Vision 1 Lesson Three/ Writing

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Vision 1

Lesson three/ writing

State verbs express states or conditions which are
relatively static. They include verbs of perception,
cognition, the senses, emotion and state of being.
Examples of state verbs

appear cost have need seem

believe doubt know owe suppose
belong exist like own suspect
consider fit love prefer understand
consist hate matter remember want
contain hear mean resemble wish
• State verbs are not normally used in continuous forms:

• I am needing a new phone. I need a new phone.

Who is this bag belonging to? Who does this bag belong to?
They are seeming tired. They seem tired.
Action verbs
Action verbs (dynamic verbs) express activities, processes,
momentary actions or physical conditions:

Examples of action verbs

attend dance have knock sing

arrive eat help leave speak
ask fall hit melt talk
call feel hurt read throw
change go itch say travel
cook grow kick shrink watch
Action verbs can be used in continuous forms:

Who was he talking with?

Someone's knocking at the door.
I've been reading this book for weeks.
State verbs in the
continuous form
Stative meaning Active meaning
Do you have a car? (own) They are having dinner at the moment. (eating)
You are my best friend. (it's a fact) She's being silly again. (behaving in a silly way)
That soup smells good. (has a good smell) He is smelling the soup. (sniffing at)
This milk tastes sour. (has a sour taste) I was just tasting the food. (testing)
He was looking out the window when I saw him.
You look great! (your current appearance)
(directing his eyes towards)
What do you see? (notice with eyes) I'm seeing my dentist this afternoon. (visiting)
The judge will be hearing the evidence later this week.
I don't hear well. (pick up with ears)
(listening to)
Are you expecting visitors this evening? (waiting for
I expect that you are tired. (assume)
them to arrive)
How have you been feeling? (asking about physical
I feel that you are wrong. (think)
This melon weighs 2 kg. (its weight is 2 kg) He is weighing the melon. (measuring its weight)

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