Tag Questions: by Elisa Barrios

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Tag Questions

By Elisa Barrios
Tag question
• It is a special construction in
• It is a statement followed by a
• We use tag questions to ask for
• They mean something like: "Is
that right?" or "Do you agree?"
They are very common in English.

The basic structure of a tag question is:

• Use the same verb tense or
modal in the tag question as in
the main statement
She's Italian, isn't
They live in London, don't they?

It was cold yesterday, wasn't it?

He went to the party last night, didn't he?

They've been to Japan, haven't they?

Use aren’t I for negative tag
questions after I am
I’m wrong, aren’t I?
I’m on time, aren’t I?

NOTE: Use PRONOUNS, not names or other nouns in

tag questions
Thank you
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