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Task 1
Juliana Cabrera
Neptun Code:
1- Categories of Strategic Management
Hypothesis Vs Conclusions
A marketing manager will explore together with his team
several ideas to understand the hypothesis that
consumers prefer colorful packages over white and black
colors and will look through secondary and primary
sources information to test those ideas.
Structure versus facts After several reports and field studies made by the
A fact is something that exist or has marketing team has come to a conclusion which support
occurred, external and internal facts Inductionprefer
the hypothesis ‘’consumers versus deduction
colorful packages’’.
can influence the organizations
structure and may lead to new - Theory: All low cost airlines have bad
customer service.
A fact can be that there is a decrease - Hypothesis: If passengers fly with a low
on sales for the past 6 months in the
cost airline and they need assistance they
Russian speaking countries. This will
will experience a bad customer service
lead to a change on the company - Test hypothesis: perform a survey to users
structure since they will have to
of low cost airlines to see if they received a
decrease the number of sales
bad customer service or not.
employees and staff in that region and - Analyze the results: 80% of the
concentrate their efforts in other more
respondents had a bad customer service
profitable regions to compensate the
with low cost airlines.
- Observation: I had to postponed my flight,
I called the low cost airline and received a
bad customer service.
- Pattern: Over 500 customers receive a bad
A balanced
2- Cognition – Behaviour combinations
can be
beneficial if
The manager has lot of experience

The facts shows a go, but your stomach feels like no

If the information is based on comparations

The situation is complex

PD: A Balanced manager with a cognative of intuation might be biase to choose the wrong decision by using
more the emotional hemisphere than rational and affect the companys strategy direction sınce it is made base
on a feeling and not facts.
A manager has the opportunity to participate in a
tender process of machinery in Algeria for a
governmental cement plant, where they should
pay an initial fee to get the tender documents and
invest time and money in the offer preparation.
The market and competitors analysis says that
they could win the tender and be chosen. But the
intuition tells him that he shouldn't participate
since they are new brand in the market and they
don't have relations with the government.He
decides not to participate.
A maximalist using creative cognition
can be benefit if
There is a need in the market that competition hasn't explore

If there is an emergency for an innovative solution

Any other traditional solution cannot be used

It has Horizontal management

Can have a good design process

PD: A maximalist manager can have an extremist view about a creative idea. Which in
the positive side it could be good because he could focus more on developing a
strategy but on the other side he might not take into consideration other internal/
external factors.
A maximalist shop manager is realizing that its sells are being affected by the
corona virus. He decides to implement an app where customers can ask for
product deliveries. As a result he maximize his sales results and use a creative
solution to solve the problem.
A perfectionist using rational
cognition can be benefit if

Using and checking again and again There is no hurry and no

the results of several tools of emergency to make a decision.
rationality such as: precision, logic, There is great availability of
rules, completeness, thought. sources
Information and conclusion process You are looking for a precise
can be controlled. solution, easy to be quantitative.
The aim of objective decision- There is a logical consistency
making is to maximize long-term
PD: A perfectionist manager can take time to choose the right strategy by checking over and over again the rational tools
and make sure he made the right decision. This could be beneficial if there is lot of time to make a decision. However, if a
strategy should be taken as quick as possible it might be not so good to follow this approach
A perfectionist manager can
consider all available alternatives,
identifies and evaluates all the
consequences which would follow
from the adoption of each
alternative, and selects the
alternative that would be
preferable in terms of the most
valued ends for his company.

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