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Claudio Ochoa – Patricio Maller

SEG UNSL – Iridis Group
Scrum philosophy
“During a Scrum, the pack must work as a
unit, not as 8 individuals. Everybody has a
role to play. The important goal to bear in
mind is that when you work well together as
a unit, the whole is much greater than the
sum of the parts.”
The On-Line Rugby Coaching Manual

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Scrum Authors
• Ken Schwaber: developed and formalized Scrum
process for systems development.
• Jeff Sutherland: initial thoughts and practices
prior to formalizing Scrum with Ken.
• Mike Beedle: Scrum innovator and practitioner.
Wrapped XP with Scrum

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Scrum life cycle

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How does Scrum work?

• Small teams (< 10 people)

• A series of Sprints (30 days)
• Visible, usable increments
• Time-boxed

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Scrum feels different
• Less time is spent trying to plan and define
• Less time is spent creating and reading
management reports
• More time is spent with the team
understanding what really is happening and
empirically responding.

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Why Scrum?

• Assumes complicated, unpredictable

• Does not assume repeatable process
• Contains elements our successful teams
were already applying

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Scrum roles
• Scrum master
• The team.
Besides these roles, the following players are
• Upper management
• Customer
• Product owner
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What does the Scrum Master do?

• Makes immediate decisions at Scrum

• Records impediments and resolves ASAP
• Keeps the team focused and making
• Tracks progress

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The Scrum Master
• Responsible for ensuring that Scrum values,
practices and rules are enacted and enforced
• Nexus between management and the team
• Drives daily scrums comparing progress
made vs. expected.
• Ensures impediment are quickly removed
and decisions are promptly made.
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The Scrum Master cont.
• The Scrum Master works with management
and customer to identify and institute a
product owner.
• The Scrum Master and the management
form Scrum teams
• The Scrum Master, the Product owner and
the Scrum team create a Product backlog

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The Product Backlog
• “The Product Backlog is an evolving
prioritized queue of business and technical
functionality that needs to be developed into
a system”
Ken Schwaber

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The Product Backlog cont.
• Requirements are listed in the Product
• Lists features, functions, technologies,
enhancements, bug fixes, etc to be applied
to the product.
• PB is initially incomplete, to get the first
Sprint going they need to contain enough
requirements to drive a 30-day Sprint.

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Backlog originates from
• Product marketing
• Sales
• Engineering
• Customer support

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Backlog characteristics
• It’s sorted in order of priority
• It also include issues, which may require
resolution before one or more backlog items
can be worked on. Issues are also prioritized
• Requirements never stop changing...all you
need is a product vision and enough top
priority items on the backlog to begin one

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Requirements Emergence
• Initially a small set of high-priority
requirements is defined
• Requirements emerge as the product emerge
• Compare this approach vs. up-front
• Customer allocates budget for the initially
foreseeable Product Backlog

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Product Owner
• ONLY the Product Owner is responsible for
managing and controlling the Product Backlog.
• The product owner is ONE person, not a
• No one is allowed to tell the team to work from a
different set of priorities.
• All of the decisions the Product Owner makes are
highly visible, reflected in prioritization of the

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Estimating Backlog Effort
• Initial estimation is done collaboratively by
developers, writers, quality staff, etc.
• Estimating is an iterative process.
• If the Product Owner can not get a clear
believable estimation for a top priority item,
this should be redefined
• The Scrum team selects the amount of
Backlog it can handle in a Sprint based on
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estimates. Iridis Group - SEG 18
Scrum Teams
• Self-organizing and fully autonomous
• A team commits to turn a selected set of
Backlog into a working product(Sprint goal)
• The team can do whatever is necessary to
achieve its goal.
• It is only constrained by organizational
conventions and standards.

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Team dynamics
• Scrum is structured to provide teams an
environment within which they can do
their best
• Scrum is empirical and teams can reduce
functionality and still meet goals.

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Team size
• The size of the team should be 7 people.
• If more than 8 people are available they can
broken down in multiple teams (notice that
there will still be ONE backlog), and their
Scrum Masters will have to coordinate their

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Teams composition
• There are no roles on teams.
• Teams self-organize to turn requirements
into product functionality.
• Avoid people refusing to code because “it
doesn’t fit their job description”
• However, a team can be composed of
writers, testers, and quality guys with
specific tasks assigned
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Working environment
• Open working environments
– Silence is a bad sign
• Use whiteboards
• Working hours are set by the team

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• Fixed period of time, usually 30 days
• A team is let loose for the 30-day Sprint
– The scope or nature of work being done can
NOT be changed
– No one is allowed to add more functionality
– No one can tell the team how to proceed

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What happens during a Sprint?
• Scrum Meetings
• Each team produces a visible, usable
• Each increment builds on prior increments
• Each team member buys into assignment

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Sprint Rules

• Total focus on the task at hand

• NO interruptions to team
• NO changes allowed from the outside
• New work may be uncovered in the Sprint
by the development team

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Sprint Planning Meeting
• Consists of two consecutive meetings
– Team meets with Product Owner, management
and users to decide functionality to be build in
next Sprint.
– Teem meeting to figure out how functionality is
to be built into a product increment.
• Inputs to the meeting:
– Product backlog, latest increment, capabilities
and past performance of the team
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Sprint Backlog
• The team determines work to be performed
to reach Sprint Goal
• Product Owner often attends
• Compile a list of tasks (Sprint Backlog)
having enough detail to take 4-16 hours to
• Team modifies Sprint Backlog throughout
the Sprint, adding/removing tasks.
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Daily Scrum Meeting
• Short (15 -30 min) status meetings,
facilitated by the Scrum Master
• All team members attend
• One activity – the Scrum Master asks 3
questions of each attendee

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Format of the Daily Scrum
• What have you completed since the last
Scrum meeting?
• What got in your way of completing this
• What will you do between now and the next
Scrum meeting?

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Benefits of Daily Scrums
• Improve communications
• Eliminate other meetings
• Identify and remove impediments
• Improves everyone’s level of project

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Scrum Master responsibilities
• Keep the Daily Scrum short by enforcing
the rules
• Ensure that room is setup for the meeting
– Setup conference calls for team members
working remotely
– Arrange chairs so people don’t get caught up in
side conversations as they move chairs around

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Meeting insights
• Time and location of Daily Scrums should
be constant
• Managers can attend Daily Scrums,
however only team members are allowed to
speak (pigs and chickens rule)
• A Daily Scrum is NOT a design session

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Handling Impediments
• The Scrum Master must record and remove
impediments detected in Daily Scrums
• If Scrum Master does not fully understand
the impediment, he should meet with the
team member after the meeting.
• Team must report impediments every Daily
Scrum until it gets resolved

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Common impediments
• Examples
– Required to attend other meetings o training
– Asked by management to do something else
– Unsure of design decision
– Unsure how to use technology

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Follow-up meetings
• Any discussion needed other than the status
provided in the Daily Scrum leads to a
follow-up meeting
• Examples
– Design discussions
– Requirements interpretation discussions
– Sharing of information

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4 variables
• Every product development project is
constrained by four variables
– Time
– Cost (people + resources)
– Quality
– Functionality

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Sprint Mechanics
• A Sprint fixes 3 out of the 4 variables:
– Time: always 30 days
– Cost: salary of team + development environment
– Quality: usually an organizational standard
• The team has the authority to change
functionality as long as it meets the Sprint

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Mandatory tasks
• During a Sprint, the team has 2 mandatory
– Daily Scrum Meetings: must be promptly
attended by ALL team members
– Sprint Backlog: must be kept up-to-date. Team
members must adjust the estimates as they
work on the Backlog

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Sprint cancellation
• A Sprint should be cancelled if it no longer
makes sense given the circumstances
– Management can cancel a Sprint if the Sprint
goal becomes obsolete.
– Market conditions or technological
requirements may change
• Because of short duration of Sprints, it
rarely makes sense to cancel it.
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Sprint Cancellation cont
• The team can also decide to cancel a Sprint
– They may realize they can not achieve the
Sprint goal
– They may run into a major roadblock
• Sprint termination consumes resources
– A new Sprint Planning meeting must be

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Sprint Review
• 4-hour informational meeting.
• Team presents the product increment built
during the Sprint to
– Management
– Customers
– Users
– Product Owner

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Sprint Review cont

• Surprises from the Sprint are reported

• ANYTHING can be changed, work can be
added, eliminated, re-prioritized
• New estimates and team assignments are
made for the next Sprint

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Benefits of Scrum

• Requirements change is managed

• Market input is incorporated
• Customers see on-time delivery of
increments, which refines requirements
• Relationship with customer and marketing
develops, trust builds, knowledge grows

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Implementing Scrum
• Scrum encapsulates existing engineering
• Scrum Master helps the team improve their
engineering practices by
– Causing the team to reevaluate and discard
wasteful practices
– Assessing, designing and adopting new
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Final Thought
• “Scrum is not for everyone, but it is for
those who need to wrestle working systems
from the complexity of emerging
requirements and unstable technology”
Ken Schwaber

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References: Books & Articles
• Agile Software Development with Scrum.
Ken Schwaber & Mike Beedle

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References: Web Ken Schwaber’s site Mike Beedle’s site Agile
Alliance’s site -- click on Articles

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• Claudio Ochoa
• Patricio Maller

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