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1.Insects and related Pests
Insects are organism with three distinct body
parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), three pairs
of legs, and one, two, or no pairs of wings. Any
deviation from the definition for an insect is an
insect – related pest.

Chewing insect
Piercing and sucking insects
Incomplete metamorphosis
Complete metamorphosis
No metamorphosis
 Aphids
 White fly
 Ants
 Codling moth
 Spider mites
 Corn ear worm
 Colorado potato beetle
 Cabbage looper
 Leaf miners
 Squash vine borer
 Thrips
 Peach twig borer
 Mediterranean fruit fly
Nematodes are worm – like
invertebrates that lack appendages, are
nonsegmented, and are above in the
soil. They are microscopic
nonarthropods that attack above – and
below – ground plants; however, most
nematodes are soilborne.
 Weeds are unwanted plants or any plants
growing out of place. Weeds cause many
problems, which lead to billions of dollars in
annual crop losses control cost. Weeds are
problematic because they:
 Compete with the crop for water, nutrients,
and light
 Harbor diseases and insects.
Weeds that pose a threat to horticulture
crops include the following:
 Dandelion
 Canadian thistle
 Field bindweed
 Common lamb’s – quarter
 Johnonggrass
 Quackgrass
 Common cocklrbur
 Large and small crabgrass
Plant diseases are abnormal conditions
in plants that interfere with the plants
normal appearance, growth, structure, or
function. There are two principal groups of
o Abiotic (environmental) diseases
o Biotic (pathogenic) diseases
 Fungi
 Fungi can be beneficial as well as
pathogenic, Numerous plant species
grow in association with fungi and are as
mychorrizae. This association is called
mutualism because both the host and
fungi benefit. This is similar to
symbiosis, which is when mutually
beneficial plant bacteria association
occurs, as is the case of legumes.
Fungi can be grouped into four
Obligate saprophytes
Obligate parasites
Facultative saprophytes
Facultative parasites
 Bacteria do not cause many
economically important diseases in
horticultural crops. This unicellular
organism widespread in the
environment. They are find in three
shapes: spherical, rod – like, and spiral.
Bacteria can be beneficial in plants such
as the symbiosis of rhizobia bacteria
with legumes to promote the fixation of
nitrogen in the host plant’s roots.
Bacterial diseases can cause
problems in horticultural crops:
 Common blight (Xanthomonas phaseoli)
 Crown gall (Agrobacterium tumefasciens)
Bacterial wilt (Erwinia tracheiphila)
Bacterial wilt of corn (Erwinia
Bacterial canker (Pseudomonas
Bacterial soft rot (Erwinia carotovara)
 Viruses typically consist of a core of RNA
and DNA enclosed in a protein coat.
They are not capable of digestion or
respiration. Viruses are obligate
parasites that get into the host cell and
take over the machinery for producing
the viral DNA or RNA. Viruses are
microscopic organism that can be
transmitted by insect such as aphids,
leafhoppers, and mites.
Mycoplasma – like Organism
 Mycoplasma – like organisms
are small parasitic organism
lacking constant shape and are
intermediate in size between
viruses and bacteria.
5. Rodents and Other Animals

 Small and large animals pests can

cause damage to crops because they
eat leaves, stems, fruits, and roots of
plant animal pest control may require
the use of pesticides (rodents).
However, you must be careful because
laws protect some animals, such as
deer, from the use chemical control.
The following are ways to control pests without using

Destroy the animal’s habitat.

Capture the animals and move
it to other location.
Use sound to scare animals
Use fencing to keep animals
Controlling Pests

For all five categories of pests previously

mentioned, the agree the damage
depends on the pest and the specific plant
being affected. When using any of the
following forms of pest control, keep in
mind that the amount of plants loss should
be at least equal to the cost of control.
Pest Control Procedure

The series of events that should take place

when controlling pest is as follows:
1.Prevent, if possible.
2.If prevention is not possible ,identify the
3.Implement an IPM program. There are five
general categories of pest control:
Cultural, biological, mechanical,
genetic, and chemical.
Cultural Pest Control

 Crop rotation
 Irrigation
 Fertilization
 Sanitation
Biological Control

 Bacteria released into the

 Chemicals, Toxins, and Repellents
Produce by Plants
 Beneficial insects
Mechanical Control

 Plowing
 Mowing
 Mulching
 Pruning
 Tillage
 Hand picking and traps
 Temperature and radiation
Genetic Pest Control

 Genetically modified organism

 Plant breeding
Chemical Pest Control

 Pesticides
Classification of Insecticides Based
on their Mode of action
Pesticides are sold into two general types of
formulations or forms: dry and liquid
 Systemic Poisons
 Contact Poisons
 Fumigants
 Stomach Poisons
 Suffocation Agents
 Repellents
 Fatal Attraction Action
Classification of Insecticides Based
on Their Active Ingredients
Two general classes of insecticides are
inorganic and organic:
Inorganic insecticides are made from
minerals such as arsenic and sulfur. These
are becoming less commonly used.
Organic insecticides can be broken down
into natural and synthetic insecticides.
Specific Insects and chemical
 Scale
 Mealybugs
 Whitefly
 Fungus gnats
 Fruit worm or ear worm
 Japanese beetles
Classification of Herbicides Based on Their Mode of

Herbicides are chemicals used to control weeds and are the

most commonly used method of control on a large scale. The
disadvantage associated with the use of herbicides are
damage to the environment, together with direct health hazard
to humans, both of which detract from their role in agricultural
production. Herbicides may be classified in the following ways.
 Selectivity
 Timing of application
 Method of application
 Chemistry
 Formulation
The Performance of Herbicides
 Proper identification of the weeds
 Environmental Conditions
 Maturity of the crops and weeds
 Soil characteristics
 Chemical concentration
 Time of application
 Complete ground coverage
Beneficial Organism in the Home
 Wasp parasitizing a gypsy moth caterpillar
 Wasp is preparing to lay an egg
in the corn earworm pupal tunnel
 Having a glued a hapless whitefly,
the big – eyed bug can devour its
prey at its leisure.
 A green lacewing larva dines
on whitefly nymphs.

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