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Prepared by: Muhammad Ahsan
Islamic Scientists

• He was a great mathematician , astronomer, historian and

• First person who used zero.
• Introduced the method of counting based on
numerals and decimal system for first time.
• Kitab-surat-al-ard was a geography book in which he
gave an idea about the shape of Earth.
• Wrote famous book named Hisab-al-jabar wal Muqabla in
which he gave solutions of quadratic and linear equations.
AL-BIRUNI (973-1048)
 Main Achievements
• He explained the problems of
advanced trigonometry.
• Gave theory that light travels faster than sound.
• He explained the concept of longitude & latitude.
• He leaned Sanskrit language in order to
investigate Indian knowledge.
 Books
• Tahqeeq Al Hind
• Kitab Al jawahar
Ibn-Al-Haitham (975-1039)
• First scientist who elaborated two
laws of reflection of light.
• Identify gravity as a force.
• Pinhole camera was constructed by him.
• He was the first person who declared light is a form
of energy.
• Discovered magnifying lenses.
• Explained the refraction of light rays through
transparent objects.
IBN-E-SINA (980-1037)
• He was the most famous Muslim
Physician, Philosopher, Astronomer, Encyclopedist
and Mathematician.
• In the ‘Kitab ash-Shifa’ ,He divided mathematics
into four main branches Geometry, Astronomy,
Arithmetic and music.
• His major contribution to medical science was his
famous book ‘Al-Qanun’ ,known as the ‘Canon of
Al-RAZI (RHAZES) (864-930)
• He was known as the ‘FATHER OF
• He was first to used animal for surgical operations.
• He was first to used opium as anesthetic during
• He was first to classify substances into vegetables,
animals and minerals.
• He became the first to draw clear comparison
between smallpox and chickenpox.
IBN Al Naafis (12 century)

• Discover pulmonary blood circulation, which was

rediscovered three centuries later.
• First to describe the constitution of lungs, bronchi,
and the coronary arteries.
• Elaborated the function of the coronary arteries as
feeding the cardiac muscle.
Al-Kindi (801-873)
• Contributed in the fields of music,
Meteorology and optics.
• Worked on geometrical optics.
• Discussed music from scientific point of view.
• His most important work was on reflection of
• He explained the cause of the Retrogression of the
Ibn Al-Baitar (12 century)
• He was the Great Spanish Muslim
Botanist and pharmacist.
• He Classified and gave names of plants kingdom over which
modern botany is based.
• He gathered herbs and new plants from Spain to Syria and
extracted medicines from them
• Kitab Al-Jami Fi Adwiya Al Mughani
• Kitab Al-Jami Fi Adwiya Al Mufzada
Al-BATANI (858-929)
• Batani was a famous Astronomer,
Mathematician and astrologer.
• He was an excellent observer of lunar and solar
• He also prepared the Islamic lunar calendar.
• He determined the length of the seasons and the
true and mean orbit of the sun.
AL-Ma’mun (Abbasid Caliph)
• AL-Ma’mun is renowned for his
patronage of learning, commissioning translations
of classical Greek texts.
• He founded the famous ‘Bayt al-Hikmah’ (House
of Wisdom) in Baghdad.
• ‘House of wisdom’ became an important center of
translation for Greek and other ancient texts into
UMMAR AL-KHAYYAM (1044-1123)
• HE was mathematician, astronomer
and philosopher.
• He was the first person who proved
• He classified algebraic equations.
• He introduced the Jalali calendar.
• Recognized 13 different forms of cubic equations
and arranged them in order of complexity.

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