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Safety Training Module
What is a Safety Culture
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A safety culture is a behavioral climate

within a company that promotes, rewards,
and controls safety in such a manner as to
make safety a way of business.
Achieving a Safety Culture is Important
• 3

A Highly Visible Safety Culture will help -

 Improve Quality SAFETY
 Improve Absenteeism

 Maintain a Healthier Work Force

 Reduce Injury and Illness Rates

 Employee Morale

 Reduce Workers’ Compensation Costs

 Elevate SAFETY to a Higher Level of

Program Implementation
• 4

Achieving a Safety Culture Requires:

 Dedication

 Personal Interest

 Employee Support

 Management Commitment
What is Recognition
• 5

Generally Intangible to Others

 Recognition is motivational in nature
 Recognition can change behavior
 Recognition can be combined with tangible
 Some examples of Recognition include:

- Public praise
- Certificates of accomplishment
- Personal recognition from management
Behavior Principles
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What is behavior?

Behavior is what a person does or says.

What causes a person to take this particular
behavior or course of action depends on
other influencing factors. Attitude and
situational conditions cause the particular
Behavior Principals (Continued)
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What influences behavior?

 Motivation

 Intelligence

 Emotions

 Experience

 Attitude

 Situational Conditions

 Desire

 Need

 Abilities

 Skills

 Ambition
Behavior Reinforcement
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What is behavior reinforcement?

If you promote a behavior and make

someone feel good about performing that
behavior or give them a reason to perform
that behavior, its occurrence in the future
will likely increase.
Behavior Reinforcement
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 Acceptable behavior must be

consistently reinforced.
 Never miss an opportunity to give a pat

on the back for acceptable behavior.

People usually respond to positive
Behavior Reinforcement
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 Unacceptable behavior must never be


 Always promote the acceptable behavior

required for a given situation.
Behavior Reinforcement
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Reinforcement Considerations:
 Reinforce frequently and in public
 Reinforce ONLY acceptable behavior
 Reinforce immediately, never wait
 Reinforce during the safe behavior if possible
 Be specific about the reinforced behavior
 Give non-verbal positive cues (thumbs-up,

nods, etc.)
 Be totally positive
 Be sincere
 Accentuate the positive
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Motivation Changes Attitude

Attitude drives behavior
When a person’s attitude changes, his or her
behavior will typically follow. Assuming he or
she has adequate knowledge of the safe
working conditions in the work environment.
When you eliminate every other reason for
unacceptable behavior, what’s left is
Attitude is Important
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Safety and Peer Support

Once safe attitudes are a normal element in

the work environment …

 Behavior will be influenced.

Peers and coworkers will expect each other

to practice safety as a part of work as well
as a condition of employment
Attitude is Important (Continued)

• 14

Sustaining Safe Behavior

Everyone is responsible for sustaining a

safety culture ... attitude is the key!
The Human Factor
• 15

 Display sincerity for the individual’s

concerns (remember ... home life can
work) Rating Scale
Event Rating
Death of spouse 100
Divorce 73
Jail term 63
Death of close family member 63
Personal injury or illness 53
Loss of job 47
Gain of new family member 39
Change in responsibilities at 29
Son or daughter leaving home 29
Change in residence 20
Vacation 23
Christmas 12
The Human Factor
• 16

 Build relationships (learn what motivates

your teammates)

 Provide positive guidance (learn

strengths and reward them)
The Human Factor (Continued)

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Personal dignity is critical to good behavior

People must be treated with
 Always treat people with respect
 Always treat people equally
 Never ridicule good behavior
 Control a heated situation with respect
 If safety is critical to the issue ... stand
your ground
Accident Causation
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What causes 90% of all


Accident Causation
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Use of a broken ladder results in an accid

Contribution Factors
 Was he or she properly trained?

 Did the employee know not to use it?

 Was he or she reminded not to use it?

 Why did the supervisor allow its use?

 Did the supervisor examine the job first?

 Why was the defective ladder not found?

 Are procedures in place for defective

Accident Causation
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 Unmotivated (improper attitude)
 Unaware (lack of proper training)

 Unable (lack of accommodation)

Accident Causation (continued)

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Unsafe Behavior
 Horseplay
 Defeating safety devices

 Operating without authority

 Working on moving equipment
 Working in an unsafe position or posture

 Operating Equipment at an unsafe

 Failure to use personal protective
Accident Causation (continued)

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Unsafe Conditions
 Improper PPE
 Improper tools

 Improper guarding
 Poor housekeeping
 Improper ventilation

 Defective equipment
 Improper illumination
 Unsafe dress or apparel
Accident Causation (continued)

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Unsafe Personal Factors

 Fatigue
 Defective hearing

 Defective eyesight
 Muscular weakness
 Lack of required skill

 Intoxication (alcohol, drugs)

Accident Causation (continued)

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Results of unsafe behavior

 Slips, trips, falls
 Struck by
 Struck against
 Caught in, on, or between
 Overexertion
 Contact with - heat or cold
 Contact with - electric current
 Inhalation, absorption, ingestion,
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 Safety behavior contributes to:

 Employee’s promotion of Safety
 A safe work environment
 A measurable reduction in accidents

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