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(TSL60C 3(2-0))
Tujuan Instruksional Umum (TIU)
 Agar para mahasiswa peserta secara filosofis dan
teoritis mengetahui serta memahami konsep
pengelolaan sumberdaya lahan (lahan kering dan
lahan basah) secara berkelanjutan melalui kaidah-
kaidah pemanfaatan lahan yang baik dan benar
berdasarkan teori-teori keilmuan dan aspek praktis
di lapangan dengan memperhatikan aspek
lingkungan dan keragaman dari fisik lahan, ekonomi
dan sosial-budaya, serta teknologi yang sudah
berkembang di masyarakat.
Lahan (Land) (FAO, 1976) :
Land comprises the physical environment, including climate,
relief, soils, hydrology and vegetation, to the extent that these
influence potential for land use.
It includes the results of past and present human activity, e.g.
reclamation from the sea, vegetation clearance, and also
adverse results, e.g. salinization. Purely economic and social
characteristics, however, are not included in the concept of
land; these form part of the economics and social context.

Tanah (Soil) = ?
Lahan kering (dryland / upland) = ?
Lahan basah (wetland) = ?

Sumber daya lahan adalah segala sesuatu yang bisa

memberikan manfaat di lingkungan fisik dimana meliputi
tanah, iklim, relief, hidrologi dan vegetasi yang ada. ...
Sebagai contoh adalah penebangan hutan dan
penggunaan lahan baik untuk pertanian maupun untuk
bidang lainnya.

materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water,

and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for
economic gain.
Natural Resource Management refers to the management of
natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants and animals, with a
particular focus on how management affects the quality of life for both
present and future generations (stewardship).
Natural Resource Management deals with managing the way in which
people and natural landscapes interact. It brings together land use
planning, water management, bio-diversity conservation, and the future
sustainability of industries like agriculture, mining, tourism, fisheries and
forestry. It recognises that people and their livelihoods rely on the health
and productivity of our landscapes, and their actions as stewards of the
land play a critical role in maintaining this health and productivity.[1]
Natural Resource Management specifically focuses on a scientific and
technical understanding of resources and ecology and the life-supporting
capacity of those resources.[2] Environmental Management is also similar
to natural resource management. In academic contexts, the
sociology of natural resources is closely related to, but distinct from,
Natural Resource Management. And so on;)

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