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• Overall summary(challenges/gaining point):

HUSM 1. Medical Dept supported the use of Arixtra depending on

The specialists are using Arixtra as well.
• Focus department: 2.Ortho HOD support Arixtra due to convenience
synthetic product & good result less weeping wound
• 1.Medical: Dr Mohd Azlan compared to enox
HOD 3.Haemato Consultants are supporting Arixtra however require
more work especially desimanating the VTE thromboprophylaxis
• 2.Ortho: Prof Dr Amran HOD & treatment messages
. Arixtra 2.5mg sales contribution by department (by
• 3.Haemato: Dr Mohd Azlan percentage):
• Arixtra 7.5mg sales contribution by department (by
Medical Department
HOD (Dr Azlan), view on Arixta 2.5mg
1.Preferably to use Arixtra for all patient needed to use anticoagulant unless contraindicated or ckd pts.
2. Synthetic & no animal derivative

Consultant/Specialist view Medical Officer View

• Total consultant/specialist: 30 • Total Medical Officer: 80
• Arixtra supporter: 70% depending on indication. • Arixtra supporter: 70%, reason
Reason: readily available, synthetic origin, ample
studies, proven & familiarity. • Neutral: 30%,reason Less clinical experience esp with
parenteral anti coagulant
• Neutral: 30%, needed more convincing with regular
presence. • clexane (enoxa) supporter: 30% for ckd pts

• clexane (enoxa): 30%, for ckd pts < CrCl20 • Xarelto (rivaroxaban) 25%, oral & compliance

• xarelto (rivaroxaban): 25%, oral & compliance

PRIORITISED SWOT: Analysis & Key Implications-
1. Established product, simple to use, effective & proven 1. Not indicated for ckd pts with CrCl <20mL/min for 2.5mg &
safety clinically. <30mL/min for 7.5mg
2. Ample clinical data's. 2. Not indicated for pregnancy
3. Synthetic & no animal derivative 3. No reversal agent or specific antidote in the event of
4. OD dose. overdose
4. Limited coverage due to many centres in Kelantan
5. Lack of mass disseminating key messages for the disease.

1. VTE remains underdiagnosed & medical 1. Competitors –clexane & Doac.. more established &
thromboprophylaxis continues to be dramatically indications & oral compliance
underused. 2. Dept budget for anticoagulant.
2. Easy transition to orals like warfarin & doac

1. More time needed to allocated to the centre especially for CME’s will help to disseminate the key messages
2. Continue to remind Drs especially those neutral on Arixtra advantages vs clexane on safety profile & to use Arixtra during
acute phase
3. Keep highlighting that VTE remains underdiagnosed & med thromboprophalaxis should be considered for high risk pts.
• Overall summary(challenges/gaining point):
1.Medical consultant support Arixtra due to familiarity
Centre and synthetic product
2.Ortho consultant is neutral, at time using for high risk pts,
• Focus department: require more convincing for
surgical thromboprophylaxis esp for arthroplasty cases
• 1.Medical • Arixtra 2.5mg sales contribution by department (by
• 2.Ortho percentage):
1.[90%] Medical
2.[10%] Ortho
• Arixtra 7.5mg sales contribution by department (by
1.[100%] Medical
Medical consultant
Medical consultant view on Arixta 2.5mg:
1.Preferably Arixtra for all patient unless contraindicated, ckd pts or those pt require short half life anticoagulant.

Consultant/Specialist view Medical Officer View

• Total consultant/specialist: 5 • Total medical officer: 6
• Arixtra supporter: 3, synthetic, simple & effective • Arixtra supporter: 6,synthetic, simple & effective
• Neutral: 2, not routinely given for medical • Neutral:
thromboprophalaxis unless high risk pts.
• Clexane, depending on pts condition whether needed to
• xarelto (rivaroxaban)5. Oral & compliance use long or short acting anticoagulant.
• clexane (enox) 5, for ckd pts
PRIORITISED SWOT:Analysis & Key Implications-
1. Established product, simple to use, effective & proven 1. Not indicated for ckd pts.
safety clinically 2. Not indicated for pregnancy
2. Ample clinical data’s. 3. No specific antidote or reversal especially when overdose
3. Synthetic & no animal derivative 4. Limited coverage as spending only 2 days in a month
4. OD dose
1. VTE remains underdiagnosed & medical 1. Competitors- clexane & doac
thromboprophylaxis continues to be dramatically
2. Easy transition to orals like warfarin & doac
1. More time needed to allocated to the centre especially for CME’s will help to disseminate the key messages
2. Continue to remind Drs especially the neutral on Arixtra advantages vs clexane on safety profile & to use Arixtra during
acute phase
3. Keep highlighting that VTE remains underdiagnosed & med thromboprophalaxis should be considered for high risk pts.

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