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Management Strategies for

Market leaders & Followers

Presented by: Saira Shahid

Roll No: BV556066
Subject: Marketing Management
Sir Javed Saleem

 The rule of business is that when you are a

market leaders ,there are definitely going to
be market followers.
Seven strategies of Marketing
1. Covering the market globally & Locally
2. Expand Smartly
3. Control Costs
4. Implement good marketing plans
5. Get the right people & retain them
6. Foucus on your customers
7. Be informed
Market Followers Strategies:
1. Adapter
2. Imitation
3. Cloner
4. Counterfeiter
Market leader objective to stay No.1
 Largest market share
 Most likely the initiator of price change in the

 Typically first in product development(largest

R/D budget)
 Financial ability to cover many segments
 Widest distribution
 Largest promotional budget.
Market Follower will ‘follow’ the
market leaders
 Keep existing customers +gain a few new

 Will often avoid ‘Rocking the boat’ e.g many

private label products act as followers in the

market and discount labels are most often
Case study
 Print media which Pakistan inherited started in
1939 with the foundation of Jang newspaper as
the oldest Urdu newspaper of Pakistan.
 Being the oldest ,Jang media group has well
established name. Daily Jang is playing the
leading role with highest readership and
circulation .
 It has daily circulation of more than 800,000
 Jang media group has its presence in electronic
media too.
What strategies should be adopted by Jung
newspaper to counter this new development
in the market?
 The leader Jang group need to active on four

1) Expanding the total market
 New users
 New uses
 More usage
What strategies should be adopted by Jung
newspaper to counter this new development
in the market? Conti…
2) Expanding Market share :
 Win customers
 Win competitors
 Win Loyalty

3) Reducing Costs:
 Reduce capital cost
 Reduce fixed cost
 Reduce variable cost
What strategies should be adopted by Jung
newspaper to counter this new development
in the market? Conti…
4) Defending position : Jang group can defend
their position by several strategies against the
new challengers. They should protect their
strong points in print media industry and
should try to resolve the weak points and
should try to fill the flaws, which can be used
by the challengers.
What strategies should be adopted by Jung
newspaper to counter this new development
in the market? Conti…
5) Changing market Mix: Marketing mix is the
must for a leader to stay in the market so Jung
group and other newspapers who may face the
threats in future should emphasize on the
marketing mix od newspapers. The newspaper
can made to cove more and more aspects of
readers interest, more languages, for
newspapers can be introduced to enrich the
market mix.
 By adopting above strategies ,Jang group and
other newspapers can counter the new
development in market.
Thank you…

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