Commitment To Value Family Life: Lesson 16

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Commitment to Value Lesson 16

Family Life
What did you feel upon viewing
the video clip?
Family is the base of the society, the
little Church.
The family is the
seedbed where life
and values are
being nurtured so
that every
individual would
become fully
No matter how
ideal a family
maybe, conflicts
will still arise…
..conflicts can
make the union
of the family
come to
through a
Filipino family can and must look at
the holy family of Jesus.
The Nature Christian

1. Covenant Relationship
2. Domestic Church
3. Vital Cell of the Society
 Covenant Relationship:
- made possible by a man and woman
united in marriage;
- the married couple form a family;
- love is essential element of marriage
the love of the husband to his wife and
wife to her husband must be felt and
experienced by the children
 Domestic Church:
- the very first Church of an
- must be the first school of faith of
the children
- Parents are the first teachers of
the faith
 Vital Cell of the Society
- the family is the original cell of social
- God willed that from every family,
basic values must be learned and
developed – respect, justice, generosity,
social concern.
-social values must be taught and
learned from the family
The Church is hopeful that every
Christian family could help eradicate
negative and evil things existing in the
society today.

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