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Presented By:
 Introduction
 What is an ATM
 History
 Need of Facial Recognition at ATM
 Where technology is used
 Working
 Advantages & Disadvantages
 Conclusion
 ATM made money transaction easy.

 Other side is enhancement of culprit’s

action to get unauthentic access.

 Improved Technology is used.

 Facial Recognition is recent technology

used at ATMs.
ATM with facial
Recognition Mechanism
History of an ATM
 Many inventors contribute to the invention.

 Don Wetzel invented first successful and

modern ATM.

 But Luther GEORGE started patenting earlier

in 1939.

 A working prototype was ready in 1969 & was

installed in New York.
Don Wetzel's ATM
 He got the idea while waiting in line at Dallas Bank.

 It was not in a lobby.

 It was actually in the wall of the Bank.

 Had a canopy over IT for protection.

 ATM was cash dispenser only.

 First ATM’s were off-line machines.

What is an ATM
 A Banking Terminal that accepts deposits &
dispenses cash.
 It has two input devices viz ;
1. A card reader that reads
magnetic strip.
2. A keypad.
 It has four output devices viz ;
1. A speaker.
2. A display screen.
3. A printer.
4. A safe & cash dispensing
Atm machine
 Networking
ATMs are connected to interbank
network enabling people to withdraw and deposit
money from machines not belonging to the bank
where they have their account.
 Hardware
ATMs contain secure cryptoprocessors,
generally within an IBM PC compatible host
computer in a secure enclosure.
 Software
ATMs are moving away from
custom circuit boards and into full-fledged
with commodity operating systems such as
Windows 2000 and Linux .
 Reliability
ATMs are generally reliable, but if
they do go wrong customers will be left
without cash or giving out higher value notes.
 ATM Frauds

These had two common forms.

1. In the low-tech form, the user's PIN is observed by

someone watching as they use the machine.

2. By contrast, the most common high-tech modus operandi

involves the installation of a magnetic card reader over
the real ATM's card slot, and the use of a wireless
surveillance camera to observe the user's PIN.
ATM’s in Operation
Need of Facial
Recognition at ATM
 Traditionally, card & PIN is used to access

 ATM frauds are increasing.

 By forcing ATM to match live image with an

image stored in a bank database, frauds
can be minimized.

 Only when PIN & image matches, user is

considered fully verified.
Where Facial Recognition
Technology is used
 Used mainly in Law Enforcement
Agencies & Security Surveillance.
 Also has several other uses :
1. Eliminating voter fraud.

2. Check-Cashing identity
3. Computer security.
 Also used to pinpoint the face in the
crowd & measure its features.
Computer Security

 Facial Recognition
software can be
used to lock your
Used to pinpoint faces
in crowd
 Facial Recognition
mechanism is also
used to pinpoint a
face in the crowd &
measure its
 Facial Recognition analyzes Characteristics of
face through digital camera.
 There are peaks & valleys on face called nodal
 There are around 80 nodal points on face.
 Some of them are :
1. Distance between eyes.
2. Width of nose.
3. Depth of eye sockets.
4. Cheekbones.
5. Jaw line.
6. Chin.
 These nodal points are measured to create a
numerical code that represents face in database.

 This code is called face-print.

 These measurements are then used for

comparison when user stands before camera.

 Does not require physical contact with image

capturing device.
Identification Steps
 Take a photo of the individual &
encode it.

 Match the encoding against


 Display the result (i.e. verified or not-

 Frauds are minimized.
 It does not require any physical contact
with image capture device.
 Does not require any advance hardware.
 Convenient to use because additional
security information (smart cards, pwd.
etc) can be skipped.
 Usually helps in situation where certain
biometric feature is not optimal. e.g. hard
workers may have raw finger prints.
 Face is not so unique, so its
recognition reliability is slightly

 To match with the database image, it

requires lot of time.

 As ATM frauds are increasing, or the

culprit’s probability to get the
‘unauthentic access’ is increasing,
additional security like Facial
Recognition mechanism is necessity.

 http:///
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