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Opinion Leaders

By Group 15
Vibhav Gupta- 19MSAEC063
Ashutosh Suryavanshi-
Gaurav Mishra- 19MSAEC071
What is Opinion Leadership?

Opinion leadership is defined as the process in which one person

influences the attitudes or actions of other person informally, who
may be identified as opinion leader. They offer informal advice
about the product or service. Opinion leaders are part of the social
They have social communication network. The communication is
informal and interpersonal in nature which happens between those
who are not associated with the commercial selling source directly.
Who are Opinion Leaders?

Opinion leaders are individuals or organizations that are

able to influence people by their opinion. They are ones that
the opinion receivers consider credible and hold high regard
for in that particular area.

Opinion leaders could be anyone ranging from your friends,

family to famous actors, politicians, websites, CEOs or your
favorite tech geeks.
Characteristics Of Opinion Leaders
Opinion leaders are the influencers of their respective niches. They
influence the choices and beliefs of their followers towards or against
a specific brand, product or service.

• They are knowledgeable in their field.

• They are respected and trusted by their followers.

• They interpret the media messages and put them into context for the
wider population.

• Their views carry weight and significance.

• They have a giving spirit and often share their knowledge with the
followers on social media.

• Credible source of information

• Provision of both positive and negative product
• Source of information and advice
• Two-way street
• Specific characteristics.
Why Are Opinion Leaders Important?

In 1944, sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld introduced “

The two-step flow of communication model”. According to this
model, mass media doesn’t directly influence the mass audience.
Rather, the information flows from mass media to the opinion
leaders who interpret the media messages and put them into
context for the wider population. Thus people have a feeling of
more trust towards opinion leaders as compared to the advertised
mass media.
Opinion leaders are considered to be expert in a
particular area and their influence sphere is
limited there. Their opinion over other areas
holds little to no importance.

Opinion leaders possess distinct personality

traits. These include self confidence and
passionate. They are socially inclined,
outspoken and are knowledgeable.
Opinion leadership has even become a profession in
this era of the internet. These professional opinion
leaders (also called influencers) put in efforts to
constantly improve their judging skills by following a
particular topic closely, getting hands-on experience
with various products of their area of interest.
During their journey to expertise, they garner enough
audience and followers. They have their
own personal brand and can build or shatter any
brand just by their words.
According to a survey Eighty-three per cent of people
agree that the recommendation from friends and
people they trust is the most credible form of
People prefer engagement, interaction and a sort of
physical touch over distant AD message. This is where
opinion leaders make a world of difference. They talk
to the target audience.
The Importance Of Opinion Leaders In
Agricultural Extension.
• We can observed that opinion leaders tend to have
access to mass media information and external
contacts that provide them new ideas from outside.

• Additionally, the opinion leaders have greater contact

with change agents, social participation, higher social
status, and more innovativeness
• Opinion leaders are used as role models in the adoption of
innovations. This can be effective at the social and economic
levels of the diffusion process in various extension projects.
• From the economic perspective of projects’
implementation when diffusing an
innovation, opinion leaders multiply the
efforts of the change agent, by carrying the
message to more possible adopters.

• This translates into effectiveness by

achieving more diffusion in less time. At
the social level, once opinion leaders have
adopted an innovation, that innovation
acquires local sponsorship and credibility.
• Where, Opinion leaders are heterophilies individuals
who observe and evaluate innovations proven by

• They are considered early adopters of culturally

acceptable innovations and generally are opponents
of culturally unacceptable ones.
•  Once opinion leaders approve and adopt and innovation, it
influences others in the group who also adopt the innovation
to maintain a social and economic status among the social

• Leaders are important determinants of rapid and sustained

change, as diffusion happens faster when it is initiated by
them. They are considered the bridge between farmers and
sources of innovations.

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