SAPEP Wednesday

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SAP Enterprise Portal


SAP EP Basics

Installation and Post Installation

Content Administration

Administration Activities

Portal Security

 SAP AG 2002
Content Administraion

•Creating initial Content

•Business Packages

•Developing iViews, Pages, Roles

•Changing Portal look and feel

 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
Using the Portal Content Object Model

All the content relevant to maintaining the portal is organized into a

model structure known as the Portal Content Object Model. The
Portal Content Object Model consists of portal content objects such
as these:
• iViews
• Pages
• Worksets
• Roles
• Layouts

 SAP AG 2002
iView Creation

 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
Creating a Page

 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
Permissions assigned to a role

 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
Content assigned to a role

 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
Using Business Packages

You can install three types of business packages:

• Business packages for end users
• Business packages for managers
• Business packages for specialists

A business package can consist of the following:

• Portal content objects The roles, worksets, pages, iViews,
business objects, and system objects.
• PAR files Portal Archive (PAR) files include Java applications or
configuration files required for content management, plus
collaboration modules and universal worklists.
• Web Dynpro applications Web Dynpro applications can be run
in an iView.
• Other objects Transport packages, Visual Composer PAR files,
Repository Manager PAR files, and collaboration room templates
can be included.
 SAP AG 2002
Importing the Business Packages
When importing a business package, it’s best to import it into a sandbox instead of a
development system, because it is not possible to uninstall the package automatically
after it is imported. Adequate testing should be done before the import, to avoid any
issues later on during the development phase or after deployment in a production
environment. You should also create a backup of the portal server environment before the
import so that the system can be restored to its original state if necessary.
Note that, starting from EP 6.0 SP3, business packages are also available in the Software
Component Archive (SCA) and Software Deployment Archive (SDA) formats. The Software
Deployment Manager can be used to deploy such business packages.
To import the downloaded business package, do the following:
1. In the Portal, navigate to System Administration | Transport in the top-level menu and
click Transport Packages | Import in the detailed navigation menu.
2. Select the Server or Client radio button, based on where the business package has been
3. Click the Browse button to the right of the File field and select the path to the business
4. In the Content to be Overwritten field, select the appropriate value, based on whether
you want pre-existing content for this business package, if any, to be overwritten.
5. Click Import.

 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
Creating a New Portal Desktop

 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002
 SAP AG 2002

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