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An endangered species are species under the threat of extinction.
When a species is termed endangered, they are either disappearing
fast from the face of the planet or are very sparsely populated, not
good enough for survival of the animal community in the long run.
The IUCN has a list of endangered species, which is called the Red
List. The list serves as a guide and determines the level of danger any
species community is under.
The Report

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Endangered Species - Support Wildlife - One M
Endangered Asian Animals:
Bangal Tiger:
The Bangal Tiger also called the Indien
Tiger is a largest cat species which lives
in India Nepal,Bhutan and Bangladesh
in a{alluvial grasslands, subtropical and
tropical rainforests..} . Reaching a body
length of up to 3.3 m and weighing up to
265 kg , Its most recognizable feature is a
pattern of dark vertical stripes on
reddish-orange fur with a lighter
underside . It has exceptionally stout
teeth and their canines are the longest

kingdom Animals
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammals
Order Carnivore
Familly Felidae
Genus Panther
Species Panther
Asian Tiger
The Asian or Asiatic elephant (Elephas
Maximus)is the only living species of the
genus Elephas and is distributed in
southeast Asia from India to Borneo
Since 1986 E.Maxi;us has been listed as
endangered by IUCN
Its average height is between 2.24m and
3.2m and its weight from 2.72 to 5.4.
Nowadays they are in danger of
becoming extinct because they are killed
for their ivory tusks which are used to
make ornaments or necklaces.

Kingdom Animals
Phylum Chordates
Class Mammals
Order Proboscides
Family Elephantidae

Genus Elephas
Species Elephas
Asian Elephant:
The Panda
The Panda also known as the giant Panda
it is recognized by the large distinctive
black patches around its eyes over the
ears and across its round body .Though it
belongs to the order Carnivore the
Panda’s diet is over 99% bamboo .The
giant Panda lives in a few mountain
ranges in central China . The panda is a
Conservation reliant endangered species.

kingdom Animals
Phylum Chordates
Class Mammals
Order Carnivore
Family Urside
Genus Ailuropoda
Species Ailuropoda
The Panda
The Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros
unicornis), also called the greater one-
horned rhinoceros and Indian one-horned
rhinoceros, belongs to the Rhinocerotidae
family. Listed as a vulnerable species .
Males have an average head and body
length of 368-380 cm with a shoulder height
of 163–193 cm while females have an
average head and body length of 310–
340 cm and a shoulder height of 147–173 cm

Kingdom Animals
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammals
Order Perissodactyla
Family Rhinocerotidae
Genus Rhinoceros
Species Rhinoceros
Indian Rhinoceros
We write about Endangered species on here relatively often, but we generally
focus on endangered animals. Of course, people relate more to animals than
plants and are more touched by the thought of animal species disappearing
forever than plant species disappearing forever, but I thought for this National
Endangered species day I’d give a little attention to the plants.
Plants are the basis of food chains. Plants are critical to all life on Earth and are
a little underrated, I’d say. And there are a lot of them threatened with
Ixora is a genus of flowering plants in
the Rubiceae family. It consists of
tropical evergreen trees and shrubs and
holds around 500 species. Red ixora
flowers are commonly used in Hindu
worship, as well as in Indian folk

Kingdom Plants
Order Gentianles
Family Rubiaceae
Subfamily Ixoroideae
Tribe Ixoreae
Genus Ixora
Black rosewood

Black rosewood (Afzelia

xylocarpa) is a flowering,
crooked tree that may reach 100
feet high. The tree grows
throughout tropical Asia and is
endangered because of its
valuable timber, as well as its
bark, which can be used for
tanning hides. Native to Papa
New Guinea, the Himalayas and
other parts of South and
Southeastern Asia.
The orchid family contains
thousands of species of flowering
plants, many of which are found
only in very specific regions of the
world. Asia is home to endangered
orchids such as the Paphiopedilum
delenatii orchid, a species believed
to be extinct until the 1990s. The
rare orchid grows in shade
crevasses on the Bi Dup mountain
range of Southern Vietnam.
Growing directly on rock or in light
sand, the orchid produces a single
waxy pink blossom in January. The
leaves of the plant are dark green
and speckled on the undersides
with dark purple spots. Though
endangered, the plant is collected
illegally and sold to collectors.
Over time, the number of endangered species in the Red List has increased.We can mention some of the main causes of
First: Natural Causes of Extinction:
Climatic Heating and Cooling:
Climate Change is caused by a number of things. The effect that climate has on extinction is very big. The biodiverse
Earth can't keep up with the rapid changes in temperature and climate. The species are not used to severe weather
conditions and long seasons, or a changing chemical make-up of their surroundings. As more species die, it is only
making it more difficult for the survivors to find food. The warmer climates we are used to present-day are perfect for
diseases and epidemics to thrive.
Changes in Sea Levels or Currents:
The changes in sea levels and currents is a result, in part, of the melting freshwater. The denser, saltier water sinks and
forms the currents that marine life depends on. Ocean floor spreading and rising also affects sea level. A small rise in
the ocean floor can displace a lot of water onto land that is all ready occupied. The gases from the volcanic activity can
also be absorbed by the water, thus changing the chemical composition, making it unsuitable for some life.

Asteroids/Cosmic Radiation:
Asteroids hit the earth with extreme force. The reverberations can be felt around the world. The impact site is
completey destroyed.
Cosmic Radiation is radiation being emitted from outer space and the Sun. It is hypothesized that being exposed to too
much cosmic radiation can mutate genes, which can potentially weaken a species' genepool in the future. Since the
radiation comes from space and the Sun, it is extremely difficult to avoid the radiation. Supernova remnants is one
source of cosmic radiation.
Acid Rain:
Acid rain forms when sulfur dioxide and/or nitrogen oxides are put out into the atmosphere. The chemicals get
absorbed by water droplets in the clouds, and eventually fall to the earth as acid precipitation. Acid rain increases the
acidity of the soil which affects plant life. It can also disturb rivers and lakes to a possibly lethal level.
Each species has defense mechanisms like immunities and the ability to fight disease. With the
changing climate and landscape certain species are losing their ability to fend off disease. They
are becoming more susceptible to disease and epidemics, which can lead to their eventual
Spread of Invasive Species:
Invasive species invade foreign territory. They use resources that the other species depend on.
Once competition gets too great, the survival of the fittest plan will begin, and one of the
species, usually the natural one, will die off.
Natural factors usually occur at a slower rate than human factors and therefore cause a lower
extinction rate.  Human activities occur at a faster rate and cause higher extinction rates. 
Human activities are mostly responsible for the present extinction rates.
Natural factors usually occur at a slower rate than human factors and therefore cause a lower
extinction rate.  Human activities occur at a faster rate and cause higher extinction rates. 
Human activities are mostly responsible for the present extinction rates.
Second: Human Causes
of Extinction
Top Human Causes of Extinction:
Increased human population
Destruction/Fragmentation of Habitat
Climate Change/Global Warming
Extinctions caused by humans are generally considered to be a recent
Ways to stop
1- Create an Environmental reserves.
2- preserve nature (forets , lakes,oceans,food chains….ect)from pollution.
3- prohibit hunting animals in danger of extinction , and ban overhunting.
4- Spreading the culture of the protection of endangered species.

Jungle City - Saving the world's endangered animals and the.webm

*Tlidjane Kenza *Boudiaf Bouchra
*Chebhi Wafa *Bousta Amira

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