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Arts &

A brief overview
Part 1
What IS art?
Art is the creation of
beautiful or thought-
provoking works that can
be shared with others. The
various branches of creative
activity such as painting,
music, literature and dance
are collectively termed as the
What are the arts?

High culture: Highly

refined artistic or
intellectual achievement;
the manifestation of this
in art, music, literature,
What are the arts?

Pop culture: modern

popular culture
transmitted via the mass
media and aimed
particularly at younger
Types of Art
Visual Art Visual art is a form of art that uses any medium to signify the
artist's idea, sentiment and imagination.
Examples of visual arts: Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures,
Applied Art Applied art is a portion of visual art and it can be defined as
art that has real-world application as well as functionality.
Examples of applied art: Architecture, Fashion Design, Wood
Crafts, Interior Design.
Performing Arts Performing art is a form of creative activity that are
performed in front of an audience.

Example: Drama, music, opera, films, theater and drama.

Art? Or Con-artist?
As expression

“I don’t want to cure my mental problems, rather I want

to utilise them as a generating force for my art.” – Yayoi

From early childhood Yayaoi Kusama experienced

“visual and aural hallucinations” which she started to
put to paper. She describes her use of patterns as
helping to “obliterate” her anxieties through
As a means to peace of mind
and relaxation
The Kinetic Rain at Changi
Airport T1

Art in public spaces serve to make the place more

pleasant for visitors.
Theo Jansen’s Kinetic Sculptures
To preserve cultures and

For example, Chinese opera is regarded as a

national treasure in China with over 2000
years of history.
The Culture of Hula in Hawaii
To capture the essence of our

It is crucial that
we use Art to
capture our
This is so that we
will be reminded
of/know who we
are at any given
point of time.

Ron English’s MC
As social and political
Because art is often able to
capture attention or evoke an
emotion, it is an effective
medium to inform, explain,
and educate society about
controversial issues,
encouraging critical

For example, Ai Wei Wei, a

famously controversial artist,
who has faced prosecution and
a jail term for his art pieces.
To generate revenue

Global cities like London, Paris, Shanghai,

Tokyo, New York, and Melbourne harness the
power of the arts to create a more vibrant
culture. This not only generates jobs for the
people but also attracts more tourists to
the cities.
Singaporean Art Scene
“The old model on which I
worked…First World City in a
Third World Region – clean,
green, efficient…are no
longer sufficient. Now we
have to be an economically
vibrant and exciting city to
visit, with top class
symphony orchestras,
concerts, drama, plays and
singers…We have to develop
our high culture – symphony
orchestra, ballet, the arts…
This is today’s global village
that we have to be a part of.”

Late Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew

19 Apr 2005
As art serves myriad
functions, it has great
value to society.

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