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Game Sense

Miss Maryam Marqus


• The game sense approach to teach and

reinforce tactics and decision making to
develop an understanding of the game.
• It focuses on the game, rather than on
practical skills, tactically awareness make
better decisions during games.
• Game sense is based on the Teaching
Games for Understanding (TGfU) model.
(Light, 2012)

• Bunker and Thorpe first anticipated Teaching Games for Understanding

(TGfU) in 1982 as an substitute to traditional, technique-led approaches to
games teaching and learning.
• They sense that traditional approaches tended to concentrate on exact
technical skills without considering the background nature of games and how
they are practical in games.
(Light, 2012)
Twelve fundamental movement
skills are:
• “The development of
FUNDAMENTAL children’s fundamental
• the static balance
• the sprint run
MOVEMENT movement skills is a
significant step towards • the vertical jump
SKILLS establishing a lifelong • the catch
commitment to health and • the hop
physical activity.
• the side gallop
Fundamental movement
skills are the building blocks • the skip
for the wide range of sports • the overarm throw
and physical activities • the leap
offered in our community”.
• the kick
• the two-hand strike
• the dodge

(NSW Department of Education and

Training, 2000)

• There are four categories of games in which game sense is reinforced by.
These include:
• Invasion games: soccer, basketball and rugby
• Striking games: cricket and softball
• Net/wall games: tennis and volleyball
• Target games: golf and archery
(NSW Department of Education and Training,2000)
• Building up skills, children are able
to transfer their previous skills and
WHY GAME apply them from one game to
SENSE? • Children learn these skills in a
enjoyable and fun way, whilst they
gain skills and understanding of the
rules strategies.
(Light, 2012)
• Encourages tactical and decision
BENEFITS OF making skills.
• Concentrations on the game.
THE GAME • Children develop the ability to
SENSE express themselves, cooperate with
their peers, gaining appreciated
APPROACH social skills.
• Game sense offers teachers with a
level of flexibility as games can be
modified so that all ages, sizes, and
levels to have a fair game and is
still enjoyable.
(Light, 2012)
• The game sense approach is a great
teaching strategy and is supported by the
Board of Studies NSW PDHPE Syllabus.
• Applies Interpersonal Skills (I) games and
HOW GAME sports that require communication,
cooperation, leadership and social
SENSE LINKS awareness.
TO THE • Game sense approach also assists in
developing self management skills (S) to
PDHPE strengthening personal identity and
decision-making/ problem-solving.
SYLLABUS • Finally assists in developing movement
skills (M) to creative tactical movement
and health/fitness enhancing movement.
(NSW Education Standards Authority, 2018)
Reference list

• Light, R. (2012). Game sense: Pedagogy for performance, participation and

enjoyment. Routledge.

• NSW Department of Education and Training. (2000). Get skilled: Get active.

A K-6 resource to support the teaching of fundamental movement skills.

• NSW Education Standards Authority. (2018). Personal development, health

and physical education K-10 syllabus.

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