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Decent work and

economic growth
-Sergio David Carreno Rey
-Adrian Camilo Aguirre Rincon
-David Leonardo Espíndola Núñez
-Andres Felipe Cristancho Niño
-César David Gaviria Sanabria
There are many economic problems in
the world and some may be the
Approximately half of the world's
population still lives with the
equivalent of about 2 US dollars a
day, with a global unemployment
rate of 5.7%

In many places, having a job does

not guarantee the ability to escape
To achieve sustainable
economic development, it is
proposed that
societies must create the necessary
conditions for people to access
quality jobs, stimulating the
economy without damaging the
There will also have to be job
opportunities for the entire population
of working age, with decent working
Likewise, increasing labor productivity, reducing the
unemployment rate, especially among young people,
and improving access to financial services to manage
income, accumulate assets and make productive
investments are essential components of sustained
economic growth.
Increasing commitments
to trade, banking and
agricultural infrastructure
will also help increase
productivity and reduce
unemployment levels in
the world's most
impoverished regions.

Latin America is one of the world parts fill of resources, but in spite
of their worker people, animals variety and the exploitable
resources, is part of the bad economy group.

And that can… or will complicate the decent work and

obviusly the economic growht at the most part of it countries.
Why are a problem?

Since 1989 (when the colonization was finished in Latin America) the
progress in the majority of Latin America didn´t happen quickly.
The matter? The management of government in the countries. Only
some countries had find the answer to get a progress.
The Decent Work can´t be possible yet.

Although we have the same Works than a first world country the
payment is irregular and isn´t enough to live “decently” on our
countries, the medium class at the half of the month hasn´t even a
one quarter of the whole salarium; That means the arrivement at
the final of the month with complications in their daily feeds and
even debts for the next month.
The Economic Growth isn´t possible neither

Only a minimal part of all the countries in Latin America can

contribute with the economic growth in the world and to the
“zone”, we all are not able to get a bit of that and maybe that
economic growth in some countries would be nice only for enhance
the apperience of the zone though.
In Africa…
Poverty is at the heart of Most of Sub-
Africa's problems. This is an Saharan Africa is
overview of some of the in the World
economic challenges facing Bank's lowest
the continent. income category
of less than
$765 Gross
Even middle income National Income
countries like Gabon (GNI) per person
and Botswana have per year.
sizeable sections of Ethiopia and
the population living Burundi are the
in poverty worst off with
just $90 GNI per
BUT… Why africa is so?

Poor Governance Corruption

Unemployment Population growth

Droughts and
Insecurity: Famine
Solutions for unemployment
and for the poor economy
• 1. That the big companies (monopoly type) are
not advantageous with agreements with the
government (such as taxes or other situations)
that don’t allow microenterprises that are just
2. Promote formal employment online.

There are many jobs that

don’t need face-to-face
supervision to be performed
and in which it’s not
necessary to be in an office.
In addition to comfort this
helps both the employee and
the company financially in
some expenses.
3. Give decent compensation to the peasants.

If the people who cultivate and live of this are well paid and
live with dignity, more people will want to work on this and not
only would it be to generate employment, but the country's
economy would also be favored.
Suggestions togenerate decent work

1. Rights at work.
Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of
employment, to just and favourable conditions of
work and to protection against unemployment.

— Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United

Nations General Assembly

The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right to work, which includes the right of
everyone to the opportunity to gain his living by work which he freely chooses or accepts, and will
take appropriate steps to safeguard this right.
Social protection
Consists of policies and programs Labor market interventions are policies and
programs designed to promote
designed to reduce poverty and employment
vulnerability by promoting efficient
labour markets, diminishing
people's exposure to risks, and Social insurance mitigates risks associated
enhancing their capacity to manage with unemployment

economic and social risks, such as

unemployment, exclusion, sickness,
disability and old age. Social assistance is when resources

Social Dialogue

Is the process whereby social

partners negotiate, often in
collaboration with the
government, to influence the
arrangement and development of
work-related issues, labour market
policies, social protection, taxation
or other economic policies.

Social dialogue is a flexible tool that

enables governments and employers’
and workers’ organizations to manage
change and achieve economic and
social goals.
Suggestions to economic growth
Promote economic growth They are the ultimate job creators who start with
through innovation. ingenious ideas, take risks and create value for the

Because trough of eradication of the crops of coca with

Change the form in we take
glyphosate wich cause health problems and kill lawful
solution of the drug trafficking

Leave the laws wich are beneficial to the big industries

Remove unnecessary and expanding the growth of these companies and ruin the
unclear laws small industries.
If the workers are compliant, the performance
of the production go to be better and
they will contribute with the economy

Productive and freely chosen work

For enhance the economy is necessary end with

the corruption, is an act wich steal us million at
the year, and in all story of Colombia has been
presentgiving us the breakthrough.

End the corruption


• It allows a higher standard of living to be achieved.
• Increases productivity.
• If the national income is increased, the authorities get more
income without having to raise tax rates.
• Increases employment and competitiveness.

• High pollution from toxic waste emanating from industries.

• Lack of state controls on industries to force them to reduce
environmental damage.
• Impossible for certain sectors to access the benefits of economic growth
due to factors such as culture, education, etc.
• Sacrifice by individuals in terms of their present standards of living to
achieve capital accumulation and later investment

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