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Quiz Bee
EASY round
10 Questions 1 pt. each
1. What formation on
Earth can have the names
tabular, blocky, wedge,
dome, pinnacle, dry rock,
growler or bergy bit?
2. DNA codes for proteins,
which are the building
blocks of organisms. What
is the most abundant
protein in the human
3. What do you call the
largest frog in the world
that can be found in West
Africa and can grow as big
as 33 cm long and up to
3kg heavy?
The Goliath
Frog of Gabon
4. Fastest land animal:
Fastest sea animal:
Fastest air animal:
5. Two metal objects can
stick together in space,
permanently. There is no
fusion involved. What do
you call this process?
Cold Welding
6. ______________ is the most
poisonous plant on Earth,
which is 6,000 times more
poisonous than cyanide
and 12,000 times more
poisonous than
rattlesnake venom.
“Palm of
7. What is the rarest blood
type in humans?
AB negative
7. What is the largest
producer of oxygen on
9. In 2015, a man in Texas was hit
in the face with a bullet from his
own gun. The shot was initially
aimed at an _______, before the
bullet ricocheted off its hard shell
and targeted its shooter instead.
CLUE: The name of this animal is
a Spanish word meaning “little
armored one”, and refers to the
bony plates that covers its head,
tail and legs.
10. TRUE or FALSE: A
modern human’s brain is
smaller than a
Neanderthal’s brain?
7 Questions 3 pts. each

1. What do you call the
process where female
komodo dragons can
impregnate themselves
without a male?
2. _____ is a condition caused
by excessive exposure to
chemical compounds of the
element silver or silver dust.
The most dramatic symptom
of this is that the victim
turns purple or purple-grey.
Argyria or argyrosis
3. Chemists created a new
form of carbon called _______.
The 18-atom ring is
illustrated here using data
from an atomic force
microscope. Bonds between
the atoms are alternately
longer and shorter, giving the
4. Vitamin D is a nutrient found
in some foods that is needed
for health and to maintain
strong bones. It does so by
helping the body absorb
calcium from food and
supplements. What is the
other name of Vitamin D?
5. The oldest meteorites
impact crater on Earth is also
the largest . Vredefort crater
in South Africa, also called the
__________, was originally 185
miles (300 kilometers) across,
scientists estimate.
Vredefort Dome
6. The _______ (Cebualla
pygmaea) is a small specie of
New World monkey native of the
western Amazon Basin in South
America. The specie is notable
for being the smallest monkey,
and one of the smallest
primates in the world weighing
100 grams.
Pygmy marmoset
7. _________ is a green sea
slug, it is the first animal
ever discovered to create
chlorophyll like a plant. This
makes it capable of
photosynthesis, meaning it is
part animal and part plant.
a. Elicia Chlorophica
b. Elysia Chlorotica
c. Elixia Chlorotipica
b. Elysia Chlorotica
7 Questions 5 pts. each

1. “Like being burned by hot
acid and electrocuted at the
same time.” That’s botanist
Marina Hurley’s reaction on
what it feels like to touch the
plant common to Northeast
Australian forests.
This plant is also known as the
‘suicide plant’, because it has
an agonizing sting that is said
to have made a man kill
himself after being stung.
What is this plant?
2. After nearly a year of effort,
scientists were able to
transfer an embryo to a
surrogate cat who carried the
developing kitten for 66 days.
The cloned kitten was born on
July 21, 2019 via natural birth,
and its genetics are entirely
derived from the somatic cells
of the deceased Garlic. What
is the name of the first cloned
Garlic 2.0
3. _______ was the foremost
expert of Philippine botany.
He fervently advocated for the
protection and restoration of
Philippine rainforests. In fact,
in his last days, he and his
team were looking for tree
species that future
Unfortunately, on the fateful
day of November 15,2010, he
and his companions were killed
by the military in the forests of
Tangonan,Leyte, after being
mistook as NPA rebels despite
their pleas of innocence.
Leonardo Co
4. Amphetamine is a central
nervous system stimulant
used to treat attention
deficient hyperactivity
disorder. It has a molecular
formula of C9H13N.
What is the percent
composition (to the nearest
hundredths) of each of the
element? Use C=12g, H=1g,
and N=14g.
C=80% H=9.63%
5. The cells of a multi-cellular
organism are members of a
highly organized community.
The number of cells in this
community is tightly
regulated, not simply by
controlling the rate of cell
division, but also by
If cells are no longer needed,
they commit suicide by
activating an intracellular
death program. This process is
therefore called programmed
cell death, although it is
commonly called ______.
6. The oldest living thing on
Earth is 12000 years old. It is
the flowering shrubs called
________ that can be found in
Mojave Desert.
Creosote bushes
7. BALANCE the chemical equation:

1C5H8O2+ 2NaH+ 2HCl
1C5H12O2+ 2NaCl

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