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Buying Behavior

Marketing Management
Consumer Behaviour

• Consumer behavior is the study of how individuals,

groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and
dispose of goods, services, ideas or experiences to
satisfy their Management
needs and wants.

• A consumer’s buying behavior is influenced by

cultural, social, and personal factors.

Marketing Management , MBA 2017 - '19

DCSMAT Vagamon,
Consumer Behaviour (continued)

Buying Behaviour
Marketing Management


Personal factors

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a. Cultural Factors

Culture, subculture and social class are particularly important influences on

consumer buying behavior.

• Culture is the fundamental determinant of a person’s wants and behavior.

Marketing Management
– Through family and other key institutions, a child growing up in the US is exposed to values such
as achievements and success, activity, efficiency and practicality, progress, material comfort,
individualism, freedom, external comfort, humanitarianism, and youthfulness.

• Each culture consists of smaller sub-cultures that provide more specific

identification and socialization for their members. (nationalities, religions,
racial groups, and geographic regions)
Marketing Management , MBA 2017 - '19

DCSMAT Vagamon,
a. Cultural Factors (continued)

• Social classes (all human societies exhibit social

stratification, most often in the form of social classes
– that are relatively homogeneous and enduring
divisionsMarketing Management
in a society, hierarchically ordered and with
members who share similar values, interest, and

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b. Social Factors

• Reference groups – all groups that have a direct or indirect

influence on their attitudes or behavior.
a) Membership groups – direct influence
i. Marketing Management
Primary Group – fairly continuously
ii. Secondary groups

b) Secondary groups – tend to be more formal and

require less continuous interaction

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b. Social Factors (continued)

• Groups to which individuals do not belong to -

a) Aspirational groups – those a person hopes to join

Marketing Management
b) Dissociative groups - those whose values or behavior an
individual rejects.

Where reference group influence is strong, marketers

must determine how to reach and influence the group’s
opinion leaders. Marketing Management , MBA 2017 - '19
DCSMAT Vagamon,
b. Social Factors (continued)

• Opinion leader – is the person who offers informal

advice or information about a specific product or
product category, such as which of several brands is
best or how a particularManagement
product may be used.

Marketing Management , MBA 2017 - '19

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b. Social Factors (continued)

• Cliques – communication researchers propose a social –

structure view of interpersonal communication
– Society as comprising of cliques – small groups whose
membersMarketing Management
interact frequently

– Clique members are similar, and their closeness facilitates

effective communication but also insulates the clique from
new ideas.

– Eg. Similar to Gladwell’s – Mavens, Connectors and Salesmen

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b. Social Factors (continued)

• Family
– Family of orientation – orientation toward religion, politics
and economics and a sense of personal ambition
– Family Marketing
of procreation – Management
spouse and children

– Roles and status

– Role – activities a person is expected to perform

– Status
Marketing Management , MBA 2017 - '19

DCSMAT Vagamon,
c. Personal factors

• Age and stage in the life cycle

Life event -
Marketing Management Marriage
– Age Life event -
– Family life cycle Parenthood

Life event -
Retirement Marketing Management , MBA 2017 - '19

DCSMAT Vagamon,
c. Personal factors (continued)

• Occupation and economic circumstance

– Product and brand choices are affected by economic
Marketing Management

• Personality and self-concept

– Personality – set of distinguishing human psychological traits
– Brand personality – set of human traits that we can attribute
to a particular brand
Marketing Management , MBA 2017 - '19

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c. Personal factors (continued)

• Brand personality framework

Marketing Management

Marketing Management , MBA 2017 - '19

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c. Personal factors (continued)

• Consumers often choose and use brands with a

personality consistent with their actual self concept

Marketing Management
– Self concept
– Others’ self – concept
– Ideal self concept

Marketing Management , MBA 2017 - '19

DCSMAT Vagamon,
c. Personal factors (continued)

• Lifestyle and values

– Lifestyle is a person’s pattern of living in the world as expressed in
Marketing Management
activities, interests, and opinions.

• Tata Sampann launches ready-to-cook

multi-grain khichdi mix
• "Our approach is to bring to consumers, products that are at
the intersection of modern science and traditional Indian
wisdom. Khichdi is a perfect example of this wisdom and
with the ready to cook Khichdi mix, we are delighted to
bring a unique combination of convenience, taste and
nutrition to our consumer's plate,"
Marketing Management , MBA 2017 - '19

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