Exercises (Nouns in Nominative Case and They Role in The Sentence)

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Мужской или женский род ?

Условие задания :
Определи род существительных.

Мороз (Frost) –
Зима (Winter) -

Gender nouns - Род существительных

There are four kinds of nouns in Russian

1.With masculine nouns you can use the

supporting words
он мой: стакан (glass), трактор (tractor) ,
2. Supportive
Степан words used with feminine nouns
она моя: трава (grass) , девушка(girl) земля (earth)

3. Supportive words can be used with neutral nouns

оно моё: сердце(heart) , чувство(feeling) ,поле(field)
4. General nouns can denote, without changing their form,
representatives of both the male and female

Сирота - An orphan
Плакса – Crybaby
Забияка - Hooligan
Врунишка - Liar
Неряха - Unclean
Зубрила - Wonk
Тихоня - Demure persona
Работяга - Plodder
Умница - Smart

1. The initial for nouns is the

form of the nominative case of
the singular.
2. There are four kinds of nouns.
3. The form of the gender of adjectives related to general
nouns depends on what kind of representative these nouns
4. Не имеют рода те существительные, которые
употребляются только во множественном числе.

Nouns Ending

Погоня (chase) —

Кабина (cabin) —

Земля (earth) -
Мать (mother)
Дочь (daughter) -
Конь (horse) -
Мальчик (boy) -
Папа (dad) -
Кольцо (ring) -
Село (village) -
Поле (field) -
Здание (building) -

The nominative case of nouns. Role in
the sentence of nouns in the
nominative case
In the nominative case, all nouns answer the question
“Who?” or "what?" How to determine which question
to ask?
If the word denotes a creature, then we ask him the
question “Who?”
Ребёнок - child
Мастер - master
Орёл - eagle
If the word means an inanimate object, then we ask
the question “What?”
Коробка - box
Маршрут - route
Карта - map

In the nominative case, nouns, as a rule, act

as the main members of the sentence.
Школа — наш общий домSchool
. is our common home

Январь — первый месяц календарного года -
January is the first month of the calendar year

Nouns in the form of a nominative case are never used with


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