Better Sacrifice: 1 Samuel 15:22 (KJV) and Samuel Said, Hath The

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Better Sacrifice

1 Samuel 15:22 (KJV) And Samuel said, Hath the

LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and
sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD?
Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to
hearken than the fat of rams.
23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and
stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou
hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also
rejected thee from being king.
“Behold, to obey is better
than sacrifice, and to
hearken than the fat of
Better Than Sacrifice
1 Samuel 15:22,23
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice
Genesis 4:3 (KJV) And in
process of time it came to
pass, that Cain brought of the
fruit of the ground an offering
unto the LORD.
4 And Abel, he also brought of
the firstlings of his flock and of
the fat thereof. And the LORD
had respect unto Abel and to
his offering:
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice
Leviticus 4:20 (KJV) And he
shall do with the bullock as he
did with the bullock for a sin
offering, so shall he do with
this: and the priest shall make
an atonement for them, and
it shall be forgiven them.
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice
a. An Offering for Sin
Leviticus 4:20 (KJV) And he
shall do with the bullock as he
did with the bullock for a sin
offering, so shall he do with
this: and the priest shall make
an atonement for them, and
it shall be forgiven them.
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice
a. An Offering for Sin
b. An Offering of
Leviticus 7:13 (KJV) Besides
the cakes, he shall offer for his
offering leavened bread with
the sacrifice of thanksgiving
of his peace offerings.
Tithes and Offerings

▪ Malachi 3:8 (KJV) Will a man rob God? Yet ye have

robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed
thee? In tithes and offerings.
9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me,
even this whole nation.
10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there
may be meat in mine house, and prove me now
herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you
the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing,
that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
▪ Leviticus 27:30 (KJV) And all the
tithe of the land, whether of the
seed of the land, or of the fruit of
the tree, is the LORD'S: it is holy
unto the LORD.
31 And if a man will at all redeem
ought of his tithes, he shall add
thereto the fifth part thereof.
32 And concerning the tithe of the
herd, or of the flock, even of
whatsoever passeth under the rod,
the tenth shall be holy unto the
Tithes and Offerings

1. A tithe for the Levites

Numbers 18:21 (KJV) And, behold, I have given the
children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an
inheritance, for their service which they serve, even
the service of the tabernacle of the congregation.

1. A tithe ▪ For the Levites

2. A tithe of the tithe ▪ For the priests
▪ Numbers 18:25 (KJV) And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
26 Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them, When ye
take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you
from them for your inheritance, then ye shall offer up an heave
offering of it for the LORD, even a tenth part of the tithe.
27 And this your heave offering shall be reckoned unto you, as
though it were the corn of the threshingfloor, and as the fulness
of the winepress.
28 Thus ye also shall offer an heave offering unto the LORD of all
your tithes, which ye receive of the children of Israel; and ye shall
give thereof the LORD'S heave offering to Aaron the priest.
▪ Numbers 18:29 (KJV) Out of all your gifts ye shall offer every
heave offering of the LORD, of all the best thereof, even the
hallowed part thereof out of it.
30 Therefore thou shalt say unto them, When ye have heaved the
best thereof from it, then it shall be counted unto the Levites as
the increase of the threshingfloor, and as the increase of the
31 And ye shall eat it in every place, ye and your households: for
it is your reward for your service in the tabernacle of the

1. A tithe ▪ For the Levites

2. A tithe of the tithe ▪ For the priests
3. A second tithe ▪ For the annual, sacred,
festival meal at
▪ Deuteronomy 12:15 (KJV) Notwithstanding thou mayest kill and
eat flesh in all thy gates, whatsoever thy soul lusteth after,
according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given
thee: the unclean and the clean may eat thereof, as of the roebuck,
and as of the hart.
16 Only ye shall not eat the blood; ye shall pour it upon the earth as
17 Thou mayest not eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corn, or of
thy wine, or of thy oil, or the firstlings of thy herds or of thy flock,
nor any of thy vows which thou vowest, nor thy freewill offerings,
or heave offering of thine hand:
18 But thou must eat them before the LORD thy God in the place
which the LORD thy God shall choose, thou, and thy son, and thy
daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite
that is within thy gates: and thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy
God in all that thou puttest thine hands unto.

1. A tithe ▪ For the Levites

2. A tithe of the tithe ▪ For the priests
3. A second tithe ▪ For the annual, sacred,
festival meal at
4. A “third” tithe (every ▪ For the Levites,
third year) strangers, fatherless,
and widows
▪ Deuteronomy 14:22 (KJV) Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase
of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.
23 And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place
which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy
corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds
and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy
God always.
24 And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able
to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD
thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy
God hath blessed thee:
▪ Deuteronomy 14:25 (KJV) Then shalt thou turn it into money,
and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place
which the LORD thy God shall choose:
26 And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul
lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong
drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat
there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and
thine household,
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice
2. A Better Sacrifice
Hebrews 11:4 (KJV) By faith
Abel offered unto God a
more excellent sacrifice than
Cain, by which he obtained
witness that he was
righteous, God testifying of
his gifts: and by it he being
dead yet speaketh.
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice
2. A Better Sacrifice
Ephesians 5:2 (KJV) And
walk in love, as Christ also
hath loved us, and hath
given himself for us an
offering and a sacrifice to
God for a sweetsmelling
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice
2. A Better Sacrifice
Hebrews 10:11 (KJV) And every
priest standeth daily
ministering and offering
oftentimes the same sacrifices,
which can never take away sins:
12 But this man, after he had
offered one sacrifice for sins for
ever, sat down on the right
hand of God;
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice
2. A Better Sacrifice
Hebrews 10:14 (KJV) For by one
offering he hath perfected for ever
them that are sanctified.

Hebrews 10:17 (KJV) And their

sins and iniquities will I remember
no more.
18 Now where remission of these
is, there is no more offering for sin.
Better “Sacrifice”

▪ 2 Corinthians 8:7 (KJV) Therefore, as ye abound in

every thing, in faith, and utterance, and knowledge,
and in all diligence, and in your love to us, see that ye
abound in this grace also.
8 I speak not by commandment, but by occasion of the
forwardness of others, and to prove the sincerity of
your love.
9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that,
though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor,
that ye through his poverty might be rich.
Three Main Reasons for Grace Purpose

▪ Giving To Sustain the SERVICES

▪ Giving To Sustain the SAINTS
▪ Giving To Sustain the SERVANTS
The Grace of Giving
(Outline from the World Beyond Our Walls by Dean Wiebracht)

Give _________________(2 Cor. 8:2; 9:6-13)
Give ________________ (2 Cor. 8:12; 9:7)
Give ________________ (2 Cor 8:2; 9:7)
Give ________________ (2 Cor. 8:3-4)
Give ________________ (2 Cor. 8:2-3)
Give according to what you _____________ (2 Cor. 8:3, 11-
12) (1 Cor. 16:2; Acts 11:29)
Give according to what ______________has
(2 Cor. 8:1-3; 9:8-11)
GRACE – God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense
GRACE – God’s Riches As Christ ___________
We are to first give ______________________
to God (2 Cor. 8:5)
Better “Sacrifice”

▪ Hebrews 13:15 (KJV) By him therefore let us offer

the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the
fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
Better “Sacrifice”

▪ 2 Corinthians 8:1 (KJV) Moreover, brethren, we do you to wit

of the grace of God bestowed on the churches of Macedonia;
2 How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their
joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their
3 For to their power, I bear record, yea, and beyond their
power they were willing of themselves;
4 Praying us with much intreaty that we would receive the
gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the
5 And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own
selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God.
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice ▪ Philippians 2:5 (KJV) Let

this mind be in you, which
2. A Better Sacrifice was also in Christ Jesus:
6 Who, being in the form of
3. Better Than Sacrifice God, thought it not robbery
to be equal with God:
7 But made himself of no
reputation, and took upon
him the form of a servant,
and was made
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice ▪ Philippians 2:8 (KJV)

And being found in
2. A Better Sacrifice fashion as a man, he
3. Better Than Sacrifice humbled himself, and
became obedient unto
death, even the death
of the cross.
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice ▪ Philippians 2:9 (KJV) Wherefore

God also hath highly exalted
2. A Better Sacrifice him, and given him a name
which is above every name:
3. Better Than Sacrifice 10 That at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow, of things
in heaven, and things in earth,
and things under the earth;
11 And that every tongue should
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice ▪ Ephesians 5:2 (KJV)

And walk in love, as
2. A Better Sacrifice Christ also hath loved
3. Better Than Sacrifice us, and hath given
himself for us an
offering and a sacrifice
to God for a
sweetsmelling savour.
Better Sacrifice

1. A Sacrifice ▪ Romans 12:1 (KJV) I beseech

you therefore, brethren, by the
2. A Better Sacrifice mercies of God, that ye present
your bodies a living sacrifice,
3. Better Than Sacrifice holy, acceptable unto God,
which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this
world: but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind, that
ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect, will
of God.
“To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice”

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