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Myles Kowalski
What is Kahoot?

● Game-based learning platform

used in millions of classrooms
across the globe.
○ Over 1,000,000 players per
○ Played in 200+ countries
● Incorporates educational,
multiple choice assessments
with engaging game-play to
involve students

● Access to over 30 ● Ability to host live

million public games games with entire
● Options to create your classes, utilizing
own multiple choice student’s personal
Kahoot quizzes using devices to answer
own test bank questions projected
on a big screen
How it works

● Random question from teacher’s test bank

presented to class on big screen for several ● After all students have entered an
seconds until everyone has selected the answer answer, the correct response will be
Answers are collected via the student’s device shown on the screen
while logged into the Kahoot! host’s game ● Results show how many students
Students will select the color on their device
answered correctly, or incorrectly
that correlates to the correct answer color on
the screen
Kahoot in PE?
● Assess the knowledge gained by

students before and/or after

applying it to the physical activity

● Multiple choice live games on

topics like…

○ Nutrition

○ Basic game rules

○ Proper technique

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