The Finite Element Method

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Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD.

TRUONG Tich Thien

Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

The Finite Element Method


HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Linear Structural Analyse

-        Truss Structure
-        Beam
-        Shell
-        3-D Solid

Material nonlinear
-        Plasticity (Structure with stresses above yield stress)
-        Hyperelasticity (ν = 0.5, i.e. Rubber)
-        Creep, Swelling
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Geometric nonlinear
-       Large Deflection
-       Stress Stiffening

-       Natural Frequency
-       Forced Vibration
-       Random Vibration

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

-       Buckling

Field Analysis
-       Heat Transfer
-       Magnetics
-       Fluid Flow
-       Acoustics

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Evolution of the Finite Element Method


Approximation of a continuum Problem through a Framework
Relaxation Methods in theoretical Physics
Energy Theorems and Structural Analysis (general Structural
Analysis for Aircraft structures)
1960    CLOUGH
FEM in Plane Stress Analysis

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

FE = Finite Element
i, j, k = Nodal points (Nodes)
of an Element

-       Dividing a solid in Finite Elements

-       Compatibility between the Elements through a displacement
-       Equilibrium condition through the principal of virtual work

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

The stiffness relation:

[K] {d} = {F}

or Kd =F

K = Total stiffness matrix

d = Matrix of nodal displacements
F = Matrix of nodal forces

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics


dT = [u1 v1 w1 . . . un vn wn]

FT = [Fx1 F y1 . . . F xn F yn F zn]

K is a n x n matrix
K is a sparse matrix and symmetric

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics


Solving the stiffness relation by:

-       CHOLESKY – Method

-       WAVE – FRONT – Method

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Spring Element
F1 F2
1 2
F1 = k (u1 – u2)
F2 = k (u2 – u1)
u1 u2

1, 2 = Nodes
F1, F2 = Nodal forces
k = Spring rate
u1, u2 = Nodal displacements
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

 k  k   u1   F1 
 k k  u   F 
       2   2 
k d F

Element stiffness matrix

 k  k
k 
 k k 
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Spring System
k1 k2
1 2 3
F1 F2 F3
u1 u2 u3

Element stiffness matrices

 k1  k1   k2  k2 
k1   k2  
 k1 k1 
 k 2 k 2 

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

the stiffness relation by using superposition

 k1  k1 0   u1   F1 
 k k  k  k  u   F 
 1 1 2 2  2   2
 0 k k  u  F 
     2   2   3   3 
K d F

Total stiffness matrix

 k1  k1 0 
K   k1 k1  k 2  k2 
 
 0  k2 k 2 

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Truss Element
u2  = length

F2 A = cross-sectional area
u1 2 E = Young´s modulus

F1 1 x AE
Spring rate of a truss element k 

 c2 cs  c 2  cs 
 2 2 Element stiffness matrix
AE  cs s  cs  s 
   c  cs c
2 2
cs  c = cosα
k  2 2  s = sinα
  cs  s cs s 
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

y Fy3
Element : Element :
Node 1  1 Node 1  2
  Node 2  3 Node 2  3
1 = 450 2 = 1350
1 x
1 0 0 0 0 0  u1   0 
 
 1 0 0 0 0  v1   0 
AE 0 0 1 0 0 0 u2   0 
Stiffness relation      
2  0 0 0 1 0 0   v2   0 
0 0 0 1 2 0 u3   Fx 3 
    
0 0 0 0 0 2  v3   Fy 3 

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Beam Element
y 1 2 2
M1 EJ M2 v1 v2
x x
1 2
Q1 Q2

Forces Displacements

A = Cross – sectional area E = Young’s modulus

I = Moment of inertia  = Length
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

the stiffness relation

 EA EA 
  0 0  0 0 

 12EI 6EI 12EI 6EI  u
 Q x1   0 3 2
0  3 2
 1 
Q        v 
 y1   6EI 4EI 6EI 2EI   1 
 M1   0 0 
2  2    1 
    EA EA  u 
Q x 2    0 0 0 0  2 
Q y 2     v 
   0 12EI 6EI 12EI 6EI   2 
  2    3  2 0  2  2 
   3
 
F  6EI 2EI 6EI 4EI  d
 0 2
0  2 
                    
   

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Example for practical FEM application

Engineering system Possible finite element model

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Plane stress Triangular Element

y v3
2 u2
1 u1

Equilibrium condition: Principal of virtual work

Compatibility condition: linear displacement function

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

General displacements (Displacement function)

u(x,y) = α1 + α2x + α2y
v(x,y) = α4 + α5x + α6y

Nodal displacements
u1= α1 + α2x1+ α3y1
v1= α4 + α5x1+ α6y1

similar for node 2 and node 3.

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

u = Nd General displacements to nodal


ε = Bd Strains to nodal displacements

σ = Dε Stresses to strains

σ = DBd Stresses to nodal displacements

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Other displacement functions

6 5 Triangular element with 6 nodes

1 4

quadratic displacement function

u(x,y) = α1 + α2x + α3y+ α4x2 + α5y2+α6xy

v(x,y) = α7 + α8x + α9y+ α10x2 + α11y2+α12xy
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

8 Triangular element with 10
1 4

cubic displacement function

-       stress field can be better approximated

-       more computing time
-       less numerical accuracy
-       geometry cannot be good approximated
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Principal of Virtual Work

δU + δW = 0
δU = virtual work done by the applied force
δW = stored strain energy

W   f mT u dV   p T u dA
V As

δU   δU dV   σ T δε dV

σ = stress matrix p = force matrix

ε = strain matrix u = displacement matrix
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Element stiffness matrix

k   B T DB dV

 
1  0
E  
D 2
 1 0  D = Elasticity matrix
1   1 
 0 0 
2 

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

b1 0 b 2 0 b 3 0 
1 
B 0 c1 0 c 2 0 c 3 
2A   
 c1 b1 c 2 b 2 c 3 b 3 

b1 = y2 – y3 c 1 = x3 – x2
b2 = y3 – y1 c 2 = x1 – x3 AΔ = Area of element
b3 = y1 – y2 c 3 = x2 – x1
linear displacement function yields :
-       linear displacement field
-       constant strain field
-       constant stress field
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

m0 k1 m1 k2 m2

Equation of motion
c1 c2
u0 u1 u2
F0 F1 F2

m 0 0 0  u 0   c1  c1 0   u 0   k1  k1 0   u 0   F0 
0 m1 0   u 1    c1 c1  c 2  c 2   u 1    k1 k1  k 2  k 2   u1    F1 
          
 0 0 m 2  u 2   0  c2 c 2  u 2   0  k2 k 2  u 2  F2 
                           
M 
d C d K d F
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

or   Cd  Kd  F

M = Mass matrix
C = Damping matrix
K = Stiffness matrix
d = Nodal displacement matrix
d = Nodal velocity matrix
d = Nodal acceleration matrix

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

for a continuum


HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

the element matrices

M e    N T N dV
ρ = Mass density
ke   BT D B dV μ = Viscosity matrix

Ce   N T  N dV

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

General Equation of Motion

  Cd  Kd  F t 
Types of dynamic solution
o    Modal analysis
o    Harmonic response analysis
- Full harmonic
- Reduced harmonic
o    Transient dynamic analysis
- Linear dynamic
- Nonlinear dynamic
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Modal Analysis

Purpose: To determine the natural frequencies and mode

shapes for the structure

Assumptions: Linear structure (M, K, = constant)

No Damping (c = 0 )
Free Vibrations (F = 0)

  Kd  0

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

for harmonic motion: d = d0 cos (ωt)

(-ω2M + K) d0 = 0

Eigenvalue extraction procedures

Transformation methods Iteration methods


HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Harmonic Response Analysis

Purpose: To determine the response of a linear system

Assumptions: Linear Structure (M, C, K = constant)

Harmonic forcing function at known

  Cd  Kd  F0 ei  t

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Forcing funktion F = F0e-iωt

Response will be harmonic at input frequency d = d0 e-iωt

(-ω2M – iωC + K) d = F0

Kd 0  F0

is a complex matrix
d will be complex (amplitude and phase angle)
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Limiting cases:

ω=0: K d = F0 Static solution

C=0: (-ω2M + K) d = F0 Response in phase

C = 0, ω = ωn : (-ωn2M + K) d = F0 infinite amplitudes

C = 0, ω = ωn : (-ωn2M - iωnC + K) d = F0 finite amplitudes,

large phase shifts

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Transient Dynamic Analysis

  Cd  Kd  F t 

F(t) = arbitrary time history forcing function

periodic forcing function

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

impulsive forcing function

Earthquake in El Centro,

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Two major types of integration:

-  Modal superposition
-  Direct numerical integration

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

0ne-dimensional heat flow principle

1, A1 2, A2 
,  = conductivity elements
1 2
    , A  = convection element
1 2

T0 T1 T2
0, 1, 2 = temperature elements
Q0 Q1 Q2

A = Cross-sectional area  = Length

λ = Conductivity Aα = Convection surface
T = Temperature Q = Heat flow
C = Specific heat α = Coefficient of
thermal expansion
HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Heath flow through a conduction element: Q  T2  T1 

Heat stored in a temperature element: Q  c p VT  CT

cp = specific heat capacity
C = specific heat

Heat transition for a convection element: Q = A(T – T2)

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

Heat balance
 1A1 1A1 
   0 
C 0 0 0  T0  
 1 1  T0   Q0 
  0 C    A  A  A  A
0   T 1    1 1 1 1
 2 2  2 2   T1    Q1 
 1   1 1 2 2    

 0 0 C 2  T2  
   T2  Q 2  A  T 
 2A 2  2A 2
        0   A         
C T   2 2  T Q
               

or   KT  Q

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

Faculty of Applied Sciences PhD. TRUONG Tich Thien
Hochiminh City University of Technology Department of Engineering Mechnics

  KT  Q

C = specific heat matrix

K = conductivity matrix
Q = heat flow matrix
T = temperature matrix
T = time derivation of T

For the stationary state with T = 0

KT = Q

HCMUT 2004

The Finite Element Method

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