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Forces on


Forces on Structural Members

Vertical support bends

Weight of computer
inwards because of weight
Monitor weighs unit compresses the
of computer. Side 'd' is
down and stretches support beneath the
stretched whilst side 'c' is
support shelf
Tension: Two pulling (opposing) forces that stretch an object trying to pull it apart
Compression: Two pushing (opposing) forces that squeeze an object trying to compress it
Shear Force
Shear: Two pushing or pulling adjacent forces, acting close together but not directly opposing
each other. A shearing load cuts or rips an object by sliding its molecules apart sideways.

Bending: When a moment or "turning force" is

applied to a structural member that is fixed on
both ends, such as a pole beam, making it
deflect or bend. A moment that causes
bending is called a bending moment. Bending
produces tension and compression inside a
beam or a pole, causing it to "smile." The
molecules on the top of the smile get squeezed
together, while the molecules on the bottom of
the smile get stretched out. A beam or pole in
bending will fail in tension.
Torsion (Twisting)

Torsion (Twisting): Created when a

moment or "turning force" is applied to
a structural member (or piece of
material) making it deflect at an angle
(twist). A moment that causes twisting is
called a twisting or torsional moment.
Torsion produces shear stresses inside
the material. A beam in torsion will fail in
shear; the twisting action causes the
molecules to be slid apart sideways.

Types of loads acting on a structure are:

1. Dead loads
2. Imposed loads
3. Wind loads
4. Snow loads
5. Earthquake loads
6. Special loads
Dead Loads (DL)

The first vertical load that is considered is dead load.

Dead loads are permanent or stationary loads which are
transferred to structure throughout the life span.
Dead load is primarily due to self weight of structural
members, permanent partition walls, fixed permanent
equipment and weight of different materials.
It majorly consists of the weight of roofs, beams, walls and
column etc. which are otherwise the permanent parts of the
Imposed Loads or Live Loads (IL or
The second vertical load that is considered in design of a structure
is imposed loads or live loads.
Live loads are either movable or moving loads with out any
acceleration or impact.
These loads are assumed to be produced by the intended use or
occupancy of the building including weights of movable partitions
or furniture etc..
Live loads keeps on changing from time to time.
These loads are to be suitably assumed by the designer.
It is one of the major load in the design.
The minimum values of live loads to be assumed are given
in codes.
Wind Loads

Wind load is primarily horizontal load caused by the

movement of air relative to earth.
Wind load is required to be considered in structural
design especially when the heath of the building
exceeds two times the dimensions transverse to the
exposed wind surface.
Snow Loads (SL)
Snow loads constitute to the vertical loads in the building.
But these types of loads are considered only in the snow fall places.
Earthquake Loads (EL)

Earthquake forces constitute to both vertical and

horizontal forces on the building.
The total vibration caused by earthquake may be
resolved into three mutually perpendicular directions,
usually taken as vertical and two horizontal directions.
The movement in vertical direction do not cause forces
in superstructure to any significant extent.
But the horizontal movement of the building at the time
of earthquake is to be considered while designing.
Other Loads and Effects acting on
In addition to above load discussed, account shall be taken of the following forces and effects if they are
liable to affect materially the safety and serviceability of the structure:
(A) foundation movement
(B) elastic axial shortening
(C) soil and fluid pressure
(D) vibration
(E) fatigue
(F) impact
(g) erection loads and
(H) stress concentration effect due to point load and the like.
Types of Load

There are three types of load. These are;

1. Point load that is also called as concentrated load.

2. Distributed load
3. Coupled load
Point Load

•Point load is that load which acts over a small distance.

•Because of concentration over small distance this load can may be considered as acting on a point.

•Point load is denoted by P and symbol of point load is arrow heading downward
Distributed Load

Distributed load is that acts over a considerable length or you can say “over a length which
is measurable. Distributed load is measured as per unit length.

If a 10k/ft load is acting on a beam having length 10′. Then it can be read as “ten kips of load
is acting per foot”. If it is 10′ then total point load acting is 100Kips over the length.


Distributed load is further divided into two types.
Uniformly Distributed load (UDL)
Uniformly Varying load (Non-uniformly distributed load).
Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL)

Uniformly distributed load is that whose magnitude remains uniform throughout the length.
For Example: If 10k/ft load is acting on a beam whose length is 15ft. Then 10k/ft is acting
throughout the length of 15ft.
Uniformly distributed load is usually represented by W and is pronounced as intensity of udl over
the beam, slab etc.
Uniform Distributed Load to Point

Conversion of uniform distributed load to point load is very simple.

By simply multiplyingthe intensity of udl with its loading length. 
The answer will be the point load which can also be pronounced as Equivalent concentrated
load (E.C.L). 
Concentric because converted load will acts at the centre of span length.
Mathematically, it can be write as;
Equivalent Concentrated load = udl intensity(W) x Loading length
Uniformly Varying Load
(Non – Uniformly Distributed Load)
It is that load whose magnitude varies along the loading length
with a constant rate.

Uniformly varying load is further divided into two types;

1. Triangular Load
2. Trapezoidal Load
Triangular Load

Triangular load is that whose magnitude is zero at one

end of span and increases constantly till the 2nd end of
the span.
Trapezoidal Load

Trapezoidal load is that which is acting on the span length in the

form of trapezoid.
Trapezoid is generally form with the combination of uniformly
distributed load (UDL) and triangular load. 
Coupled Load

Coupled load is that in which two equal and opposite forces acts on the same span.
The lines of action of both the forces are parallel to each other but opposite in directions.
This type of loading creates a couple load.
Coupled load triy to rotate the span in case one load is slightly more than the 2nd load.
If force on one end of beam acts upward then same force will acts downwards on
the opposite end of beam.

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