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Intro to the World of

Chapter 1
Course Outline
• Course description:
• This course covers the fundamentals of computer hardware and software as
well as advanced concepts. Students who complete this course will be able to
describe the internal components of a computer, install an operating system,
and troubleshoot using system tools and diagnostic software. It is a study of
the computer—its hardware and software—from its earliest beginnings,
through the advent of mainframe and personal computers, up to present-day
Pentium processor–driven machines 
• Textbook
• • Docter, Q., Dulaney, E., Lammle, T., Skandier, T., & Easttom, C. (2015).
CompTIA Complete Study Guide 3 Book Set: A+ Exams220-801 and 220-802
2e; Network+ Exam N10-006 3e; Security+ Exam SY0-401 6e. SYBEX Inc.

Course Mark Breakdown
• Test 1 : 15%
• Test 2 : 20%
• Assignments : 5%
• Final Exam : 60 %
• Total = 100 %
Late penalties
• Except when a case is documented as a medical emergency,
assignments submitted late will be penalized at a rate of 20% per
day, leaving students with a maximum of five days before
obtaining a zero.
Academic and Cheating Policies
All academic policies contained in Student handbook apply to this course. Kindly consult the
handbook and the department policies.

Classroom Rules of Conduct

1. Cell phones should be switched off or set to vibrate mode. Once a call comes in, you have the
option of answering it, but must do so outside of the classroom and far enough to prevent
distraction of other students. During tests all cell phones should be switch off.
2. There is no penalty for coming to class late. However, you must not disturb or distract the class
while entering. If you are late or absent, it is your responsibility to find out (from your class
mates, not the lecturer) what information you have missed and what assignments are due.
3. Once a test has been returned to you, you have exactly one week from the date received to
make queries or raise any concerns regarding your grade etc. Any concerns voiced after the
specified period will not be valid or taken into consideration.
4. Each student must take all tests. A makeup for a missed test will only be given when the
student has made arrangements for such prior to the time the test is given to the class.

This presentation covers:
>Examples of IT Roles
>Qualities of a good technician
>Basic computer types
>Important computer parts
>Windows environment
>Basic computer terms
IT Roles
Do some research to find more roles.
>PC Repair Tech >Cable Installer
>Database Administrator >Data Analyst
>Network Administrator >Helpdesk Support
>Sever Administrator >Programmer
Qualities of a Good
“Soft skills” as they are known across many industries
are essential
Demonstrate Active Listening
>Listen carefully to the customer
>Make good eye contact
>Show you are following the conversation and avoiding
>Clarify customer statements by asking related questions
>Avoid interrupting the customer
>Avoid condescending behavior
>Ask open-ended questions
Have a Good Attitude
>See every issue as an opportunity to help
>Be sensitive to other cultures
>Take the time to listen to the entire problem
>Avoid blaming others
>Do your best with every opportunity
Apply Logic
>Recognize computer terminology
>Speak clearly and concisely to
>Stay current in the latest
>Research information to help
solve problems
>Use deductive or inductive
reasoning to troubleshoot and
Qualities of a Good
Jack of all Trades
The Top 10 Essentials
Operating Systems expert
Hardware authority
Able to install software
Effective communication
Good listener
Juggler of time and priorities
Problem Solver
Technical Info Translator
Computer Hardware
Computer Types and Parts
What is a PC?
• A PC is a computing device made up of many
distinct electronic components that all function
together in order to accomplish some useful task

• Note that we’re describing a computer as having

many distinct parts that work together
Computer Types

All-in-one Computer Laptop

Tower Computer

Computer Parts
Device Drivers
Hard Drive
Video Card
Power Supply
Computer Parts Adapter





Hard Drive
Data Storage
Digital 1s and 0s
Bits and Bytes
>Bit – a 1 or a 0
>Byte – 8 bits
>Kilobyte (KB) – approximately one thousand bytes
>Megabyte (MB) – approximately one million bytes
>Gigabyte (GB) – approximately one billion bytes
>Terabyte (TB) – approximately one trillion bytes
Binary to Decimal
• Technique
• Multiply each bit by 2n, where n is the “weight” of
the bit
• The weight is the position of the bit, starting from 0
on the right
• Add the results
Bit “0”

1010112 => 1 x 20 = 1
1 x 21 = 2
0 x 22 = 0
1 x 23 = 8
0 x 24 = 0
1 x 25 = 32
Decimal to Binary
• Technique
• Divide by two, keep track of the remainder
• First remainder is bit 0 (LSB, least-significant bit)
• Second remainder is bit 1
• Etc.
12510 = ?2 2 125
2 62 1

2 31 0
15 1
7 1
2 3 1

2 1 1
0 1

12510 = 11111012
Windows Environment Skills
>You may not have the ability to ask the customer what version
they are using or the customer may not know
>Complete the exercises at the end of Chapter 1 to become familiar
with Windows 7, 8, 10 environments
Windows 95
Windows 7 Desktop Interface
Windows Me
Windows 8
Windows 10
Salary of an A+ Certified
Pay scale

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