Past Simple of The Verb TO BE

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Past Simple of the verb TO BE

Past Simple (=timpul trecut) – affirmative form
I was = eu am fost
You were = tu ai fost
He was = el a fost
She was = ea a fost
It was =el/ea a fost (un animal, un obiect, un
fenomen al naturii)
We were = noi am fost
You were= voi ati fost
They were = ei/ele au fost
Time expressions :
-yesterday = ieri
- last ….. = ……………trecuta (e.g. last week =
saptamana trecuta ; last month = luna trecuta)
- ………….ago = …………in urma (e. g. two weeks
ago = cu 2 saptamani in urma ; one year ago=
cu un an in urma)
Translate the following sentences into Romanian :
I was at my Gran's house yesterday
= ..........................................
You were late for school this
morning.= ...........................................
She was with her friends last
Saturday.= ............................................
We were tired
Translate the following sentences into English :
Eu am fost acasa seara trecuta =
Noi am fost la zoo ieri = ………………………………….
Ei au fost la cinema seara trecuta =
El a fost la banca cu o ora in urma/acum o ora =
Kelly si Roy au fost la circ sambata trecuta =
Look at the pictures and write sentences about where they were last Saturday.
Past Simple (=timpul trecut) – negative form
I was NOT / I wasn’t= eu NU am fost
You were NOT /You weren’t= tu NU ai fost
He was NOT / He wasn’t= el NU a fost
She was NOT /She wasn’t= ea NU a fost
It was NOT /It wasn’t=el/ea NU a fost (un
animal, un obiect, un fenomen al naturii)
We were NOT / We weren’t= noi NU am fost
You were NOT /You weren’t = voi NU ati fost
They were NOT / They weren’t= ei/ele NU
au fost
Translate into Romanian :
She was not/wasn’t with her friends last
Saturday.= …………………………….
We were not/weren’t best friends when we
were children.= ………………………………
Tom’s favourite sport was not/wasn’t
Translate into English :
Molly si Gina nu au fost la biblioteca duminica =
Eu nu am fost la muzeu ieri dupa-amiaza =
El nu a fost obosit dupa scoala =
Eu nu am fost ingrijorat. =
Past Simple (=timpul trecut) –
Interrogative form
Was I?
Were you?
Was he?
Was she?
Was it?

Were we?
Were you?
Were they?
Were you at a party last night?
Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t.
Was your brother at the cinema last night?
Yes, he was/No, he wasn’t.

Was your mother at work yesterday?

Yes, she was/No, she wasn’t.

Were your friends at the mall on Sunday?

Yes, they were/ No, they weren’t.

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