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What is Present

Continuous Tense?
1. We use the present continuous
to talk about things you are
doing now.
• We are revising some tenses right
2. We use it for temporary

Julie is living in Paris for a few months
(usually she lives in London.)
4. For temporary or new habits:
• I'm drinking too much coffee these days because I'm so busy at
5. Annoying habits (usually with 'always'):
• My flatmate is always leaving the kitchen in a mess!
6. For definite future plans:
• I’m flying to London tomorrow.
What is Present Simple Tense?
• We use the present simple to talk about routines
– what you do every day or every week.

1. Things which are always true:

• Water boils at 100 degrees.

2. Permanent situations:
• Julie lives in London.
3. Habits or things we do regularly:
• I drink coffee every morning.

4. Future events which are part of a timetable:

• My plane leaves at eight tonight.

5. To talk about what happens in books, plays and films:

• At the end of the book, the detective catches the killer.
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
1. __________
Does your mum ___________(work)
work on Sundays?
is working
2. My mum________________ (work) at the moment.
3. I _______________ (drink) tea every morning.
am drinking (drink) tea.
4. I always have coffee but today I ________________
is coming
5. Who ______________ (come) to the party next Saturday?
6. My best friend never ______________ (come) to my house.
is leaving
7. Hurry up! The train _______________ (leave)!
8. The train _______________ (leave) at 8.30. We must be there at 8.
9. The sun ________________
rises (rise) from the East.
10. Look at that spectacular view! The sun _________________
is rising (rise)!

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