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A Digital Port folio on G ED1 01

By Seth Jarl G. Agustin


Aspiring Civil Engineer
and Entrepreneur

Understanding the Self | GED101

• My full name is Seth Jarl Gregorio • Arts - Photo and Video Editing
Agustin • Music - Playing Piano, Guitar, and
• Born on January 29, 2001 - 12:51am Ukulele
• Born at Olongapo City, Zambales • Sports - Athletics, Swimming, and
• I am a Filipino Citizen Cycling
• I am 19 years old • e-games - LoL, GTA V, Brawlhalla, and
• Height - 170cm Weight - 58kg L4D2
• Watching Anime and Reading Mangas
Understading the Self | GED101 03

About me pt. 2
Inside the house my parents would call me "Seth"
but if I made them furious, then they would call me
by my full name, "SETH JARL AGUSTIN!!". I am so
energetic as a child that even the teachers would
tell my mom that I may have, "ADHD", when in
truth I am just energetic! My sister would call me
"kuya", but if I'm ignoring her, she would call me
"SethJawH" and repeat it endlessly until I give my
attention to her. Welcome to my Digital Portfolio.
Biological Self

Understanding the Self | GED101

When we say physical self, it is the self that is dealt physiologically or basically
our body. We can say that the physical self is affected by biological and
environmental factors. The physical features we are born with cannot be
undone and is permanent. We are born with physical features inherited from
our parents. Along with the transmission of traits and characteristics coming
from our parents, we also carry a unique set of chromosomes and beyond
chromosomes are DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid which holds the genetic code
of our body which signifies our trait and characteristics, and this is called,
"Heredity". In addition, there are external factor that can affect the physical
self, and that is through environmental factors such as your family, the social
group you are in, and cultural practices as well. Starting from the family, you
first learn how to maintain your personal hygiene through them, and this will
determine the development of your physical self as you grow, and as you grow
older, you get more exposed to different environments from different social
groups and this also will affect your physical self. One example is being
conscious about your physical appearance. Some will be conscious about
getting fat while some will also be conscious about their face having pimples.
This feeling of insecurity and self-conscious may lead to a change in one’s
physical self in order to feel acceptance and be part of a social norm. The
physical self, in my own understanding, can be defined as the physical body
were in our consciousness resides in. It is like an external shell or a vessel of
our soul that is used to explore and experience the physical world. In exchange
for venturing the world, the body should be maintained in an ideal condition,
and that can be done by nourishing the body with healthy foods, keeping the 04
body clean and hygienic, and engaging to physical fitness. The world may only
view the body’s outward appearance, but the most important thing is
Biological Self
The moment we are born, one's sex is already determined, but
not gender. We may refer to sex as the biological characteristic
an individual already possesses, such as the male and female
genitalia, On the other side, gender is defined as either
psychological or cultural or on how the society expects you to be.
I ,for one, am born biologically male for the reason that I have a
Understanding the Self | GED101

'Penis'. As young as I was, I didn't have any understanding of this

until I have had my first crush. Knowing that I have this
infatuation for a girl, I knew at that moment that I am a male.
Furthermore, I also learned when I was young that by being a
'man', one should be circumcised. This is what I meant by cultural
norms defining your gender, on how one is expected to act. As I
grow up, I learned things from my classmates, like porn and
masturbation. It was shocking at first since I was young, but later
on, I came understand the purpose of having sex, and that is for
reproducing. I learned that it is not a joke anymore. My mind was
very curious as an adolescent at that time, but I learned its
consequences, the risk of ruining your future and getting sexually
transmitted diseases. Therefore, I was able to have a strong
05 foundation sexual self by deciding to be mature of my actions
through rational thinking, leaning on to principles such as self-
We humans are social beings that are capable of socializing, and thus being able to communicate our thoughts
and emotions with one another. When we say the social self, it is the self that is influenced by the social group one
belongs to. Such social groups are our family, friends, school, society and cultural beliefs. These social groups
greatly affects the development of our social self. Once we are born, we already belong to a social group, and that
is our family which is said to be the most significant part of the development. Our first teachers were our parents
and at a very early age, we start to learn how to distinguish right from wrong as well as creating our first
impressions of the world. Family is also where we start learning how to talk and socialize especially when one has a
sibling. Next in the development is our friends and the school’s academic environment. As we expose ourselves as
we grow up, our social self also broadens as we get to know different social learning environments. The knowledge
we learn from books, lessons from teachers, and ideas from fellow classmates are already getting engraved in the
deepest part of our self which later on help us progress in the society. Next is the culture one belongs. According to
Edward Tylor, “culture is the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, law, art, moral, customs, and other
capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society”. Culture has a significant contribution on one’s
social self and to understand its influence. By tackling this, one will learn about the Biological Systems Theory and
Individualism-Collectivism that an indivual belongs to. In conclusion, We exist in this world to socialize with one
another. Without socializing, how can one grow in a society where everybody is evaluated based on his or her
contribution? If not, then why did God even bother giving us a voice? As the philosopher Aristotle said, “Man is by
nature a Social Animal” which is definitely true. We exist to socialize because socializing helps us in interacting
with each other and is a key component in the innovation and success of humanity.
In this day, where the efficiency of technology is already at the


Understanding the Self | GED101

tips of our fingers, socializing has never been this easy and this is
possible due to the rise of social media sites. Facebook, Twitter,
S O C I O - D I G I TA L S E L F YouTube, and Instagram, are one of the well-known site that are
tend have a different personality as compared
frequently to theirWhen
used. actual ones.
using For me
social personally,
media, people what I am inside
the digital world is the same to what I am outside the real world because I realized that it is tiring to
even have a different personality other than your actual one. Well, some still do have different
personalities when using social media. This is because being a part of a virtual community may affect
one's social self and identity. Most of the people who use fake identity on the virtual world resort to
cyber bullying and this is very rude to the one that are being bullied. People are either thirsty for fame
and recognition that is why they have multiple personalities in both the real world and the virtual
world. We should be responsible even in the virtual world. We should always consider the feelings of
others when posting and sharing anything on social media. Furthermore, always be with the right
people, online and offline. True happiness can never be achieved on fake personalities online, but by
being who you truly are while being with the circle of friends that you genuinely trust.

Understanding the Self | GED101
Our material possessions can define who we are. By
having an expensive phone, one will think that you SOCIAL SELF
are rich. By having owning a gun, one will think that MATERIAL / ECONOMIC SELF
you of
arebooks, one will
a criminal. By think
owningthat you are smart. Possessions are like an extension of self
which defines our personality. In addition, we buy things that are either our needs or
wants. Needs are the necessities we need in order to survive, while Wants are the
buying things that only for pleasure or luxury. Some tend to forget about their needs
and buy their wants for the only reason of boosting their social self, but this is wrong.
One should always consider the significance of an item whenever deciding to buy it.
Always think whether the item will last for long-term or will beneficial for you.
Therefore, the materials that we own build up our material or economic self.

Cognition, Memory, and Intelligence
Ev er y i ndi v i du al is b or n with the a b i li t y to thi n k, to reme mbe r, a nd
to ra ti ona l i ze. As w e g row ol de r, our menta l c a p a c i ty a l so g ro ws
w hic h ena b le us to th in k of mor e c ompl e x thi ng. Jus t l i ke i n
s c hool s , whe re menta l c a p a c i ty of stu de nts ar e s or ted by gra d e.
The pro gr es s we ma de on d eve lop i ng our c og ni ti on i s never
for gotte n, a nd thi s i s b ec a us e we h av e me mor y . The thi ngs we
l ea rne d a nd exp er i enc e d a r e a l l s tor ed i n our memor y tha t wil l
eve ntua l l y be put to us e i n the r i ght ti me a nd the c i rc umsta n c e.
H ow we d ev el ope d our c og ni ti ve sk il l s a nd memor y i s re l eva nt to
our i nte ll i g enc e . Al l of us have di ffer ent way s of und er s ta nd in g
an d c onc e ptua li zi ng thi ngs . Thi s su gge st s th at we a r e a l l bo r n
wit h di ffe ren t i ntel l ec tu al a b i l iti es.

In today’s time, a lot of people believe that an individual’s intelligence is based
on his or her proficiency on the field of mathematics or linguistics. If that
individual scores high on either a test of mathematics or English, then he or she
can be considered smart or intelligent. However, in a book (Frames of Mind: The
Theory of Multiple Intelligences) published on 1983, wherein Dr. Howard Gardner
suggests that the traditional approach in measuring one’s intelligence, such as
the IQ Testing, is far too limited and inadequate. He believed that us human
beings have different kinds of intellectual strengths and that the educational
system that we have now is the most unfair educational treatment to us
students for the reason that it only picks out one kind of mind and judges those
that have different strengths on certain fields of intelligences. Therefore, Gardner
developed a theory wherein 8 different kinds of intelligences are defined in a
more comprehensive
Verbal-Linguistic way.who are versed on verbal and literature works
- people
This theory is called, “The
Logical-Mathematical Theory
- people whoofare
on mathematical equations
Visual-Spatial - people who are good at visualizing the world and its surroundings
Musical - people who are good at making sound
Naturalistic - people who can manipulate elements in the environment
Bodily-Kinesthetic - people who uses their body to solve things
Interpersonal - people who can relate to other’s feelings
Intrapersonal - people who can understand their own feelings

By knowing the different intelligences, I will be able to know what are my

strengths and weaknessess, what are my capabilities and limitations, and how I
can improve my intelligence.
Understanding the Self | GED101

Human Learning

We are human beings are unique in all ways and cannot even compare to
animals because we have the capability to learn. People learn in a process
called "Social Cognitive Theory" which suggests that we all learn through
four stages of observation. When we want to learn something that interests
us, we tend to focus on that thing and store it into our memory. However,
just remembering is not enough that is why we practice it so that will be
integrated in our long-term memory. Personally, for me to pass my tests in
math, I would first need to understand the concept of such problem, after
understanding it, I would memorize how the formulas are derived, then I
would practice continuously until I master solving the problem. Learning is
not hard, but one should be consistent for it to retain. By taking down notes,
asking help for questions to problems you find hard to understand to your
peers and mentors, and trying other learning experience which can enhance
your learning experience can one truly learn deeply.

Understanding the Self | GED101

nderstanding the Self | GED101Understanding the Self | GED101 Understanding the


We humans are also emotional creatures that are granted with

- Self - behavioral response to a certain circumstance, mood, or

relationship with others. These responses usually occur due to
biochemical reactions taking place in our brain and is triggered
by the threats coming from the environment. Therefore,
emotions are like survival instincts which makes one aware of
the impending danger that is about to happen and on how one
responds to it. However, often time people interchange the
meaning of feelings to emotion. The two are distinctive but are
always used interchangeably in various context. Feelings on
the other hand is the mental portrayal of you experiencing
emotion. There is also characteristic everyone has called the
emotional intelligence. Each and every one of us have this
innate characteristic and develops throughout our lifetime.
People with high emotional intelligence tend to have high
social awareness skills, decisionmaking skills, self-awareness,
self-management, and both interpersonal and intrapersonal
intelligences, that is why people with high EQ are more
12 preferred in the workplace rather than those with only high IQ.

They are preferred because of their flexibility with those
derstanding the Self | GED101Understanding the Self | GED101 Understanding the

As we grow up, we learn to regulate our
emotions through experiences in life. We
often use emotional regulation to negate
negative emotions. This helps us cope to
what emotional trauma or situation we may
have been. By regulating your emotions
well, one will be achieved emotional
maturity and efficacy. By having emotional
maturity, one will be able to manage
disruptive impulses, to maintain standards
of honesty and integrity, to take
responsibility, to be flexible, to be open to
- Self -
everything, and it understand the feeling of

I will share some of my personal experience

on emotional regulation. There are times
wherein some my friends would go
overboard on teasing on some thing that
will embarrass me, but since they are my
friends, I would simply tell my self that this
is us only having fun. If I were to get angry 13
at them, then our relationship as a friend is

Many believed that being religious is the same as being spiritual. However,
these are two different things. Religion is the practice of beliefs or tradition by
a religious faith or cult. On the other hand, spirituality is the sense of having
an intimate relationship between you and God. Living everyday by faith is
different from living everyday by habit. Just going to church is religious but
The Inner Soul going to church and accepting God into your heart knowing that He has great
plans for your life is what we call Spirituality.

Being raised in a God-loving family was always my life's first blessing. As a

child, I am always taught to pray whenever food is on the table or before going
to sleep. We'd go to church every Sunday, and I would participate on Sunday
schools reading the Bible and having fun learning God's words. As I grow up, it
came to point where everything was already repetitive. It was like everything I
am doing for God has become a habit. However, on my first spiritual baptism
on 2013, I regained my childlike faith and pursued my relationship with God
intimately. I began joining discipleship trainings and other youth fellowships
and this boosted my spirituality. On 2015, I begun my first Sunday as a part of
the music ministry. I played the piano with my fellow musicians while praising
and worshiping God. This part of my is unforgettable. To be able to serve my
creator, my redeemer, and my God has become my main purpose in life.

Spiritual Self
Man is for nature and nature is for man. The relationship
between the two can never be separated. Both are
creations of God, and both are created for the purpose of
supporting each other. Without nature, breathing, eating,
and let alone surviving is impossible for man. Nature
Understanding the Self | GED101

provides us with an abundance of food, water, and other

natural resources. In return, we should take care of
nature. In our world today, pollution is already infesting
nature of the beauty and abundance it once has. Floating
plastics are killing fishes and oasis now turning into
desserts. We got reckless and irresponsible for taking care
of nature. However, we can still save nature by learning
proper waste management, limiting the mining of
minerals and other natural resources, and by advocating
other individuals the importance of taking care of nature.

Understanding the Self | GED101

As a Born-Again Christian, I firmly believethe existence of
a one true God. At an early age, I was taught to know
God. Coming from a Christian family, my father
being an Associate Pastor, my sister and I were raised
practically in the church.As I grow up, I learned about

things that are seems unexplainedand baffling, such as
ghosts and other paranormal phenomena. I believe of its
existence and by believing, it only makes my faith my
faith bigger.As I grow more, I begun on participating

SPIRITUAL on church activities, such as bible studies and prayer

meetings. Soon, God’s word that was planted in my heart
started to grow. It change me little by little and suddenly,

I see myself falling in love with God. I now serve in the
music ministry in our local church as a pianist. I know I
am far from perfect, but I know I have a perfect God who
is always beside me. The world may contain a lot of
unknownwhich tendsto instillfearin us. However, by
knowing God’s love for me,Ieventually find the
confidence to face everything inlife. Every day, I am
always reminded thatI amnever alonein this battle, that I
should not fear anything because the God who loves me
will be with me. By knowing this, itgivesme the strength
and courage to continue walking in this journey called
life. Even when I stumble, I will get hurt for sure but not
forsaken or abandoned, for He will help me get up on my
feet and push me to continue with my journey.

On political affairs, we members of the society have the privilege to voice out our concerns
because it is our right as a citizen of this democratic country. By standing for what is right for
our country, we are practicing democracy. It is our right for the choices of the people to be
heard. In our generation today, one can practice active citizenship by voicing out their concerns
through social media platforms. By letting the younger generations be exposed to politics, it is
ensuring that the future of the country will be more systematized than the previous ones.

Personally, I am planning on participating on the next presidential election on 2022. As a youth

and citizen of this country, I am no longer satisfied with how the government is running our
country. Lots of corrupt officials are still on the go and issues still keeps piling up, especially in
this time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. I am witnessing how incompetent our government is.
Therefore, as concerned citizen of this country, I am planning on being part of the the
democratic system by participating and voicing out my concern on social media.

It is indeed the generation of the Millennials where
technology is booming and every individual owning
their own digital devices. We are witnessing how
technology is changing our society. From social
media and online education, to e-commerce and
digital citizenship, we are already being manipulated
by technology. We are already being succumbed by
its advancement in the society, and we should not
let this happen. We should not let technology define
us. The 'us' in the digital world should also be 'us' in
the real world. It is true that the advancement of
technology is making things efficient for us but let us
not be too reliant to it to the point where we cannot
do nothing without it.
Our Past, Present
and Future.

The future is defined on the results of the past and the present. People who
learned from their past and think of it as a stepping will be able control their
present, and thus achieving an assured future. However, those who dwells on the
negativity of their past will eventually lose control of their present, and thus a
gloomed future.

I think my future will on the right hands. As long as I continue pursuing my dreams
and ambitions along with the support of my family, friends, and God, I believe that 19
everything will go as planned. I must not hesitate to improve myself now, so that I
can achieve what truly waits for me in the future.

Understanding the Self has been an

75 interesting subject for me. Not only did it
help me understand my true self, but also
help me understand the different facets of
the self. The topic I enjoyed learning was
the social self, particularly the multiple
25 intelligences of Howard Gardner. I
understood that every individual has
different kinds of intelligence in them. One
might be good at this thing while you
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being bad, or vice versa. I understood that

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Se gin

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we should not underestimate anyone





based on the current education system we

have now.

Even amid the COVID-19 outbreak,
teachers are still doing the best they can
for us to get the education we needed.
O V E R A L L R AT I N G Therefore, I would like to thank you, Sir,
for keeping on teaching us in this 20
desperate times.
Understanding the Self | GED101

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