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 根据台湾衛生署调查 , 过重和肥胖的人口已达 39%

 根据台湾国内市场调查发现
 65% 的民众不满意目前的体重 , 半数民众想减肥
 女性希望减轻体重者更高达 58%, 年纪愈轻 , 想减肥的比例也
愈高 .
 Australia
 2/3 of man and 1/2 of woman are obese
 Coffin wide need to be extended
from 45.7 cm to 50.8cm
 Toilet increase weight tolerance standard
standard from 45kg to 150kg
 The 2006 MySoN (Malaysian Shape of the Nation)
survey shows that:
 48%of men and 62% of women are fat
 Malaysian Indians are the fattest at 63.4%, followed by
Malays 53.5%, Chinese 50.8% and others 45.2%
 During the last 10 years, the number of fat people has
more than doubled, resulting in more Malaysians
falling ill with diseases ie hypertension and diabetes
 Malaysia has the most number of fat people in the
Asean region
Obesity links to serious medical conditions
Myths on fat loss & weight loss
 减重不等于减肥 weight loss ≠ fat loss
 体重 , 体脂 , 腰围 , 臂围 , 臀围 , 都要量 Measure:
Weight, Fat %, waist circumference, upper arm, hip
 降低热量摄取而忽略均衡营养 Reduce the total
calories intake leads to imbalanced nutrition

均衡營養更要量 !
 均衡營養更

Make sure you have balanced nutrition & measured!

减肥大作战 Fighting Obesity
 饮食控制法: Controlling diet
 减肥茶 Slimming tea
 减肥代餐 Meal replacement
 吃肉减肥法 High protein diet plan
 吃糖减肥法 Diet candy
 运动疗法: Exercise
 药物疗法: Medication
 第一代 First Generation: Amphetamine
 第二代 Second Generation: Adifax
 第三代 Third Generation: Reductil; Xenical
 利尿劑 Diuretics; 甲狀腺刺激素 Thyroid Hormone
减肥大作战 Fighting Obesity
 手术疗法 Surgery
 针灸减肥法 Acupuncture
 灌肠 ( 大肠水疗 ) 法 Colon Detox
 减肥眼镜 Slimming Spectacles

 减肥香精 Slimming Essential oil 减肥 spa

 减肥音乐 Slimming music
为什么要减肥 ?
Why weight loss?
The Right Approach
 適當的飲食及營養 - The Right Nutrition
 综合营养补充品 - Right Supplement
 配合适度运动 - Right Exercise
 定期监控 - Right tool to monitor
My recommendation
 TRA 曲线计划
TRA Complex 消脂纤体素

 Control Craving 控制甜食油脂摄取

 Control Stress 调适并稳定情绪
 Control Storage 减少囤积
 Calcium 促进新陈代谢 , 补足钙质
Duolean 纤度丽 ( 小肚丸 )
物仙  油脂排泄量增加
Cactus extract

人  减少三酸甘油脂的吸收

萃  每份提供 3 公克不溶性纤维
取  临床实验证实

物 延缓淀粉被消化
Wheat Extract

麦  延长饱足感
萃  延缓人体消耗更多食物
取  稳定血糖值
Diene-O-Lean 纤黛丽 ( 小 S 丸 )
 共轭亚麻油酸 (CLA)- 促进肌肉细胞产生热
能、加速脂肪燃烧。 CLA - Enhance fat loss and
increase muscle mass

 辣椒素 - 促使血管扩张、促进新陈代谢,加
速热能消耗。 Capsaicin – improve circulation, increase
metabolism and increase energy
※ 需与小肚丸隔餐使用,
TrimShake 纤沛营养奶昔
特色 Features–
 提供蛋白质和促进新陈代谢的均衡營養配方 Balanced
meal replacement that provide protein and increase metabolism
 足够的可溶性纤维 , 增加饱足感 , 促进排便顺畅
Contains soluble fibers that increase satiety and improve bowel
TRA 曲线计划
 产品通过医药级 6S® 质量措施
Passed Pharmanex 6S process
 产品通过 HSA 检验
Passed Singapore Health Authority slimming agents’ test
 纤黛丽食物胶囊荣获台湾国家生技医疗品质奖 !
Diene-O-Lean won Taiwan National Bio-tech Medical Award
 TRA 荣获美国专利 7476406
TRA was granted US patent - no. 7476406
 Scanner 隨時監控營養狀態
Monitor nutrition status all the time with
50 岁
减去 22 公斤
脂肪占 92%

Before TRA After TRA

李玉嬉 TRA 减重前后血液检验报告
43 岁
12.7 公斤
14.8 公斤体脂肪 !
减去 28.1 公斤
脂肪减 18.3 公斤

Before TRA After TRA

Before TRA After TRA

减去 21.4 公斤
脂肪减 18.4 公斤

Before TRA After TRA

林世钧 TRA 减重前后血液检验报告
减去 31.6 公斤
脂肪减 31.7 公斤

Before TRA After TRA

42 岁

减去 16.2 公斤
脂肪减 10.8 公斤

Before TRA After TRA

王燕玲 TRA 减重前后血液检验报告
42 岁

减去 21.5 公斤
脂肪减 14.9 公斤

Before TRA After TRA

叶人寛 TRA 减重前后血液检验报告
2007-09-15 2008-05-10
48 岁

减去 26.5 公斤
脂肪减 17.7 公斤

Before TRA After TRA

洪秀猜 TRA 后血液检验报告

胆固醇 172
肝指数 GOT 25, GPT 16

血液 , 尿液 , 肝 , 肾全部都正常啦

2008 年 3 月 24 日
减去 6.6 公斤
脂肪减 6.4 公斤

Before TRA After TRA


减去 19.4 公斤
脂肪减 13.5 公斤

Before TRA After TRA


减去 8.0 公斤
脂肪减 6.2 公斤

Before TRA After TRA

20080123 20080531

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