if in the wrong hands

Expect the unexpected from the Client

• Clients may send information our teams don’t need or are not authorized to have
• CI may be hidden in embedded files, worksheets, or pivot tables and shared without knowledge

“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”…the same goes for the Client
• What you may consider common knowledge may be client sensitive
• Resist the urge to divulge too much

There are no points for creativity

• Access, store, and transfer CI via approved methods only. Deadlines are not excuses
• Never use Third Party or personal devices, email, collaboration, storage or tools for Deloitte or Client CI

Don’t be a hoarder
Documents saved for future reference must be 100% cleansed

Team Member Requirements
When joining an When leaving an
engagement engagement

1 Keep “My Compliance Dashboard” up to date 1 Comply with CI policies

• Make sure that “My Compliance Dashboard” is up to date for • Archive Deloitte official records according to applicable
all Confidentiality and Privacy (or equivalent) requirements retention policies and(or) contractual requirements as

2 Complete required training 2 Permanently delete CI

Today’s training will
• Complete any required Deloitte CI Training (HC as a Service review CI • Delete all other electronic files no longer in use from Deloitte
CI Training or Engagement-specific CI Training if required) machine and Outlook folders as well as any other removable
requirements that are
3 Follow Client-specific procedures SPECIFIC 3 Permanently destroy hard copy documents
• Understand the key confidentiality contract terms and Your engagement • Shred all hard copy documents that contain CI or return
conditions relevant to the engagement them to the client as appropriate
may have additional
CI requirements
4 Implement CI Management safeguards 4 Revoke access to client systems
• Comply with all specific data protection policies and • Request access to be removed to any client system, or e-
procedures as noted in the above trainings Room/SharePoint site related to your engagement

5 Complete Client specific trainings 5 Return client assets

• Complete any Client-required training if required and • Return access ID/Laptop/VPN token to the clients building
understand security standards when you are no longer working on client engagement
More Information
Module 4: More Information

By the end of the module, you should be able to:

− Recognize the background and impe rative for the Epic Access Agreement

− Identify additional resources and know where to find answers to CI questions

Where Can You Get Help or More Information?

Account / Engagement Consulting Office of Confidentiality and Privacy: Industry Contacts

Consulting CI Program Champion Cindy Nutini

Consumer Uma Iyer

Account Risk Manager
Energy, Resources & Industrials Monika Rolo

Financial Services Roman Coleman

Life Sciences & Health Care Roberta Puffer Blaseos

Technology, Media and Telecom Matthew Blackmon

Consulting CI Program Website

CI How DO I…?

Report a CI Incident Share Files and Collaborate

• Lost or stolen laptop or other device? Call 1-800-DELOITTE Approved File Sharing and Collaboration Tools
• Non-Device incidents: Click here to report OR call 1-800-DELOITTE Approved Encryption Tools
• Complete online incident report Secure File Transfer
• Non-Device: Schedule Consultation call within 24 hours. Include: Tips for safer emails (video instructions for email auto delay and e
• Leadership and Team Members as appropriate to explain incident mptying/disabling Outlook auto complete)
• Your Engagement Risk Manager
• US OCP Incident Response Team: Sandy D’Souza or Lauren Bazri/
Sarah Raimundo
• Consulting OCP: Cynthia Nutini (Consulting CI Champion) and
Consulting CI Industry Lead Obtain a Client Cloud Exception
• Office of General Counsel (OGC): Gregg D. Smith or Keith Apple
Link to CCO mailbox for exception
• Information Technology Services (ITS): Joe Guckiean (if documents must
be deleted from Deloitte email or infrastructure)
For more information: Cloud Storage Controls

Respond to Clients
Review Deloitte Policies Related to CI Client Inquiry and Response Support
Deloitte Information Security Statement
Confidentiality of Client Information (DPM 10240) Deloitte’s Approach to Confidentiality – An Overview for Clients
(approved for external use)
Electronic Communications (APR 208)
Proprietary Information (APR 223)
Information Security Policy (APR 310) Manage Records
Consulting Records Management
Records Management and Retention (APR 601) Access eDRMS 2
Privacy Policy (APR 910)
Laptop Security Policy (APR 340)
Identify My Consulting Risk Manager
Find your Consulting Risk Manager
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is one of the most sensitive types of CI

Information that may directly or

indirectly identify an individual or that
relates to an identifiable person
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Examples include:
• Government identifiers (SSN),
Information that may directly or indirectly identify an individual
Personally Identifiable bank or credit card numbers
or that relates to an identifiable person
Examples include: Information (PII)
• Government identifiers (SSN), bank or credit card • Address, date of birth,
numbers personnel number
• Address, date of birth, personnel number
• Photography, or video identifiable to an individual • Photography, or video
identifiable to an individual

What Is CI?
Two types of PII require special care
Special Handling PII (SH PII)
Special Handling PII includes an individual’s first name or first initial and last name and one or more of the
• Government identifiers such as Social Security numbers, driver license numbers, or state ID numbers
• Financial account numbers or credit or debit card numbers in combination with any required security code,
access code, or password to access a person’s financial accounts
• User names or email addresses in combination with passwords or security question answers that would
permit access to online accounts

Protected Health Information (PHI)

PHI is a type of PII that includes information transmitted or maintained in any form or media by a HIPAA*-
covered entity that identifies an individual or with respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe the
information can be used to identify an individual.
Examples include:
• Medical records, diagnosis, or treatment information
• Health insurance records or claim payment information
• Smoking status
* HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. HIPAA specifies requirements for Privacy
and Security of PHI

If Special Handling PII or PHI is lost or disclosed to unauthorized parties, then a data breach may result if the information
is not appropriately encrypted
PHI or “PHI-like” Information
If data is individual specific, health-related, and from a Covered Entity, it is PHI
Health related Protected Health Information (PHI)
Data must come
from a Covered

+ = PHI
Entity or Business
Associate to be
PHI or PHI-Like

• Names, including initials Information relating to physical or mental Covered Entities include:
• Street address, city, county, precinct, Zip health or condition, the provision of health
or equivalent codes • Hospitals
care, or payment for the provision of
• Dates healthcare, such as diagnosis, treatment, • Health plans, including health, dental, vision, and prescription drug insurers,
• Telephone numbers payment, or health insurance information • Health maintenance organizations (“HMOs”),
• Fax numbers
• Email addresses • Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare+Choice and Medicare supplement insurers
• May be in the past, present or future
• Social Security Numbers • May exist in any form: • Long-term care insurers
• Medical record numbers  Electronic
• Health plan ID numbers  Paper Certain types of entities are NOT considered covered entities, such as:
• Account numbers  Viewed on a screen • Entities providing Workers Compensation, Auto or Property and Casualty
• Certificate license numbers  Verbal Insurance
• Vehicle IDs, license, and serial numbers • Includes but is not limited to:
• Device ids and serial numbers • Government-funded programs, such as food stamps or programs making
 Diagnosis
• Web address health care grants or providing community health services
 Treatment
• Internet IP address  Payment
• Biometric identifiers, including finger & Business Associates are persons or entities that perform certain functions or
voice prints activities that involve the use or disclosure of PHI on behalf of a Covered Entity
• Full face photographic images or provide services to a Covered Entity. Deloitte is a Business Associate when
• Any other unique identifying number, we work with a client who is a Covered Entity. Likewise, Deloitte’s
characteristic or code subcontractors and those of our clients may also be Business Associates if we
are handling or accessing PHI
Safeguards for Offshore Access to PHI

Onboarding Offboarding Data access

• Complete HIPAA training on regulations for handling PHI required • Conduct DLP scans of laptops and desktops at offboarding or • Access PHI ONLY from a client or other designate secure facility. Any
as part of onboarding process. Annual recertification. project close to confirm that no PHI or other sensitive data was exceptions require QRM/OCP approval
stored • No remote access to the client environment is permitted outside of the
• Complete Onboarding Checklist client or security facility
• Data Manager confirms that all Offboarding steps (standard and • Provide role-based access to client data. Limit access to PHI to as few team
Offshore) have occurred (rather than relying on practitioner) members as possible.
• Complete Offboarding Checklist • Maintain detailed access control log (ACL) to track team member access to
client systems and PHI. Require dual / MFA to access client systems
• Access client systems through Citrix/Remote desktop/VDI only
• Remove administrator privileges (if present) from user account/s on
desktop/s to confine any changes to software installations and User Access
• Activate administrator-controlled password enabled screen time-out and
Windows Screen Saver settings to avoid unintended system intrusion
• Access block to all websites (including Deloitte sites)
• Block internet for users/testers who will have to access unmasked data
• Any exceptions to allow remote access to client system (such as for 24/7
support) must be defined in the contract

Data use and storage Data transfer Physical safeguards

• For machines that are operating in the clean room environment: • Implement a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) ruleset to monitor data • Work is performed in a high security facility (building and “Clean
• Block Deloitte’s Secure Print functionality from machines movement and exfiltration of PHI, as well as to provide a failsafe Room”). :Clean room is on a secure floor within a secure building
• Disable printer access to protect transfer of PHI data to block or monitor copy/print/download activity. DLP rule set • Only authorized engagement team members are allowed inside
outside of encrypted system / VDI required on Deloitte laptops; may be optional on clean room the “Clean Room”. Controls include:
• Disable collaboration tools like Snag It, Snipping Tool, desktops pending other controls • Restricted badge access
Lync, Skype, WebEx etc. • Restrict Deloitte Outlook including Webmail to protect transfer of • Guard at the door
• Disable media utilities like camera (if present on PHI data outside of encrypted system • Sign in/sign out
machines) • Visitors are escorted and logged
• Disable Microsoft Windows functionalities like
• Allow only client account webmail via VDI (or Remote Desktop) • 24x7 Video surveillance
to enable electronic communication and status reporting
Function+Print Screen / Function+ALT+Print Screen
• Disable USB ports purposes. • No access to the client environments is permitted outside of the
• Remove Microsoft Office suite of tools • Remove Microsoft Office suite of tools (to protect transfer of PHI “Clean Room”
• Disable OneNote screen clipping functionality data outside of encrypted system) • No camera-enabled smart phones, PDAs, tablets allowed
• External storage drive write capabilities disabled on • Avoid emailing PHI whenever possible, Any PHI that must be • Printing only on color paper allowed (If needed)
computers transmitted via email should be sent via client email address and • Use desktops and restricted laptops only to access client data.
• Copy/Paste will be deactivated to/from the VDI machine must be sent in an encrypted format • Restricted laptops include the following controls:
• Assign a dedicated shredder for destruction of any materials that • External media/USB disabled
must be printed • No camera/Collaboration tools/Printing disabled
Security Threats

Situations Associated safeguards

• Approach emails with caution when they contain email attachments or

external links – validate the sender address and email context
• Emails from unknown sources, soliciting information should be avoided and
reported using Deloitte’s spam reporting plug-in within MS Outlook

Phishing • Do not email sensitive information, including PII, PHI, usernames, and
attacks • McAfee Antivirus should be up to date according to Deloitte policies
• Deloitte standard laptops are maintained according to the Deloitte Information
Security Statement

• Approach emails with caution when they contain email attachments or

external links – validate the sender address and email context
• Emails from unknown sources should be avoided and reported using Deloitte’s
spam reporting plug-in within MS Outlook
Malware and
• Software installation on laptops should be in line with project needs and/or
virus infections Deloitte approved catalog
• McAfee Antivirus should be up to date according to Deloitte policies
• Deloitte standard laptops are maintained according to the Deloitte Information
Security Statement
CI Storage Quick Reference Guide
This table represents leading practices. However, some engagements may have more stringent
requirements due to contractual or other client requirements
Methods PHI and SPI Other PII Other CI

Client SharePoint, ShareFile or other Client Storage PREFERRED PREFERRED PREFERRED

Client laptop OK OK OK

Deloitte laptop   If necessary

Deloitte mobile phones or iPads   

Deloitte SharePoint  OK OK

Deloitte OneDrive for Business or Teams   Depends on contract

Deloitte ShareFile   OK

Deloitte eDRMS/eDRMS2 (Official records or documents to be retained) OK OK OK

Deloitte network drive   

Deloitte Third Party Hosting (AWS or other Deloitte hosted environment) Consult with OCP if required

Deloitte or Client Secure FTP Consult with OCP if required

Personal or mobile computing devices (PDA, iPhone, iPAD, etc.)   

External media (USB, CD, DVD)   
Third-party email or cloud collaboration
(Hotmail, Gmail, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)
  

Visit Approved File Sharing and Collaboration Tools page on DeloitteNet for approved tools and current rules of use

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