Contractions in English

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Contractions in English

 A contraction is a shortened form of a word (or group of

words) that omits certain letters or sounds.

 In most contractions, an apostrophe (’) represents the

missing letters.

 The most common contractions are made up of verbs –

auxiliaries, or modals – attached to other words
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Slangs Expression
AMA Ask Me Anything
Bae Babe / Before Anyone Else
DAE Does Anyone Else?
DM Direct Message
ELI5 Explain Like I’m 5
FTFY Fixed That For You
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Headdesk Supreme Frustration
HIFW How I Felt When
Slang Expression
ICYMI In Case You Missed it
IMO / IMHO In My Opinion / In My Humble
IRL In Real Life
JSYK Just So You Know
MFW My Face When
MRW My Reaction When
MRL Me in Real Life
NSFW Not Safe For Work
NSFL Not Safe For Life
Slangs Expression
PAW Parents Are Watching
QFT Quoted For Truth
SMH Shaking My Head
TBT Throwback Thursday
TIL Today I Learned
TL;DR Too Long; Didn’t Read
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YOLO You Only Live Once

 Aphaeresis?

 Syncope?

 Apocope?

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