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Aboriginal Art Research

By Titouan
Papunya Culture

I will be presenting a painting that comes from the

Papunya Culture, they are artist which live in
Australia. There are around 120 artists who work in
groups and when one sells a painting the money won
is divided for the group the painter is in. They have
loads of ceremonies that date from their ancestors.
This movement of artist was created by the
government to preserve this culture.
Why I chose this culture?

I chose this culture as I found a really good website

on it, and the topic I want to study is aboriginal art.
The website is:

I wanted to study aboriginal art as it is very original

and I was interested to know about it.
My painting This is an aboriginal painting that is created with
loads of small dots that created a painting. The
colors that are used in it are: brown, red, black and
white. The painting has only lines and circles, which
make it very simple. This painting style comes
directly from the sand paintings there are in their
ceremonies. This is a traditional ceremonie that
comes from their ancestors. There is no notion of
perspective in this painting but we can see
movement, for example we could think that these
are bubbles in the water going up, the circles are
the bubbles and the lines are the natural water.
What the paintings are used for?

This painting is used to sell at visitors or tourists. It is

an activity that the papunya do together. Selling
these paintings are the only way they win money,
they have no other job. These paintings also take a
very long time to do and they require a lot of
patience. The work of the Papunya Tula artists are
very praised and they are often put in museums and
public galleries. As those paintings are good the
papunya culture wins well their life and more and

“NN1810101.” Papunya Tula Artists PTY. LTD.,

Papunya Tula Artists PTY. LTD.,

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