PoV - Latest Technology Trends - JishnuMithre

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Latest Technologies

Trend & Applicability to Insurance Industry

PoV by Jishnu Mithre

1 Context-Aware Computing 3

2 Cloud Computing 4

3 Fabric-Based Computers 5

4 Quantum Computing 6

5 Ubiquitous Computing / IoT 7

6 In-Memory Computing 8

7 Senseye 9

8 Consumerization 10

9 Big Data Analytics 11

10 Social Media Analytics 12

11 Real-Time Analytics 13

12 Voice Command Based Applications 14

13 Augmented Reality 15

Context-Aware Computing
What it means?
 A system is context-aware if it uses context to provide relevant information and/or services to the user, where
relevancy depends on the user’s task.
 A system with these capabilities can examine the computing environment and react to changes to the
 A context-aware software application adapts according to the location of use, the collection of nearby people,
hosts, and accessible devices, as well as to changes to such things over time.

Uses & Applicability Visualize here !

 Just by knowing where the user is, what activities or

job functions he/she might perform, can increase
the relevancy of an application and its content, or
change the application's use itself.
 A simple example for context aware app is Google’s
Gmail: Say for example if we receive a mail, a report
of a Auto-Expo, towards the right of the screen
Google will push all advertisements related to
automobile, latest news about other auto expo in
other parts of world etc.
1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
 Future example: The app on smart phone 2. Decrease in Intermediary support
dynamically shows the line lengths and a site map 3. Tendency for Self Service
at amusement park all automatically sensing 4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7
proximity to these locations
Cloud Computing
What it means?

 Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and
 Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their
personal files at any computer with internet access. It renders efficient computing by centralizing storage,
memory, processing and bandwidth.

Uses & Applicability Visualize here !

 Allows organizations to activate and retire resources

as needed, dynamically update infrastructure
elements, and move workloads to improve
efficiency without having to worry about creating
new infrastructures for each new application.
 Cost benefits of using a shared infrastructure rather
than creating new platforms on an application-by-
application basis.
 A simple example of cloud computing is Yahoo
email, Gmail, or Hotmail etc. You don’t need a 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
software or a server to use them. 2. Decrease in Intermediary support
3. Tendency for Self Service
4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7

Fabric-Based Computers
What it means?
 A fabric-based computer is a modular form of computing where a system is aggregated from separate building-
block modules connected over a fabric or switched backplane, consisting of interconnected nodes that look like a
'weave' or a 'fabric' when viewed collectively from a distance, hence the name fabric computer.
 In its basic form, a fabric-based computer comprises a separate processor, memory, input-output, and offload
modules (eg: Graphic Processing Unit) that are connected to a switched interconnect and the software required
to configure and manage the resulting system.

Uses & Applicability Visualize here !

 Fabric Based Computer is used to converge

 A Converged infrastructure, packages
multiple information technology
components into a single, optimized
computing solution.
 Fabric Based Computer based Converged
Infrastructure includes the vertical integration of
server, storage, and network systems and
components with element-level management 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
software 2. Decrease in Intermediary support
3. Tendency for Self Service
 It helps to optimize shared data center resources
4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7
efficiently and dynamically.

Quantum Computing
What it means?
 A quantum computer is a device for computation that makes direct use of quantum mechanical phenomena,
such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data.
 In a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR) type quantum computer, the atoms themselves are used as qubits for
the system, and has a liquid CPU containing two ounces of chloroform.
 In a quantum computer, a new type of technology is used, a technology that enables qubits to exist as coherent
superposition of 0 and 1 states, but the best method to build it is still unknown.

Uses & Applicability Visualize here !

 While a normal bit can have only one of two values:

"1" or "0," qubits can hold both values at the same
time. This is called superposition, which allows
quantum computers to perform millions of
calculations at once.
 The potential areas of applicability are:
 Ultra-secure and Super-dense
 Molecular Simulations
 Generate True Randomness 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
 Slim Encryption Technology 2. Decrease in Intermediary support
 Searching of unstructured databases 3. Tendency for Self Service
 Solving previously unsolvable mathematical 4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7
Ubiquitous Computing / Ubicomp
What it means?
 Ubiquitous computing (abbreviated to “ubicomp”) refers to a new genre of computing in which the computer
completely permeates the life of the user. We now call it: Internet of Things (IoT) !!
 In ubiquitous computing, computers become an invisible force, assisting the user in meeting his or her needs
without getting in the way.
 In this new wave of computing , computers are invisibly embedded into the world around us and they proliferate
everyday objects imparting them the ability to communicate with RFID(radio-frequency identification) tag.

Uses & Applicability Visualize here !

 The technology pillars enabling Ubicomp are

Nanotechnology, Wireless Computing, Context-
Aware Applications and Natural Interaction User
 Natural interactions, say voice, gestures or even
mood or even environment acts as inputs to the
computer and makes the computer to supply
services, resources, or information to the user
without the user having to think about the rules of
how to use the computer to get them.
1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
 User is not preoccupied with the dual tasks of using 2. Decrease in Intermediary support
the computer and getting the services, resources, or 3. Tendency for Self Service
information. 4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7

 Thus applicability is infinite – everywhere.

In-Memory Computing
What it means?
 In-Memory Computing is the use of flash memory in consumer devices, entertainment equipment and other
embedded IT systems.
 It offers a new layer of the memory hierarchy in servers that has key advantages — space, heat, performance and
ruggedness .
 As cost and availability of memory intensive hardware platforms reach tipping points in 2012 and 2013, the in-
memory approach will enter the mainstream.

Uses & Applicability Visualize here !

 Besides delivering a new storage tier, the availability
of large amounts of memory is driving new
application models for In-memory computing.
 Advantages: Improved transactional application
performance and scalability, Lower latency
application messaging, faster batch execution and
faster response time in analytical applications.
 In-memory applications platforms include
 In-memory analytics,
 Event processing platforms 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
2. Decrease in Intermediary support
 In-memory application servers
3. Tendency for Self Service
 In-memory data management 4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7
 In-memory messaging
What it means?
 Senseye technology allow users to control their devices with the help of their eyes.
 It tracks the eyes of a user with the help of the front-facing cameras, which are usually installed in a smart
 Senseye is based on a ITU Gaze Tracker project - an open source eye-tracking solution intended for people with
disabilities, particularly those who cannot work using regular interfaces.
 Senseye is known as Copenhagen Project, since its launch at Mobile Startup Weekend Copenhagen in June 2011.

Uses & Applicability Visualize here !

 Senseye is still a prototype and not a

commercialized technology.
 Some of the functions that can be controlled with
the help of this technology include ;
 activating screens
 playing games
 scrolling websites
 and almost any simple interaction with that
can be done via mouse or touch screen. 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
2. Decrease in Intermediary support
3. Tendency for Self Service
4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7

What it means?
 Consumerization is more of an approach than a technology as such. But it is going to rule IT innovations in the
years to come.
 Consumerization is a term used to describe the growing tendency for new information technology to emerge
first in the consumer market and then spread into business and government organizations.
 The emergence of consumer markets as the primary driver of information technology innovation is seen as a
major IT industry shift and it will rule the years ahead.

Impact & Applicability Visualize here !

 The primary impact of consumerization is that it is

forcing businesses, especially large enterprises, to
rethink the way they procure and manage IT
equipment and services.
 Equally importantly, large enterprises have become
increasingly dependent upon consumerized services
such as search, mapping, and social media.
 The capabilities of firms such as Google, Facebook,
and Twitter are now essential components of many
firm’s marketing strategies. 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
 It will make advertising-based services to spread 2. Decrease in Intermediary support
3. Tendency for Self Service
into major corporate applications such as email, 4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and
Big Data Analytics
What it means?
 The Analytics of Big Data is called Big Data Analytics.
 Big data consists of datasets that grow so large that they become awkward to work with using on-hand database
management tools. Difficulties include capture, storage, search, sharing, analytics, and visualizing.
 Big data spans three dimensions: Volume, Velocity and Variety.
 Volume – Big data comes in one size - Large.
 Velocity – Big data is time-sensitive and must be used as it is streaming in, to maximize its value.
 Variety – Includes unstructured data of all varieties: text, audio, video, click streams, log files and more.

Applicability & Advantages Visualize here !

 Big Data analytics has the following advantages

over the traditional data warehousing processes :
 The ability to converge data from multiple
data sources, both structured and
 Quick time to information in extracting value
from data sources that include mobile
devices, RFID, the web and a growing list of
automated sensory technologies.
 Scalability. 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
2. Decrease in Intermediary support
 Improved decision-making. 3. Tendency for Self Service
 Ever-narrower segmentation of customers. 4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7

Social Media Analytics
What it means?
 Social Media Analytics is the latest trend and effective technique used in modern day social analytics.
 Social analytics describes the process of measuring, analyzing and interpreting the results of interactions and
associations among people, topics and ideas.
 Social network/media analysis involves collecting data from multiple sources, identifying relationships, and
evaluating the impact, quality or effectiveness of a relationship.

Uses & Applicability Visualize here !

 Social media analysis tools are useful for examining
social structure and interdependencies as well as
the work patterns of individuals, groups or
 Social media analysis enables marketers to directly
measure their social media efforts, and understand
how conversations on social networks and online
communities influence marketing performance.
 Since social media plays huge role in
communicating to customers and branding , Social
media analytics will become a n inevitable tool for 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
2. Decrease in Intermediary support
all organizations for building strategies, market
3. Tendency for Self Service
penetration, market, trend analysis, fraud 4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7
detection and etc.

Real-Time Analytics
What it means?
 Real-time analytics is the use of, or the capacity to use, all available enterprise data and resources when they are
 It consists of dynamic analysis and reporting, based on data entered into a system less than one minute before
the actual time of use.
 It is also known as real-time data analytics, real-time data integration, and real-time intelligence.

Uses & Applicability Tech Factor

 Precisive and powerful market research tool.  Technologies that support real-time analytics:
 Real-time analytics can provide up-to-the-minute  In-database analytics.
information about an enterprise's customers and  Data warehouse appliances.
their behavior, thus enabling quicker business
decisions.  In-memory analytics.

 Support instant refreshes to corporate dashboards  Massively parallel programming (MPP) - the
to reflect business changes throughout the day. coordinated processing of a program by
multiple processors that work on different
 Real-time analytics supports unpredictable, ad hoc parts of the program, with each processor
queries against large data sets. using its own operating system and memory.
 In scientific analysis such as the tracking of a 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
 Processing in memory (PIM) - a chip
hurricane's path, intensity, and wind field, with the 2. Decrease in Intermediary support
architecture in which the processor is
3. Tendency for Self Service
intent of predicting these parameters hours or days integrated into a –memory chip to reduce
4. Demands Fulfillment 24*7
in advance.  latency. 

Voice Command Based Applications
What it means?
 Development of voice command based application can be traced to its predecessor – Speech recognition
software. Speech Recognition is the older technology that can translate spoken words into text. These systems
analyze the person's specific voice and use it to fine tune the recognition of that person's speech, resulting in
more accurate transcription.
 Voice command based application enables us to control your computer/mobile by just speaking to it.
 Ex: Apple’s Siri, Nuance Voice Control 2.0 , Voice2Go etc

Uses & Applicability Visualize here !

 The application using a natural language user

interface can be used to:
 Answer questions.
 Make recommendations.
 Perform actions by delegating requests to a
set of web services.
 Adapt to the user's individual preferences
over time.
 Perform tasks such as finding 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
recommendations for nearby restaurants, or 2. Decrease in Intermediary support
getting directions. 3. Tendency for Self Service
4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7
 Perform all usual tasks that can be done using
common UI in conventional apps.
Augmented Reality
What it means?
 An augmented reality system generates a composite view for the user that is the combination of the real scene
viewed by the user and a virtual scene generated by the computer that augments the scene with additional
 The virtual scene generated by the computer is designed to enhance the user's sensory perception of the virtual
world they are seeing or interacting with.
 The goal of Augmented Reality is to create a system in which the user cannot tell the difference between the real
world and the virtual augmentation of it.

Uses & Applicability Visualize here !

 Navigation - Enhanced GPS systems are using

augmented reality to make it easier.
 Sightseeing – Can augment a live view of displays in
a museum with facts and figures related to it.
 Military – With a Heads-Up Display the pilot doesn't
have to look down at the aircraft's instrumentation
to get the data they need.
 Medical - Augmented reality can reduce the risk of
an operation by giving the surgeon improved
sensory perception. This technology can be 1. Business through Online gaining Momentum
2. Decrease in Intermediary support
combined with MRI or X-ray systems and bring
3. Tendency for Self Service
everything into a single view for the surgeon. 4. Demands Fulfillment – 24*7

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