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Cause - Effect Relationship:

so… that, such… that

Conversation 2
• So...That
• It expresses a cause and effect.

So + adjective/adverb + that
I was so sleepy that I couldn't keep my eyes
• Examples:

Cause: It was too windy.

Effect: We couldn't go sailing.

It was so windy that we couldn't go sailing.

(windy- adjective)

Cause: My sister is very shy.

Effect: She hides behind my mother when there are strangers

My sister is so shy that she hides behind my mother when there

are strangers around.
(shy- adjective)
• Attention
So...that is used with quantifiers (many, much,
few, little) even if there is a noun.

I have so many friends that I never get bored.

He has so much money that he can buy
whatever he wants.
• Such...That

Also expresses a cause and effect.

such + (adjective) + NOUN + that
• Examples

Cause: It was a great movie.
Effect: I watched it several times.

It's such a great movie that I've watched it several times.

(great-adjective, movie-noun)

Cause: She is a very charming woman.

Effect: Everybody stares at her.

She is such a charming woman that everybody stares at her.

(charming-adjective, woman-noun)
Any question??

Let’s discuss it…

• Task 1
• Make a short conversation video that contains 3
types of " so… that, such… that" sentences of at
least 1 minute duration. Send to

• Assignments are collected at the latest on Tuesday,

March 30, 2020 (those who collect the tasks are
considered to be present at today's meeting).

• Who has sent confirmation directly in the WA

Task 1
Buatkan sebuah video percakapan singkat yang
berisi 3 jenis kalimat “so… that, such… that”
durasi minimal 1 menit. Kirim ke

Tugas dikumpul paling lambat Selasa, 30 Maret

2020 (yang mengumpulkan tugas dianggap
hadir dalam pertemuan hari ini).

Yang sudah mengirim langsung konfirmasi di

group WA.
Thank You ^.^

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