Nature of Inquiry and Research: Lesson 1

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Lesson 1
 Explain understanding of the term “inquiry.”
 Outline all ideas learned about inquiry
 Infer societal issues through speculative thinking
 Enumerate the benefits of inquiry-based learning
Read and analyze the
cases. Find the
solution by asking
Case #1

● Andy is put in a cell with a dirt floor and only one window. The
window is too high for him to reach. The only thing in the cell is a
shovel. He won’t be able to get any food or water and only has two
days to escape or he’ll die. Andy can’t dig a tunnel because it will
take him much longer than two days to do it.
Case #2

● Marissa and Juliana went out for drinks together. They

ordered the same drink. Juliana was really thirsty and
finished five in the time it took Marissa to finish one. The
drinks were poisoned, but only Marissa died.
●The poison was in the ice.
Since Marissa’s ice had time
to melt, she was poisoned but
Juliana wasn’t.
Case #3

● A girl is at the funeral of her mother. She meets a nice guy that she
didn’t know who also was at the funeral and they hit it off. She was
busy at the funeral and didn’t have time to ask him for his number
before he left. She tried really hard to track him down, but no one
knew who he was or how to contact him. A few days later her sister
●She killed her sister. She was hoping
that if someone else in her family
died, the man she met at her
mother’s funeral would show up
Case #4

● A chemist was murdered in his own lab. The only evidence was a
piece of paper that had the names of chemical substances written
on it. The substances were nickel, carbon, oxygen, lanthanum, and
sulfur. The chemist only had three people come by his lab on the
day of the murder: fellow scientist Claire, his nephew Nicolas, his
wife, and his friend Marc. 
●There was a very obvious clue on
the piece of paper. If you combine
the abbreviations of the chemical
substances on the paper, you’ll
get a name: Ni-C-O-La-S. 
Case #4

● A chemist was murdered in his own lab. The only evidence was a
piece of paper that had the names of chemical substances written
on it. The substances were nickel, carbon, oxygen, lanthanum, and
sulfur. The chemist only had three people come by his lab on the
day of the murder: fellow scientist Claire, his nephew Nicolas, his
wife, and his friend Marc. 
How was asking thoughtful questions
important in solving problems?
A learning process that Obtaining knowledge is
motivates you to obtain done by investigating or
knowledge or information asking questions about
about people, places, or something you are
events. inquisitive about.

It requires you to collect
data, meaning, facts and

information about the object
of inquiry and examine
such data carefully.
Making an Inquiry
Engaging Top Level Thinking
yourself in Strategies
many ways Cre Infer
of thinking ative ential
that inquiry
is an active Criti
process. cal
Inquiry and Research are terms that are almost

Research is to
discover truths by
investigating on your
chosen topic
It is going through a
systematic way of
doing things wherein
you begin from the
simplest to the most
complex patterns of
the same in meaning.
Inquiry is to look for information by asking various
questions about the thing you are curious about
- As a problem-solving technique,
it includes cooperative learning
because any knowledge from
members of the society can help
to make the solution
Elevates interpretative thinking through graphic skills

Hastens conceptual understanding

Facilitates problem-solving acts

Increases awareness and cultural knowledge

Widens learners’ vocabulary

Encourages cooperative learning

Improves student learning abilities

Encourages higher-order thinking strategies

Provides mastery of procedural knowledge

Theory of Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD) Click icon to add picture
Lev Vygotsky

-students can learn

faster and more
effectively if they get
help from more learned
or experienced people
- stresses the essence
scaffolding in learning
Theory of Connected
Experiences for
Click icon to add picture
and Reflective Thinking
John Dewey

-learning by doing or
experiential learning
Theory of
Constructivism or
Discovery Learning
Click icon to add picture

Jerome Bruner
-learners discover answers
through reliance on their
schemata prior knowledge
or experience.
In Summary…
How do you learn something
through inquiry?
Why is inquiry a scientific way of

Describe an instance in
your life when you did
an inquiry Explain how
you used at least one
thinking skill. (5-8
Lesson 2
Agree or Disagree

● Your zero or poor knowledge of research

means you are not in a quality school.
● To have a rich understanding of every aspect
of your research means to approach it in a
naturalistic way.
● You can quantify people’s world views.
● Research is exactly the same as inquiry.
● You behave like a scientist in research.


Research has been so loosely employed in everyday speech
that only a selected few have an idea of what it really is.
The following are just some of the misconceptions:
■It is not a mere information gathering.
■It is not a mere transportation of tasks from one location to
■It is not merely rummaging for information.
■It is not a catchword used to get attention
Research is a systematic process of
collecting, analyzing, and interpreting
information in order to increase
understanding of the phenomenon of
interest or concern.
Research is…

●A process of executing various acts of

discovering and examining facts and
information to prove the accuracy and
truthfulness of your claims and conclusions
about the topic of your research
Research is…

●Requires you to inquire and investigate about your

chosen research topic by asking questions that
will make you engage yourself in top-level
thinking strategies (interpreting, analyzing,
synthesizing, criticizing, appreciating and
●Analogous to inquiry, in that, both involve
investigation of something through questioning.
Research is…
●More complicated than inquiry because
it follows an order of research stages
which involves cooperative learning.
●A process that requires working logically
and systematically and collaboratively
with others.
Characteristics of Research

● Accuracy -must give correct or accurate data.
Footnotes, notes, and bibliographical entries
should honestly and appropriately be
documented or acknowledge
● Objectiveness -must deal with facts, not with
mere opinions arising from assumptions,
generalizations, predictions, or conclusion
● Timeliness -must work on a topic that is fresh,
new, and interesting to the present society
● Relevance- topic must be instrumental in
improving society or in solving problems
affecting lives of people in a community
● Clarity-  must succeed in expressing its
central points or discoveries by using
simple, direct, concise, and correct language
● Systematic-  must take place in an
organized or orderly manner
● Ethical- must be geared toward what are
advantageous or beneficial rather than what
are detrimental by respecting preferences
on matters of confidentiality, independence,
or freedom
Buddy Talk
With your partner, discuss your
ideas about the following
The other member will be ready
to share these thoughts in class.
Based on Application of Research

Pure Applied
Based on Application of Research Method
● Pure Research (Basic Research)- research that
deals with concepts, principles or abstract
● It aims to increase your knowledge about
something, or develop new theories, principles
or ideas.
● B. Applied Research- research that applies
chosen research to societal problems or issues
to make positive changes
Based on Purpose : DESCRIPTIVE
● Descriptive – aims at defining or giving a verbal
portrayal or picture of a person, thing, event,
group, situation, etc.
● It centers mainly on the “what” of the subject of
the study.
● Research question normally begins with “What
● Its main purpose is to explain the nature of present
events or problems in the society by collecting
Based on Purpose : DESCRIPTIVE
● Data gathering techniques for descriptive research
include survey of existing documents and records
from existing literature in books, periodicals,
studies and reports.
Based on Purpose: CORRELATIONAL
● Correlational – shows relationships or
connectedness of two factors, circumstances, or
agents, called variables, that affect the research.
● It indicates the existence of a relationship and not
the causes.
● Correlation coefficient is the expression used to
specify a numerical value to represent the strength
and direction of the relationship of variables.
Based on Purpose: CORRELATIONAL
● Based on Changes in Variables

○ Positive Correlation – if the increase of one variable results in

the increase of another variable

○ Negative Correlation – if the increase works to decrease the

other variable
● Based on Data Collection Technique

○ Natural Observation – observations of variables happen in a

natural environment

○ Survey Research – data come from questionnaire survey

Based on Purpose: EXPLANATORY
● Explanatory- also called “causal research” that
focuses on the reasons behind the occurrence of
something and on the present or future effects of
such happening.
● It establishes the connection of one thing to
another, and clarifies the pattern of their
connectivity. From the connection of these two
things, explanatory research gives you the
Based on Purpose: EXPLORATORY
● Exploratory – also known as “formulative
research”, has the purpose of exploring certain
topic, specifically one that was not given clear
explanations or results in previous research studies
● It aims at obtaining clearer understanding of the
research problem and formulating exact
hypothesis or assumptions to ensure an accurate
•What are the attitudes of millennials
Descriptive toward Entrepreneurship Education?

•What kind of Entrepreneurship

Exploratory Education do millennials go for?

•Which between entrepreneurship education and

Explanatory financial literacy will have stronger impact on one’s
business intellect?
Based on Purpose: ACTION RESEARCH
● Action – studies an ongoing practice of a
school, organization, community, or
institution for the purpose of obtaining
results that will bring improvements in the
● Qualitative ● Quantitative
● It requires non-numerical ● It involves
data, which means the
research uses content
measurement of data
that highlights the human that presents
experience. research findings in
● It is an investigation of reference to
data that cannot be
numerical forms, i. e.,
measured but are
using percentages,
reflective of people’s
thoughts, belief, feelings, fractions and
Approaches to Research

●Scientific or Positive
●Naturalistic Approach
●Triangulation Approach
● Scientific or Positive Approach – discover and
measure information as well as observe and control
variables in an impersonal manner. Data gathering
techniques are structured interviews,
questionnaires, and observational checklists. Data
are expressed in numbers, meaning suitable for
quantitative researches.
● • Naturalistic Approach – deals with qualitative
data that speaks of how people behave toward their
surroundings. Non-numerical data that express
truths about the way people perceive or understand
the world in a natural setting.
• Triangulation Approach – free to
gather and analyze data using multiple
methods, allowing you to combine or mix
research approaches, types, data
gathering, and data analysis techniques.
Gives the opportunity to view every
angle of the research from different
Question Hour

Raise your questions about

research-its types,
characteristics and
importance to your everyday
life. Direct your inquiry to
any of your classmates, who
in turn will also ask questions
after answering the question

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