Technology Artifact Powerpoint Presentation

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Assignment #6
Taney, Rebecca
Education 214
Monday October 9, 2016
Procedure #1

Please follow instructions the first

time they are given.
Procedure #2

Please try to come prepared to

get started right away.
Procedure #3

Always Try Do Your Best - Turn in

quality work on time.
Procedure #4

Take turns - Raise your hand to

speak and don’t be afraid to ASK
Procedure #5

Be Kind & Respectful - Treat

others the way you want to be
Procedure #6

Respect the teacher, classmates,

administrators, and school
Procedure #7

Avoid being disruptive to the

teacher, your peers, or the lesson.
Procedure #8

Respect others space - Keep your

hands and feet to yourself.
Procedure #9

NO electronics or they will be

taken until the end of the period.
Procedure #10

Most Importantly...
Don’t Get Discouraged
Never Give Up!
Things To Keep In Mind
When At School

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