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• Dear Friend im here to teel you some information about renewable
energy in our contry I don’t know how is it in your country but in my
country everybody in this country isn’t likying everything from here .
• FOREWORD from the Minister of Economy and

• Given its high dependence on imported energy resources, the Republic of Moldova is crying out
for a more intensive use of renewable energy sources. Indeed, in a country where three
quarters of energy needs are covered by imports, the consistent and feasible implementation of
a renewable energy strategy has a tremendous importance for the Republic of Moldova’s energy
security. Therefore, the main pillars and vectors of the country’s energy policies are now
orienting towards the enhancement of energy security and security of supply, the reduction of
CO2 emissions, and the sustainable development of the economy. In the context of this
fundamental role for renewable energy in the transition towards a more competitive economy
and towards ensuring a more secure and sustainable energy system – the Ministry of Economy
and Infrastructure is working hard to scale-up the importance of renewable energy in the
country’s energy mix, with the support of the Energy Community Secretariat, development
partners and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
• So I don’t want to bore you but its kinda cool because we are not rich
but not poor so our country dose not have so much renewable energy
some people is buying from other country so this is all thank you for
lisening and have a great day.
The End

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