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e Learning
by: Mainit, Charmelene B.
Naingue, Sandy M.
Cooperative Learning
• Is a grouping strategy in which students work together to benefit each
other’s learning potential.

Advantages Limitations Integration

Learning benefit Size limitation Students can learn
Formal or informal Potential overuse cooperatively not
Learning opportunity Group member limitation only by discussing
Content areas text material and
viewing media but
also by producing
Is a highly motivating technique, especially for tedious and repetitive

Advantages Limitations Integration

Engaging Competition concerns Variety of types of
Match to outcomes Levels of difficulty games to be used in
Variety of settings Expense the classroom
Gain attention Misdirection of intention
Advantages Limitations Integration
Questionable presentation
Novelty maybe difficult
Time factor
Debriefing necessary
Discovery strategy uses an inductive, or inquiry, approach to learning; it
presents problems to be solved through trial and error.

Advantages Limitations Integration

Engaging Time factor Instructional
Repeated steps Preparation is critical technology and
Student control of learning Misunderstanding media can help
promote discovery or
Problem Solving
Involves placing students in the actual role of being confronted with a
novel problem situated in the real world.

Advantages Limitations Integration

Engaging Difficult to create Problems can be
Context for learning Age appropriateness introduced in the
Levels of complexity Time consuming classroom in many
Requires debriefing ways.
When to use Teacher-Centered Instructional Strategies
Instructional situation strategy Potential technology/media
The whole class needs to Presentation •An overhead transparency
learn how to conjugate verbs showing the specific steps to
conjugate common verbs
•A Power Point Presentation
that interactively shows
variations of a verb by clicking
on key words
•A flip chart with the
conjugation steps outlined
•A video that includes text
showing the varitions of each
verb and video clips of kids
demonstrating the action
noted in the verb
Instructional situation Strategy Potential technology/media
Because of safety issues, Demonstration •The teacher uses the actual
students need to observe he chemical materials necessary for
teacher handling chemicals the demonstration
for an experiment •The teacher models correct use of
certain types of chemicals to ensure
hat safety measures are addressed
in the classroom setting
•Video showing how to safely
handle the chemicals
Students need to review and drill-and-practice The teacher prepares worksheets
practice information learned that provide practice of the specific
as part of earlier instruction knowledge learned.
The teacher prepares flash cards
with questions and answers for
pairs of students to use to practice
Computer software on the topic is
made available in a learning center
within the classroom for students to
use during the day
Instructional situation Strategy Potential technology/media
Because of safety issues, Demonstration •The teacher uses the actual
students need to observe he chemical materials necessary for
teacher handling chemicals the demonstration
for an experiment •The teacher models correct use of
certain types of chemicals to ensure
hat safety measures are addressed
in the classroom setting
•Video showing how to safely
handle the chemicals
Students need to review and drill-and-practice The teacher prepares worksheets
practice information learned that provide practice of the specific
as part of earlier instruction knowledge learned.
The teacher prepares flash cards
with questions and answers for
pairs of students to use to practice
Computer software on the topic is
made available in a learning center
within the classroom for students to
use during the day
Teacher-Centered Strategies
• Those directed specifically by the teacher
• Is key to the design of the instruction

Students-Centered Strategies
• Focus on the student leading or directing the
learning situation.
Creating Learning Experiences
Behaviorist Perspective
• Teachers need to provide reinforcement for
those changes of behavior.
• It is essential for the teacher to create a
positive classroom atmosphere.
• Behavior in the classroom could be modified
to approach what was considered to be
“good” classroom behavior.
Cognitivist Perspective
• Learning takes place when students mind are
actively engaged in processing information.
• Individuals “filed” information in the memory
according to pattern or schema.
• Information needs to be organized.
Constructivist Perspective
• Students formed their own knowledge.
• Learners must have an active role in the
learning process.
• Learners cannot learn something without
• Teacher is an essential facilitator to learners
Social-Psychological Perspective
• Cognitive processes are constantly changing
and impact development of higher order
thinking in individuals - Vygotsky .
• Learning required a natural setting – Bandura.
Learning Contexts and Settings
Face-to-Face Classroom Instruction
• Is termed as synchronous setting.
• The most prevalent type of instructional setting.

Distance Learning

• “hybrid” instruction
• Mixing and matching various instructional settings to meet
the learning needs of the students.
Independent Study-Structured

Informal Study-Nonstructured
The end

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