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Article Critique

Legal analysis of the legal liability

of the executive branch in Russia
and USA

Yury Ivanov
 Article Overview  Study site and
 Introduction
 Methodology
 Brief discussion of the
study  Conclusion

 Hypotheses of the study  Reference

 The objectives of the

Legal analysis of the legal liability of the
executive branch in Russia and USA

Alexey Chepus

 Journal: Law and modern States

 KEY-WORDS: legal responsibility, the
Constitution of the Russian Federation, the US
Code,Russian government, President, U.S.
Cabinet, Executive branch, Congress, U.S.
Senate, Russian Parliament, Vice President,
Executive powers and functions, impeachment of
top officials, Monica Lewinsky.
Brief discussion of the study

 This article contains an analysis of the concept of legal

responsibility of bodies of Executive power in the two
legal systems-American and Russian.
 In this article, the author examines the specifics of the
Russian and American political and legal systems.
Hypotheses of the Study
 This paper contains the analysis of the notion of the legal liability of
the executive branch in two legal frameworks - of Russia and USA.
The constitutional foundations of the architecture and operation of
the USA executive branch are researched in details, with the focus
on the practice of functioning of the US Cabinet and President and
the liability of the high-rank executives in the USA. The paper also
considers the essence, legal elements and implementation
instruments of the governmental liability in Russia. The application
of the legal sanctions in Russia and USA is compared. The author
casts his vision of the problems of liability of the RF Government
and US Cabinet both to the President and Parliament. The paper
also gives consideration to the concept-based fundamentals of the
legal liability theory and provides various views of the problem of
implementing the legal liability in Russia and USA.
The Objectives of the Study

 The author aims to analyze the concepts of legal

responsibility of the Executive power in two legal
systems of Russia and the United States. To study in
detail the constitutional foundations of the architecture
and functioning of the Executive branch of the United
States, with an emphasis on the practice of functioning
of the Cabinet of Ministers and the President of the
United States and the responsibility of high-ranking
leaders in the United States. The article also examines
the essence, legal elements and tools for implementing
state responsibility in Russia.
 Comparing the organization of Executive power in the United States
and Russia, it should be said that the government as such in the
United States, unlike Russia, does not exist. In accordance with the
legislation of the Russian Federation, the state Duma of the Russian
Federation is appointed as the Chairman of the Government of the
Russian Federation. It proposes candidates for Federal Ministers to
the President, as well as determines the main directions of the
government's activities and organizes its work. The Russian
government, unlike the us Cabinet, renounces its authority to the
newly elected President of the Russian Federation. But the President
in Russia can at any time dismiss the government, change Ministers
or the Prime Minister, which is in some ways similar to the powers
and powers of the us President.
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 2. Mishin A.A. Constitutional (state) law of foreign countries. - M.:
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 3. Orlov .G. Higher bodies of state authority of Latin American countries.
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 29
 4. Governments in foreign countries / ed. by A.N. Kozyrin, Ye.K. Glushko. -
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 5. Government, departments and agencies in foreign countries. - M.: Yurid.
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 6. Statkevichius M. Development prospects of impeachment in a modern
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 Government
 legal responsibility
 executive authority

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