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To be happy for life, love your

- Chinese proverb
My Career Path
What Inspires You ?

• What inspired you to enter the course ?

➣Right now, what is your greatest

challenge in your career?

➣What would help you most today in

getting further with your career?
• Change career direction up to three
or four times during life

• The pace at which mid-career

stagnation takes place is accelerating

• An employee can reach a career

plateau in as little as two years
• Academic learning does not provide the
sole evidence of continuing professional

• Potential employers seek evidence of


• “manage your own career, or let change

manage it for you”
• Deciding between alternative careers

• Awareness of alternatives available

• Knowing whether I am good enough to


• Winning in the system

Career Planning

“in each of us rests the power

to shape our future and it will
be shaped by our action – or
Why Career Planning?

If you don’t take control of

your career, for your own
advantage…who will?
What is Career Planning

Distilled into big questions…

– Who are you?

– Where are you now?
– What do you want? (Develop
your 1-2-3-5-10 …year vision)
– How can you get there?
The Ideal career

• Stops feeling like work

• Plays to your strengths

• …so it is a match with you

• But who are you?

Career Planning is about:

• Information & Knowledge about

– Yourself
– The Job market
– Opportunities

• Finding the right match for you

• Being pro-active

• Making it happen!
• Career planning must be flexible

• Some type of planning must be undertaken

• People with diverse interests and

aspirations are more successful

• Career planning is not necessarily about a

steadily upward progression
Career management competencies:

– Ability to optimise a given career situation

– Ability to engage in personal development

– Ability to use career planning skills

– Ability to balance work and non-work

A Perspective

“Effective Career Planning

is about finding a job that works for you,

matching who you are to the life you are
going to lead.”
- John Lees
Explore / Gather Information




Set Goals

Stages in Career Planning Process

Explore self

Explore the work world

Make decisions & set goals

Plan education

Obtain career experience

Explore Self
• Responsibility for one’s own career

• Explore self
A Starting Point – Who are you?

Be clear about what you want out of life

• Spend time on self-analysis and self-reflection

• Know your skills, abilities, values, aspirations,

wants, needs, dreams and personal style
You are…

Qualifications Talents
& Experience &

Values & Personality &

Passions Preferences

And more……
Key Motivating Factors
Your Values
Your Vision
Your Strengths (and how to keep your
weaknesses in check)

Your Development Needs

SMART Goals and Rewards on the way 
Resources needed and support mechanisms
Potential Difficulties
Timescales (!!!) and Reminders
Where are you now ?
Draw a symbol or picture

• A symbol or picture which represents

where you are with your career right now

• Don’t think about it too hard – intuitive

choices are often the most insightful ones

• What does the picture “say”?

• Write down some notes and share with 1

other person
What Makes YOU Unique?
Personality & Preferences

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The indicator is a questionnaire and interview with

a qualified practitioner, but alternatives ways of
investigating your preferences are available

You can complete a simple version of the indicator

on the BBC Science website

More information on each “type” can be found at
The 21st Century Success

Get Noticed
Be Remembered
Make a Name for Yourself
What makes you stand out?
• What do you love doing?
• What comes easy?
• What do you excel at?
• What is important to you?
• What are your best qualities/attributes?
• What do others appreciate about you?
• What are your greatest strengths?
• What are your passions?
What Skills will you need?

• What job do you have in mind?

• Where is the Job market going?

• Are changes forecast?

• Can you develop skills that might be in

short supply?
Your Career Vision
Your Vision

• What is important to you?

• Where you want to be?
• What you want to be doing?
• How you want to be viewed?
• How you want to feel?
• Preferred recognition/reward?
• How does it fit in with the rest of your
In Need of Inspiration ??

• Think of an academic, scientist, or any

person who YOU regard as successful – an
inspiration or role model
• What do they do?
• What are their qualities (eg characteristics,
attitudes and values)
• Skills (eg abilities)
• Achievements
• Success factors (How did they get to where
they are now?)
Creative Visualisation Exercise

• Find a comfortable position (on the

chair or floor if your prefer)

• Please close your eyes and relax …

Outcomes of the Creative

• What did you see?

• What did you feel?

• Write down any thoughts, emotions

and images from the creative
visualisation that you want to
remember for the future!
To Achieve Your Vision,
What Do You Need To Do?
How will your Vision be achieved?

Don’t rely on this…..

But feel free to make your own luck

Making Your Vision Reality

What will you need to do to

achieve your 5 (10) year vision?

– What’s a must?
– What’s useful?
– What’s good, but not vital
Individual Goal Setting
Your Ultimate BIG Career Goal

With your vision in mind, think

about your ONE goal you could
define for your career, your

Write it Down.
List > 10 SMART goals to reach that ultimate
goal based on your vision (work & personal)

Then, on the right hand side, put a

1 to the goals for the next 1-2 years
2 to achieve within 3 years
3 to achieve within 4-5 years

Group them together according to deadline

Then, put them in order of importance

• S – Specific (as detailed as possible)

• M – Measurable
• A – Achievable
• R – Relevant (to you!)
• T – Time bound (give it a deadline!)
Following are some questions to stimulate
your thinking.

What are my career goals?

Where would I like to be working in one year/five
years/ten years?
What skills do I want to improve?
What do I want to accomplish this year?
What do I want to accomplish in five years?
What are my financial goals in one year/five?
Where do I want to be living in five years/ten
How will I be spending my time in one year/five?
What will my work/personal/family relationships
be like in one year/five years ?
In my lifetime I want to accomplish...
Goal Setting for Success

• 7 Guidelines for achieving your goals

• Write down your goals and review them often

• Establish specific objectives and time frames
• Create action plans
• Determine further knowledge required
• Commit and promise yourself to implement and
achieve them
• Track your progress on a regular basis
• Each time you achieve a goal, celebrate your
Maintain your Momentum
• Identify three short term goals (for
you to achieve by within 3 months)

• Write a nice encouraging postcard to

yourself, with the same 3 goals (use
your chosen postcard for your
Positioning Ourselves
• “Self-marketing” has become crucial

• Choose an area of interest, and develop

some expertise
– Build on existing skills and abilities

• Publish in the professional literature

• Participate in professional associations

– Examine other relevant associations

• Participate in electronic discussion lists


Learn more about these

specific careers

Narrow your choices to a few

careers for continued
Taking Risks

• Initiate career changes

• Think outside the realm of traditional

Professional Opportunities
• Develop a network of professional
contacts, including mentors

• Become a member of professional

What Employers look for?
Careers in Finance
Investment Banking
• Mergers & Acquisitions,
Financial Advisors
Investment Banking- Bulge Bracket

• Merrill Lynch
• Morgan Stanley
• Goldman Sachs
• Citigroup
• Lehman Brothers
• Credit Suisse First Boston
• J.P. Morgan Chase
Investment Banking- Boutiques
Niche firms that focus on a particular industry, such
as technology, or a specific geography.

• Harris Williams
• Miller Buckfire
• Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin
• Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein
• Greenhill
• Broadview/Jefferies
• Sagent Advisors
Private Equity
"Angel" "Venture Capital" "Growth" "Buyouts" "Distressed Investing"

2nd & 3rd Emerging Leveraged Mezzanine Distressed Distressed

Seed 1st Round Hedge Funds
Round Growth Buyouts Debt Equity Debt

Age of
0 years 0-1 year 1-3 years 3-10 years 10-50 years 10-50 years 10-50 years 10-50 years 5+ years

2nd or 3rd
Stage of 1st generation Established, Established,
Idea Prototype generation Stressed Stressed Public
Company product slow growth slow growth

Public or Private or Private or Private or Private or Private or

Private Private Private Public
Private? Public Public Public Public Public

$0.2-0.5m $1-2m $2-5m $5-20m $10 - 250m $10 - 250m $10 - 250m $10 - 250m N/A

70%+ 50-70% 50-60% 40-50% 25-40% 20-30% 30-50% 30-40% 20%
Investment Management
Variety of Asset Managers
• Individuals
– Small Mutual Funds
– Family/Individual Managers
– Private Client Services/Private Wealth Management

• Group of Individuals/institutions
– Mutual Funds (independent companies/investment banks)
– Hedge Funds (independent companies/investment banks)

• Investors (individuals/institutions)
– Insurance Companies
– Public Companies
– Pension Funds

• Advisors
– Investment Banks (Equity Research)
– Fund-of-funds
– Consulting Companies
– Rating Agencies
Career Paths within Investment

• Mutual Fund/Hedge Fund

– Analyst: analyze companies by industry,
sector, etc using modeling, interviewing, etc.
and make recommendations for stocks to be
included or not from portfolios.

– Portfolio Manager: Manage a portfolio of

stocks insuring that they will outperform a
benchmark while managing the risk.

– Director of Research

– Chief Investment Office

• Equity Research – Investment Bank (Sell Side

– Analyst: analyze companies by sectors using

modeling, interviewing, etc. and make
recommendations to the mutual funds or
hedge funds to buy or sell the stocks.
– Sell side analysts act as service providers
rather than principals

• Private Wealth Management

– Associate: research individual’s assets and
offer them products and services to increase
their assets. Very entrepreneurial as the
goal is to build up a “book” of clients.

• Operations – CMS TBG

• Credit Analyst
• Business Development & Relationship
• Product Structuring
• Treasury
• Retail Assets
• Actuary
• Financial Domain Expertise
• Deal Processing & Settlements
• Company Analysis
• Business Development

• Valuation

• Projects
What are the Key Skills Recruiters
Look For?

• Strong academic track record, quantitative skills

• Leadership
• Teamwork
• Analytical problem solving skills
• Ability to drive change/make positive impact
• Project Management
• Strong oral communication skills/presence
• Client relationship/management skills
• Evidence of interest in the industry/function of
private equity
• Diverse, relevant industry/functional experience
Skill Sets
• Excel Spread sheet skills
• Balance sheet Analysis
• Industry / Sector study
• Valuation of Financial Instruments
Personality Traits

• Head for Number crunching

• Comfortable with markets
• Strong Analytical mind
• Comfortable with Economics
Mathematics & Statistics
• FMCG $ 18 Bn
• Advertising Rs 16300 crores
• Automobile
• Aviation
• Banking
• Cement
• Financial Services
• Food
• Health Care
• IT
• Media & Entertainment
• Pharmaceuticals $ 6.5 Bn
• Real Estate
• Tourism & Hospitality
• Telecom
• Indian Automobile Industry
• Largest three wheeler market in the world
• 2nd largest two wheeler market in the
• 4th largest passenger vehicle market in
• 4th largest tractor market in the world
• 5th largest commercial vehicle market in
the world
Product/Brand Management
Sales Management
Consulting and Marketing
• Personal attributes

– Communication skills, including language ability

– Ability to listen
– Technical investment knowledge
– Enthusiasm, energy
– Flexibility, entrepreneurial spirit
– Stature, maturity, credibility
– Self-motivation, self-starters, team players
– Results driven, natural salesman

– Professional qualifications/experience
– Technical product knowledge at an increasingly
sophisticated level
– Market knowledge – legal/regulatory framework, local
– Personal Contacts
- What clients do not want…

• Product push
• Over-promise, under-deliver
• Delivery of something other than
what they bought
• Off target sales
• Over-spending on the sales process
• Desperation!
Self Assessment
Anatomy of a Self Assessment
– Value Inventories
include autonomy, prestige, security, interpersonal
relations, helping others, flexible work schedule, outdoor
work, leisure time, and high salary.

– Interest Inventories
The questions in an interest inventory ask about your likes
and dislikes regarding various activities. Examples of
interests are reading, running, playing golf, and knitting.

– Personality Inventories
A personality inventory looks at one's individual traits,
motivational drives, needs, and attitudes.

– Skills Assessment
Job Preference Inventory
Job Preference Results
If you scored If you scored If you scored If you scored
highest in A, highest in B, highest in C, highest in D,
Focuser (Self- Relater Integrator
Your work style is: Operator (Detailer)
Starter) (Enthusiastic) (Finisher)
Integrate (Understand Operate (Understand
You like to: Focus (What) Relate (Whom)
Why) How)

You want to know: Task at hand Big Picture Significance Details

Taking charge;
Your preferred roles Coordinating; Problem-solving; Monitoring;
are: Facilitating Diagnosing Analyzing
You are concerned
Practicality Teamwork Innovation Documentation

You manage by: Directing Organizing Planning Controlling

Your managing style

Authoritative Democratic Self-directed Systematic

You want to be: Productive Flexible Self-reliant Accountable

You value: Experience Participation Questioning Compliance

You follow: Strong leader Focus of group Personal reasoning Policy

You work well with: Clear goals Broad goals Ideas/Input Systems

Your focus is on: Outcomes Involvement Input Procedures

You want to have: Authority Influence Time to assess Boundaries

Final Word……
• Take the time to reflect

• Review the changing information landscape

• Think about possible directions to take

• Be creative, bold and visionary

• Grasp the opportunities presented

Build a Portfolio
• Review progress regularly
• How have you used skills, knowledge
and experience to achieve projects or
• Record what you did, how you did it
and what the result was
• Use progress meetings to cover
professional development
Unless you are perfect….
• Your good intentions might get
squeezed out by life …

• Find support to keep you on track

and maintain your momentum!
The greater danger for most of us lies not in
our aim too danger forshort;
high and falling most of us
but innot
setting our
aim too low, andaim too high
our mark.
and falling short; but in setting our
aim too low, and achieving our
Michelangelo Buonarroti

Michelangelo Buonarroti
Top Books About Career Choice
• Do What You Are Paul D. Tieger
• Cool Careers for Dummies Marty Nemko, Paul
& Sarah
• Finding your perfect work Paul and Sarah
• 48 Days to the work you love by Dan Miller
• Discover what you are best at by Linda Gale
• What type Am I ? Discover what you really
are ? by Renee Baron
Thank You And good luck!

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