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Neha Gupta, Josodhir Das

Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee, UK 247667.

Abstract Methodology & Datasets Landslide Controlling Factors Results

Landslide is considered as the most destructive geohazard in hilly terrain  In this study, LSM is prepared by the using IVM to evaluate Eight landslide conditioning factor were selected in this study based on the topographical factor. 10 M
region that causes human causalities, losses in property, effect the natural the effects of DEM on the LSM for the East Sikkim. CartoDEM CartoDEM used for the generation of slope angle, aspect, curvature, elevation, drainage density, distance Landslide susceptibility value range varying from very low to very high, LSM map
ecosystem and blocking the communication links. There are various methods of 10 m resolution, Landsat satellite data and Google earth from drainage and Land Use & Land Cover (LULC) & geology. Among all the factor slope is very important of east Sikkim was divided into 5 categories i.e. Very low, low, moderate, high
and techniques are used for landslide susceptibility mapping using Remote were used in this study. All the conditioning factor was factor for slope stability in LSM study. and very high using natural break.. The AUC of success rate curve and prediction
sensing and GIS. In this study, DEM derivatives are considered for preparing generated in ArcGIS 10.4 software using CartoDEM . rate curves indicates the excellent, good, and valueless tests. To classify the
the landslide susceptibility map. High resolution CartoDEM (10M) and satellite Landslide inventory were prepared using Landsat satellite precision of test, the value ranges from 0.50 to 0.60 (fail), 0.60 to 0.70 (poor),
image used to analyse the terrain morphology and prepared the landslide data and Google earth imageries. A total number of 236 0.70 to 0.80 (fair), 0.80 to 0.90 (good), 0.90 to 1.00 (excellent). The success rate
susceptibility map. Fewer studies have investigated the impact of conditioning landslides mapped in the area of 942 from 2010 to curve and prediction rate curve for IVM shows that AUC is 84.63% & 80.28% .
variable such as DEM on LSM in spatial resolution, Slope, aspect, elevation, 2018 and classified into two set 70% used for training data
curvature, drainage density, distance from drainage and Land Cover & Land set and 30 % used for testing data set.
Use (LULC) and geology are used as a geo-environmental factor. These factors I (H, xi) = Fig. 5.
used for the generation of thematic layers and then weights are assigned to Landslide
each thematic layer using the Information ratio Value Method for the LSM= ∑I (H, xi) susceptibility
preparation of landslide susceptibility map in a GIS environment. Resulting mapping
map classified into five categories: very low, low, moderate, high and very high using
susceptible zones. The final map validated using the successive rate curve Landslide
Digital Elevation Data Information
and the prediction rate curve. The prepared hazard map provides useful Inventory
ratio value
information to the planner for development. model
a b
• Hazard mapping is a technique of identifying the likelihood of occurrence of a
landslide in a given location over a specific period of time. The landslide Slope, Aspect, Curvature,
susceptibility map will show the probability of future landslides, taking into Elevation
Training data
consideration a set of influencing factors. Drainage density
30% Testing data
• Since landslide mapping, hazard and risk zoning are parts of land use Distance from drainage, LULC
designing, they provide important information to the government and help
mitigate impending problems and avoid larger losses in case of a landslide.
Remote sensing and GIS have an Key role in modelling and classifications of
any disaster.
• IVM method is proved successful method and used by many researchers; Convert to Raster layer
Information ratio value (IVM) is also a bivariate statistical model for prediction
of landslide on the correlation between landslide incident and related
parameters . Class Count %AREA
• Fewer studies have investigated the impact of conditioning variables on
LSM in spatial resolution. d Very Low 136056 13.00
Information ratio Value
LSM Low 266804 25.49
To prepare the LSM based on high resolution DEM data using Information ratio
Value Method (IVM) for East Sikkim, India. Moderate 296890 28.37

High 242039 23.12

Study Area Validation of LSM using

Success rate curve and Very High 104699 10.00
prediction rate curve Table. 1. Statistics of different
• Sikkim is bounded by 27o04’46” and 28o07’48” north latitude and 88o58” and Fig. 6. Success rate & Prediction rate landslide susceptibility class using
88o55’25” east longitude. The present study area is East district of Sikkim, curve IVM
which lies within latitude 27o10’N - 27o23’N and longitude 88o25’E - 88o45’E and 60

covers an area of about 942 Km2.. Fig. 2 Methodology Adopted for LSM 50
• The area is traversed by two major thrusts i.e., Chungatang thrust and main
central thrust. The major portion of east Sikkim is covered by Precambrian

e f
rocks consisting of five major rocks, i.e. Everest Pelitic formation, rangoli 30

schist formation, Darjeeling Gneiss Formation, Chungatang formation, and 20

Kanchanjunga gneiss.

Very Low Low Moderate High Very High

% Area %Landslide
Fig.7. Histogram % of LSM area and %landslide
affected area.

• The study suggested that the DEM resolution is an important criterion and
that it can significantly affect the overall accuracy of LSM. It was found that
results differed between landslide susceptibility classes; however, the higher
g h the DEM spatial resolution, the more strongly the results depended on the
valley’s topography.
• There has been no study to assess the impact of DEM on the LSM for the
Fig. 4. The conditioning factors used in this study are as follows: (a) Elevation, (b) slope angle, (c) East Sikkim, which is very prone to landslides in India and hence this study
slope aspect, (d) distance to drainage, (e) drainage density, (f) Curvature, (g) LULC, (h) geology area was selected
Fig. 1. Study Area Fig. 3. Landslide Inventory Map (2010-2018) of study

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