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Igo Gunawan
Melatia Paska
Rivaldo Setyo P
Sarpika Yena Amalia
Thomas Erick Helvin
Yuni Elia Kartika
Definition Team Work

Teamwork is the interaction or
relationship of two or more health
professionals who work
interdependently to provide care for
patients. The purpose of this
collaboration is to provide care to
patients, share information to make
decisions together, and find the
optimal time to collaborate in patient
Type of teamwork consists of 6
(six) types, viz:

 Formal Team
 Vertical Team
 Horizontal Team
 Teams with Special Tasks
 The Independent Team
 Problem-solving Team
Stage of Development

The very basic thing in realizing the integrity of a team
in order to be able to perform and be effective is to do a
good team design. The importance of good team design
by dividing into 4 (four) stages of development, viz :

- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
Factors That Affect
Team Work

Internal factors are everything that comes from
oneself that can give pressure or encouragement to do
something diligently to achieve success :
- Ability - Motivation

External factors are all things that come from other

influential parties or from the environment, for
example parents, coworkers or leaders who influence
someone to be able to try harder to achieve something.
- Supervision - Leadership style
Components Needed for
Effective Team Collaboration
 Open communication.

 Free environment.
 Have clear goals, roles and clear tasks for team members.
 Mutual respect.
 Sharing responsibility for team success.
 Balance the participation of each member in carrying out tasks,
procurement and conflict management.
 Clear specifications of authority and accountability.
 Know clearly the procedures for decision making, communicating
and sharing information regularly and routinely,
 a supportive environment (including access to needed resources),
 Mechanisms to evaluate results and adjust according to applicable
Benefits from the collaboration of the
health team, viz :

 The abilities of different health services can be
integrated so that a functional team is formed.
 The quality of health services and the number of
service offerings increase so that the community can
easily reach health services.
 Medical teams can share knowledge from other health
professions and create compact teamwork.
 Provide quality health services by combining unique
professional expertise.
 Maximizing productivity and effectiveness and
efficiency of resources.
Benefits from the collaboration of the
health team, viz :

 Increase professionalism satisfaction, loyalty, and job
 Increased access to various health services.
 Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of health
 Provide a clear role in interacting between health
professionals so they can respect and cooperate with
each other.
 For health teams having knowledge, skills and
How to Build and Maintain Effective
Collaboration of Effective Health Teams.

Building and maintaining health team collaboration is needed to be
able to provide optimal health services to patients. There are several
ways you can do to build and maintain a health team collaboration:
 Make sure all team members can meet regularly to discuss future
 Make sure all health teams are involved in every plan.
 Get to know each other among team members so they can
contribute well.
 Communication must be well established and routine.
 Mutual trust, support and respect.
 Conduct periodic evaluations to improve the situation in the
 Respect all opinions and contributions of all team members.

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