Digital Citizenship: - Digital Life - Sharing On The Internet

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Digital Citizenship

• Digital life
• Sharing on the Internet
• Copyrights and Wrongs
Digital Life

What is the place of digital media in

our lives?
• What is digital citizenship?
• What is digital media?
• What is simile?
Digital Citizenship….
• navigating the digital world safely, responsibly,
and ethically
Digital Media….
• electronic devices and media platforms such
as computers, cell phones, video, the Internet,
and video games that allow users to create,
communicate, and interact with one another
or with the device or application itself.
• a figure of speech in which a comparison is
made between two different things using the
word like or as

How big a role do digital media (Internet,

texting, video games) play in your life (a little,
some, a lot)?

What are your favorite and least favorite things

to do with digital media?

Do you connect with others or create things

with digital media?

What are the positive and not-so-positive

aspects of having digital media in your life?
My Media Life Similes
Complete the following sentences:
• My media life is like a
____________________, because

• My media life is as
______________________as a
________________, because
Or you may say….
• My media life is like a window onto the world,
because it allows me to see all kinds of new
things and imagine other possibilities.
• My media life is like a party where I meet a lot
of different people, because it feels loud, out
of control, and yet fun.
• My media life is as tempting as junk food,
because I don’t always know when to say no.
Life in a Connected Culture
Perspective on Social Media
Perspective on Social Media
• One of the girls says her parents know she’s
on her computer, but they don’t really know
what she’s doing online most of the time. Is
this true for you? Why, or why not?

• If you were a parent, how would you make

sure your kids were staying safe and behaving
responsibly with technology?
Perspective on Social Media
• Another girl in the video talks about texting
and says she probably texts more than 400
times per day. What would be different about
your life if there were no such thing as

• For you, what is the difference between

“sharing” and “oversharing” online?
Perspective on Social Media
• What do you think of the idea that “online
people are completely different people”? Do
you care about staying true to yourself online?

• In 10 years from now, what kinds of posts will

you regret most? Why?
Perspective on Social Media
• What is your favorite thing to do online?

• What’s your least favorite thing about the

Perspective on Social Media
• One teen in the video says that sometimes she
can be the cyberbully, but sometimes other
people can be the cyberbully. How are
cyberbullies similar to or different from bullies

• Danielle says rumors are worse online because

they’re so much easier to spread. What does
she mean? Do you agree?
Perspective on Social Media
• What are some of the upsides and downsides
of digital life, according to the teens in the

• What do you think the upsides and downsides

are in your own life?
Perspective on Social Media
Perspective on Social Media
• What are some of the upsides and downsides
of digital media for relationships?
Perspective on Social Media
Perspective on Social Media
• What are some of the benefits of digital media
for our country as a whole?
• What are some of the problems it might
Perspective on Social Media
Oops! I broadcast it on the
What are the consequences of
oversharing online?

• What do you mean by consequence?


• the effect of something that happened earlier


• How do you share information for fun with

others online?
Examine the Risks of Oversharing

• “Brittney’s Story – Posting Something You

Points to Ponder!

• Sharing information with others online can be

fun and rewarding. People showcase their
work and ask others for feedback online.
Points to Ponder!
• But sharing online can sometimes go too far.
For example, sharing information such as
one’s address can put one’s safety at risk, as
well as sharing information that can come
back to embarrass. Given the public nature of
the Internet, the impact of information online
is usually greater than offline.
Points to Ponder!
• The consequences of oversharing (i.e.,
inappropriate sharing) can range from being
just a little embarrassing to being really
devastating to one’s reputation. Students can
be denied entrance to college, lose jobs, or
have their reputations tarnished.
Points to Ponder!
• It is important to think before posting
information online and to put only
information there that you are proud of.
Ultimately, one wants to be able to shape his
or her digital footprint as much as possible.
Points to Ponder!
• It is important to think before posting
information online and to put only
information there that you are proud of.
Ultimately, one wants to be able to shape his
or her digital footprint as much as possible.
• What are some examples of people sharing in
a rewarding way?
• What things can you do to minimize
oversharing in your own life?
• How can you create a positive digital
Copyrights and Wrongs

How can I make responsible choices

when I use other people’s creative
• Fair use
• Commercial Purposes
• Copyright
• Creative Commons
• Public Domain
• What do you think we mean when we talk
about someone’s creative work?
• Have you ever used creative work you found
online – for example, a photo or a poem – for
personal use?
• When you use creative work you find online,
what considerations do you make about who
made it, if any?
Respect Creative Work
• Copyrights and Fair Use Animation
Respect Creative Work
• What are the ways you can be respectful of
people’s creative work?
Respect Creative Work
• What are the ways you can be respectful of
people’s creative work?
– • Check who owns it
– • Get permission to use it
– • Give credit to the creator
– • Buy it (if necessary)
– • Use it responsibly
Respect Creative Work
• How do you think you would you feel if
someone used your creative work? Would it
make a difference whether they did the
– • Asked your permission to use it?
– • Gave you credit as the creator?
– • Changed the picture or added a caption without
asking you?
Respect Creative Work
• What do you think it means to use someone
else’s creative work responsibly? Does it
matter how and where you use it?
Fair use…
• the ability to use a small amount of someone’s
creative work without permission, but only in
certain ways
Commercial Purposes…
• a use in connection with a business, usually
for profit
Respect Creative Work
• What are some ways you might use creative
work that would constitute fair use? Which
ways wouldn’t be covered under fair use?
• a law that protects a creator’s ownership of
and control over the work he or she creates,
requiring other people to get the creator’s
permission before they copy, share, or
perform that work
Creative Commons…
• a kind of copyright that makes it easy for
people to copy, share, and build on someone’s
creative work – as long as they give the
creator credit for it
Public Domain…
• creative work that’s not protected by
copyright and is therefore free for one to use
however one wants
Sample scenarios…
• Imagine you took a photo of your dog and
posted it online. Because you are the creator,
you own the copyright to this image. This
means you have control over how other
people use your photo. Copyright law is pretty
strict, meaning that people will have to get
your permission before they can copy, print,
or use your work for any reason.
Sample scenarios…
• However, if you use a Creative Commons
license, you give people more freedom to
copy and share your photo. Some Creative
Commons licenses even say it is all right to
make money off of the photo, while others say
it cannot be used for commercial purposes.
People choose Creative Commons licenses
because the licenses offer more opportunities
for other people to use and share their work.
Sample scenarios…
• Finally, imagine that you want the photo to be
used freely by all, without people having to
request permission. You then would release the
photo into the public domain, which allows others
to use your photo however they want to because
it is no longer protected by copyright. Copyrights
don’t last forever, so works often count as “public
domain” after a certain time period. Works from
the U.S. government are also in the public domain
• If you created a picture, poem, or video and
posted it online, what do you think you would
do? Would you make people get your
permission every time they used the work, use
a Creative Commons license, or put it in the
public domain? Explain your choice.

Choose your Photo: Mad Men

Points to Ponder!
What do you need to do if you want to use
someone else’s creative work?
Points to Ponder!
What do you need to do if you want to use
someone else’s creative work?
• Check who owns it
• Get permission to use it, if necessary
• Give credit to the creator
• Buy it (if necessary)
• Use it responsibly
Points to Ponder!
What is copyright, and what does it require
people to do?
Points to Ponder!
What is copyright, and what does it require
people to do?

• Copyrighted work cannot be used legally

without the owner’s permission to use it.
Points to Ponder!
Do you think it is important to give credit and
get permission, if needed, when you use
someone else’s creative work? Why or why not?
Points to Ponder!
Do you think it is important to give credit and get permission, if needed,
when you use someone else’s creative work? Why or why not?

• You should understand that there are ethical as well as legal

considerations involved in using the work of others.

• You should realize that most people want to receive credit for their
creative work. Some might want their work seen by as many people as
possible, while others might want to limit use and receive compensation.

• However, when respecting creative work, the choice should be that of

the creators.

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