001 Roman Civilization

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The origin of the Roman

Civilization/Roman Empire,
it borned in the central
Italy’s Tiber River banks in
the 753B.C.

According to a legend was

founded by the twin sons
of Mars (god of the war)
Romulus and Remus.

The Roman civilization had

three periods: Monarchy,
Republic and Empire.


Gladiator fights.

Social classes: patricians

(landowners of a little lands),
plebeians (peasants,
businessman and artisans) and

Roman mythology.
Roman civilization.
The Christianity.

Women used to
wear a longer
sleeved tunics.

Men used to wear a

knee-length tunics
in their daily life.

The roman used to

footwear the


Mediterranean food (wine, cereals, vegetables,

meal, seafood  and Oliva oil).
Relation with nature

Roman Philosophy:
The Stoic thought
was live according
to the nature and
they might lived in
agreement with the
ability that nature
had given them.

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