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Introduction and Basic Concepts

Energy Interactions in the


Er.Rajan Vinayak 1

• Composition of the atmosphere

• Interactions of the electromagnetic radiation with the atmospheric particles

– Scattering

– Absorption

Er.Rajan Vinayak 2
Composition of the Atmosphere

• Atmosphere : Gaseous envelop that surrounds the Earth’s surface

 Much of the gases are concentrated within the lower 100km of the atmosphere

 Only 3x10-5 percent of the gases are found above 100 km

Composition of the Earth’s atmosphere

Component Percentage
Nitrogen (N2) 78.08

Oxygen (O2) 20.94

Argon 0.93
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 0.0314

Ozone (O3) 0.00000004

Er.Rajan Vinayak 3
Energy Interactions

• From the source to the sensor, the radiation passes through the atmosphere
• Path length: The distance traveled by the radiation through the atmosphere

- Varies depending on the remote sensing

techniques and sources
- Space photography using solar energy
• Path length = 2x Thickness of the earth’s
- Airborne thermal sensors using emitted energy
from the objects on the earth
• Path length = One way distance from the
earth’s surface to the sensor

Er.Rajan Vinayak 4
Energy Interactions…

• The intensity and the spectral composition of the incident radiation are altered by the
atmospheric effects
• Atmospheric interaction depends on the
- Properties of the radiation such as magnitude and wavelength
- Atmospheric conditions
- Path length

• Interaction with the atmospheric particles

- Scattering
- Absorption

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• Process by which small particles in the atmosphere diffuse a portion of the incident
radiation in all directions
• There is no energy transformation during scattering
• Spatial distribution of the energy is altered

• Types of scattering
 Rayleigh scattering

 Mie scattering

 Non-selective scattering

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-Rayleigh Scattering

• Scattering caused by the atmospheric molecules and other tiny particles

• Also known as selective scattering or molecular scattering
• Dependent on the wavelength
• Occurs when particles are much smaller than the wavelengths of the radiation
 Particle size less than (1/10)th of the wavelength

• Intensity of the scattered light is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength
 Shorter wavelengths are scattered more than longer wavelengths
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Rayleigh Scattering of the Visible Part of the EM Energy

• Scattering of the visible bands is caused mainly by the molecules of Oxygen and Nitrogen

 Blue (shorter wavelength) is scattered more

- Blue light is scattered around four times the red light
- UV light is scattered about 16 times the red light
- A "blue" sky is a manifestation of Rayleigh scatter

 Orange or red colour during sunrise and sunset

- Sun rays have to travel a longer path
- Complete scattering (and absorption) of shorter wavelength radiations
- Only the longer wavelength (orange and red) which are less scattered are visible

 Other examples
- The haze in imagery
- Bluish-grey cast in a color image when taken from high altitude

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-Mie Scattering

• Occurs when the wavelengths of the energy is almost equal to the diameter of the
atmospheric particles
– Usually caused by the aerosol particles such as dust, smoke and pollen

– Gas molecules are too small to cause Mie scattering of the radiation commonly used for remote

• Longer wavelengths also get scattered compared to Rayleigh scatter

• Intensity of the scattered light varies approximately as the inverse of the wavelength


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-Non-selective Scattering

• When the diameters of the atmospheric particles are much larger

– Diameter is greater than10 times the wavelengths being sensed

– Particles such as pollen, cloud droplets, ice crystals and raindrops can cause non-selective
scattering of the visible light.

• Non-selective scattering of visible light (of wavelength 0.4-0.7μ)

– Generally caused by water droplets (5 to 100 μm diameter)
– All visible and IR wavelengths get scattered equally
– Gives white or grey color to the clouds

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• Absorption : Process in which the incident energy is retained by particles in the

• Energy is transformed into other forms
• Unlike scattering, atmospheric absorption causes an effective loss of energy
• Absorption depends on
– Wavelength of the energy

– Atmospheric composition

– Arrangement of the gaseous molecules and their energy level

• The absorbing medium will not only absorb a portion of the total energy, but will also
reflect, refract or scatter the energy. The absorbed energy may also be transmitted
back to the atmosphere.

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• The most efficient absorbers of solar radiation are

 Water vapour, carbon dioxide, and ozone

• Gaseous components are selective absorbers of the electromagnetic radiation

 Absorb electromagnetic energy in specific wavelength bands

 Depends on the arrangement of the gaseous molecules and their energy levels

Atmospheric window
• The ranges of wavelength that are partially or wholly transmitted through the atmosphere
• Remote sensing data acquisition is limited through these atmospheric windows 

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Sensor Selection for Remote Sensing

• Criteria for sensor selection

 The spectral sensitivity of the available sensors

 The available atmospheric windows in the spectral range(s) considered.

 The source, magnitude, and spectral composition of the energy available in

the particular range.
 Energy interactions with the features under investigation in the selected

Multi Spectral Sensors sense simultaneously through multiple, narrow

wavelength ranges

Er.Rajan Vinayak 13
Thank You


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